First Class is better...

in my opinion. Anyone else feel the same?


They're honestly about the same for me. I would probably like FC better if it weren't for Kevin Bacon. I think he was miscast, and his powers were silly too IMO.

But they're very close for me.


Gee. “Silly powers” in a fucking COMIC BOOK movie! What sacrilege!

You CANNOT “miscast Kevin Bacon.” He is 1 of the most protean actors working today.



I do prefer DOFP as opposed to FC, but I'm not going to sh!t all over FC, it's a great movie.

FC was just a little cliche at times, at least in terms of dialogue. Other than that, it is a great movie.

DOFP was more dark (IMO) and that Quicksilver scene was amazing. Can we just agree that they're both better than 'The Last Stand' and 'Origins Wolverine'?


No. We can’t. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is in my library. Note: it is the ONLY X-Men Origins movie, because nobody gives a shit about any of the other X-Men.



First Class is by far the worst X-Men movies

I believe you may be on drugs sir. X3 was by far the worst. The only thing I hated about First Class was Emma Frost, January Jones was horribly miscast.


Actually, Last Stand is worse.


I loved both movies. DOFP is a bit better.


First Class was horrible.


Days of Future Past was good, minus the terrible hunky-dory ending. Kill everyone off except maybe Wolverine, and move forward with the new story. Don't be afraid to make daring decisions with a franchise, and definitely don't be so afraid that you do it and then immediately erase it. Nothing was more disappointing than finding out Halle Berry's Storm DIDN'T actually die...


Unlike any of the previous movies, DOFP was free of any major hiccups. But the sum is greater than the parts and for me FC, Despite a few decent sized flaws, is still easily the strongest of all the movies. It completely embodied the spirit of the comics with no apologies. It's pacing and character balance was superior to DOFP. it had much better fight choreography and action sequences (barring the special effects allowable by Blink). It had the deeper emotional impact and the better climactic ending. And it did all of that with X-Men's b-team.

"what is your major malfunction numbnuts?!!"


I liked them both! ;-)

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, and E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


Agree with all this.


