I grew up enjoying the guys you mentioned as well. While I agree with a lot of what you said, I highly disagree with one part. Washington is not even close to Gyllenhaal in terms of his versatility, not even in the same league! Guys like Forest Whitaker and Woody Harrelson just to name a couple off the top of my head can and have acted circles around Denzel, especially in terms of their overall range which is what you mostly talk about here. Washington is actually fairly limited. Face it, his Training Day Oscar was only a "whoops we missed giving it to you last year" award. He was solid in the role, but nothing too special really.
"there has not been a more refined actor than Jake in the last fifty years."
And that statement right there is nothing short of delusional/crazy. Sure, Jake is great but there have been some other real greats in that time as well. In fact, Whitaker out did Jake slightly in Southpaw if anything. His performance was entirely flawless. A lot of these people in this thread also have a real solid point with Bale, he's in the same generation as Jake and easily as good or even better.
Damn, you shouldn't even be allowed to talk about acting until you've rated a few thousand films on here, especially when you're rating extremely terrible films like Captivity a 6.
My body's a cage, it's been used and abused...and I...LIKE IT!! [Evil2]