MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > I am somewhere between "this looks well-...

I am somewhere between "this looks well-made" and "Batman is played out".

Some casting choices aside, the movie looks to be of good quality. The effects and acting look good, it looks realistic, but Jesus H. Christ, there's 3 Batmen right now.


WB is going all in the multiverse just like the MCU.


Well, this movie isn't necessarily multiversal.


Which Marvel character has multiple movies and is played by different actors right now? Affleck and Keaton are going to be in The Flash. Pattinson has his own movie, which isn't even connected to the DCEU. Why would they do that? They're all coming out within six months of each other. Which Marvel movies do that?


There's three Spider-Men appearing in the upcoming movie.


1. That's not even confirmed, LOL!

2. DC has not made a movie with their "main" Batman (Affleck) and are giving a 2nd one (Pattinson) his own flick, while their main one is playing 2nd fiddle to the 3rd (Keaton). You cannot think that is comparable.


Would Keaton be considered the "3rd"?




I'm the same; I feel Batman is kind of played out, and this kind of pseudo-realistic gritty Batman is definitely played out on screen, and the first teaser left me pretty cold. But some of the colour choices and cinematography look stunning, which is pretty rare for a modern Blockbuster.


Batman and Spiderman need to go away for a while.

Oh, you're spot on with grit and realism too.


I kinda agree with this and what Willough said, and I was hoping the Covid delay would help in that regard, but it still seems too soon. And the Nolan films especially are just too memorable for me not to notice some similarities to this one. What's new is cool, but what isn't, isn't.




It was a mistake rebooting Batman so soon after Nolan's movies finished.


Only because they've become iconic, and they're still in heavy rotation on basic cable to this day. Batman Begins came out just as soon after Batman & Robin, but the former was so different while the latter was mostly hated.


Batman Begins came out eight years after Batman & Robin, but Batman v Superman was only four years after The Dark Knight Rises. I think that's what kuatorises means.


Maybe. I didn't find much similarity between the Affleck Batman and the Nolan films, but I do see that in the trailers for this one.


3 Batmen? This is the seventh in live action movies alone.


I'm talking about RIGHT. NOW. Batffleck, Keaton, Pattinson.


I think Keaton is just gonna have the one cameo in Flash and that’s it. It is pretty weird we’re getting the two, though.
