MovieChat Forums > reichen4eva

reichen4eva (252)


needed more dialogue main actor had literally the same expression throughout the movie Not as good as X-Men: Animated Series and Evolution quality dropped off in season 4 Didn't realize how awesome Gambit was stopped watching after season 7 Looks better as a red head America's next transgender model Mulan the looting in this film reminded me of the George Floyd riots View all posts >


It was great but that last episode should never have been made. Should have ended on ep 15 ugly? repulsive? lmao what are you? black? eh i found it a little boring and i only got better near the third part of the film. I noticed the director with this and his newer film Taekwondo (2016) where there is awkward pausing and literally no dialogue for most of the film which kinda let me drift off from the film and like Takewondo didn't make me feel connected to any of main characters. i also found it boring and wasn't a fan of the camera work. But i did enjoy the story. Yeah the animation wasn't good. Even the 90s X-Men series was animated better (especially after season 2) 90s Rogue was by the far the best, in terms of animation, story, voice, personality. Evolution's goth Rogue was unlikeable and this version's Rogue was boring Yes they seemed easier to beat in this, then the Animated Series. Kirby i found him to be pretty annoying in the Animated series and ok in this. I preferred him in Evolution he was abit more of a leader and more interesting. Found it pretty overdone especially after seeing it in the Animated series. Honestly quite bored of Jean Grey even though i like her powers. View all replies >