MovieChat Forums > Her (2014) Discussion > Absolutely HATED IT!!! Love to hear oth...

Absolutely HATED IT!!! Love to hear other opinions....

Hello, Im interested in seeing if Im in the minority or majority here. The only way I can describe this movie is BIZARRE. If the coming future entails humans falling in love with and having simulated sex with what looks like a cellphone - then we are seriously in trouble. He has sex with it, he takes it on vacation, he doubledates with it. INSANITY!!! I personally received no entertainment value whatsoever with this film. As a matter of fact, i found myself cringing every 5 minutes or so. ANyway - I think Ive clearly stated my take. Love to hear some others.....


I was not a big fan of this movie either.
The actors chosen are very good actors, but the plot got a bit boring after a while.


Its bizarreness is not what sucked about this movie - it was just bad, boring, too much dialogue, and over-sentimental. Couldn't WAIT for it to end


This thread and most of the people in it are proof that you should really need to take an IQ test to be able to see certain movies.

I know you've had a rough time.


zero superheroes in the movie,maybe that's why I enjoyed it.


...and a test to determine your degree of sexual insecurity. Haters on here seem so INSECURE. OH NOES! A COMPUTER AIN'T TAKIN' MY BOYFRIEND!! It's so WEIRD!! Stop it! All the good men gone gay and now it's like they're lovin' on computers... say it ain't so!


Sure..but I would guess a personality test would be better. If they got similiar traits to you, then they are ok (probably the same as IQ-test in your mind). Sigh.



Really, really, really and I mean really boring.
Sure the shots are nice, and it's a well made movie.
But what a snooze fest, come on.
I normally like "deeper" movies, but this was unbearable.


I totally agree. Actually while I was watching it, I thought it was some kind of love-story satire or just a prank... It's hipster trash.


It's understandable why Hollywood made a movie like this, with the advanced technology available nowadays, the writers, producers and director probably wanted to depict a possibility with technology, humans and the future.
People today already do cybersex, this film just takes it that one step further lol.
It is a silly movie though, you're not wrong there.


So very boring.
