MovieChat Forums > American Hustle (2013) Discussion > what is wrong With you people?

what is wrong With you people?

American Hustle was a fantastic movie! I loved every part of it, the story, the acting, casting, writing, etc. And more importantly it made me a new fan of Christian Bale and David O Russell. Isn't that one of the goals of a big movie with an all star cast? (At least for the studios anyway) To draw in people who wouldn't have otherwise been interested? I was very happy to see Amy Adams show some depth instead of her usual character. Jennifer Lawrence, though cliche (and maybe even stereotypical) was very entertaining. The characters were strong and memorable. The movie invokes emotion (another goal of a good movie). Laughter, concern, frustration, stress, sorrow and the whole nine. How can anybody not like it?


Exactly. I saw it again last night (TV -- Epic), and it was great to see this beautifully acted and directed gem one more time. The direction is this film's high point IMO. The overall atmosphere and pacing remind me of a few other great (and classic) films such as The Sting. And the acting: For someone who likes films, what can be better than a group of talented young actors at the top of their form?


People stew actually complaining that the accent of a fake British character sounds fake!


i loved it too, and i guess so as most people since it has 7.2 on IMDB

reading all the negative posts on this forum i feel it could be a troll creating many new accounts which for some reasons has a grudge against this movie or studio or something like that and making it look like there are hundreds of viewers agreeing with him saying it's an awful movie, which it obviously is not.


I saw the beginning of this movie on TV and I admit, it did not grab me. Wish I had seen it in the theater.
It seems over-stuffed with star power and if it's satire, maybe that's hard to latch on to. Seeing big name movie stars dressed up in garish clothes makes me wonder if the whole thing is sort of a joke.

But I'm interested, and when people claim to not like a movie because they didn't like the characters makes me think they should stick to the Hallmark channel. I try to have an open mind for what the director is trying to convey, not whether I'd like these people to be my neighbors.


Think about the demographics that this film appeals to. This film appeals to these groups the most:

- men between the ages of 25 and 70
- men who love scumbag characters
- men who like bitchy, foul-mouthed women and think they're "funny" or "sexy"
- men that like low-brow humor
- people who want an inaccurate view of the 1970s
- people with no taste
- fans of the various actors in this film who will watch anything they're in, no matter how bad the film is


I liked the movie, but I don't fit most of those categories.

That first category is also really, really broad.

I liked the movie because I thought it presented an interesting moral dilemma around the Jeremy Renner character. He was crooked and altruistic. There was a more morally ambiguous Robin Hood type thing going on where you didn't want him to get away with crime, but you did want him to continue to help his constituents.

There's also a decent character-driven crime story, the machinations of the sting operation are interesting, and I like that everything is complicated and clouded by the f---ed-up lives of the main characters, each of whom have certain levels of reprehensibility. When stories present complexity in their characters, I dig it.

It also had a lot in common, visually and stylistically, with some of the better films of the '70s, and so maybe it's not an accurate view of that time period (most "historical" movies aren't) but it has a lot of those qualities.


It is one of the best movies of the past decade. Everyone saying that this is a bad movie has a lot of explaining to do on the validity of their opinion on ANY movie.


