First Class is better...

in my opinion. Anyone else feel the same?


First Class was really good, but Days Of Future Past was way better (more epic and more emotional). Also, just my own thoughts, but the acting and script was way more polished in DOFP.

"Martyr me for Cordis Die."


Completely agree.

DOFP dragged on and on and the sets in the future sucked.


No way! The sets were great and movie was not at all dragging. And it even had best visual effects I've ever seen in a comic book movie! This is the best X-men movie!


Both are good, but DOFP is the stronger film.


I love them both, Apocalypse as well. I don't think I could choose which one I prefer.


I love X-men: DOFP most with First Class coming next in the X-MEN franchise. In fact DOFP is a better movie experience for me than The Avengers or CA: CW, though the latter two are also good movies.


First Class is the best X-Men movie

"You're not a standup guy today, Pat!"


I loved them both. They were two totally different genres of movie, so it's hard to compare, but I did prefer the XMFC script, because the dialogue and character work was fantastic. Some of the young Magneto motivation made no sense in DOFP, but it definitely had my favorite Professor X performance - both old and young! I'd give the edge to XMFC though, bc the 60's vibe, music and innocence of it was lovely. And nothing beats Magneto hunting Nazis in Argentina.


I've watched FC and remember not liking it, just finished watching this and thought it was pretty good


I'm an enthusiast for just about anything from the mid-20th century era, so I loved FC. When it was revealed that DOFP would jump ahead ten years to the dingy 1970s, I was most disappointed, and I didn't think I would like it at all. But I was pleasantly surprised when DOFP turned out to be an excellent cinematic experience, and I ended up seeing it several times in the theater.
