I Asked For A Refund

I have been an avid movie goer for nearly 30 years and today was the first time in my life that I felt so ripped off I actually asked for my ticket to be refunded. I tried to get past the nauseating shaky camera and blurry actors. The only scenes that were in focus were the never ending cleavage shots of Elizabeth Olsen. I guess the gratuitous shots of her perky assets were intended to distract the audience from what a steaming pile they were watching. I feel bad for Elizabeth because she deserves better than this film.

I'm not certain how the comparison started with this film and the 'Paranormal Activity' films. While these movies certainly weren't great, they were Merchant Ivory quality compared to this. I've read some of the comments here and several posts nailed it. If you think you are going to see a haunted house, ghost, or scary movie, you have been trolled. 'Silent House' received an F from CinemaScore for a reason.

This movie is...

'High Tension' + 'An American Haunting' + scenes from 'The Butterfly Effect'. There aren't any ghosts, demons or scary neighbor folk. There is a psychotic young woman, mild gore and heavy-handed child sexual abuse scenes and imagery. Sex acts with her father while her uncle watched and photographed. A continuous scene where you see a bed filling up with blood, a naked girl sitting in a bathtub full of beer bottles, the water red with her virgin blood, the reflection of a toilet in the bathroom mirror with a constant stream of blood coming out of it that starts gushing. I went in to see a horror movie, not kiddie porn.


I was massively disappointed with this movie. It looked like it would be a decent effort and the way it was going seemed like it would be a good experience. The continuing build up, the kind of realistic feel as though you were there with the actress... but then it just lost its direction and the film turned itself upside down and inside out.

It lost it for me when she was blatantly being interacted with by the "others" in the house but there was no consistency and it was more of her hiding from the "others" throughout the movie, but they could blatantly see her, hear her and knew where she was which just got massively frustrating and annoying and left me thinking, "well now what, it's not that she's actually hiding from them, they know she's there, so now what?" Then it just got stupid.

I wanted my money back too, didn't ask for it though. You go to the movies an either see a great movie, a mediocre movie or a pants movie. This turned out to be the latter and a great talking point with friends... and the Internet!


I'm sorry but whether you liked the film or not, you'd have to be a complete cretin to ask for your money back at the end.
Personally I thought it was a great film, but even if I hadn't there's not a chance I'd watch the whole thing and then ask for my money back. And I don't believe for one minute that there were a 'pile of refund requests' from other people, or however you put it. Unless you're in a town full of cretins like yourself. Infact I really don't even think you asked for a refund. I think you probably grumbled about it on your way out and came straight on here to make out like you'd asked for a refund.


I suppose you saw a trailer for this film? maybe you didn't but that's irrelevant - you made a choice to see this film and you watched it. It didn't live up to your expectations so you think you somehow deserve your money back?

what if you had rented this movie from Blockbuster or iTunes or whoever... would you ask for your money back? - they would ask "why? did the movie not play in your DVD player or on your computer" ... "no, it played just fine, I just didn't like the movie and I want my money back"

they would either laugh in your face (which is what I would do) or tell you that it's not within company policy to give refunds for a disappointing viewing.

what makes you think you deserve a refund?

also - there was no "kiddy porn" in this film. There was no "heavy-handed child sexual abuse scenes" There were no "sex acts with her father while her uncle watched and photographed"

all of this was pertained to, it was inferred via photographs (of which were barely ever visible) and dialogue and creative imagery.

If what you saw was "kiddy porn" maybe you need to assess the state of your own mind before you get angry and stressed about a film and think you deserve getting your money back for a mistake that you made. It's not the filmmakers fault that you didn't like the film.

"The world moves for love, It kneels before it in awe" - The Village


It never occured to me to ask for my money back if I didn't like a film!
Maybe I'll try it sometime!!
Is it sensible though?
You feel you were misguided by the trailer?
But what does this mean for all those films that have twist or surprise endings where the ghost in the haunted funfare turns out to be the old caretaker in disguise etc.
"There was no ghost in this movie! I want my money back"
I don't think you can compare seeing an unexpected film plot with being mis-sold a product or item.
I get the impression that it was more about you finding the subject matter distasteful. But with a horror film, what do you expect?

LOL, the world has gone mad!!


@cosmic -

Most theatres have a 30 minute window after the start of a movie (some include trailers/commercials, others actually mean 30 minutes after the movie itself starts)

What they ~might~ do, if you catch a good manager and they sympathize with you and they're having a good day, is give you a pass to come back and see another movie.

I worked at a movie theatre for nearly two years, purely box office. I had various people request refunds for odd reasons, but one of the more ridiculous ones I had, a guy wanted a refund for a ticket to Avatar....two months after the fact. Hadn't used it because it wasn't ripped (had actually kept it relatively in tact too) and gave me some story about how they had to leave because of an emergency, they were only in town for a few days, he was from ONTARIO (this was in Calgary, Alberta)

Needless to say, he was told quite blatantly It's Impossible.

I only had one actual person want a refund after seeing a movie that I remember. It was for the first Twilight. A guy, by himself. I have NO idea why he chose that particular movie.


the same people who hated this movie are the same people who loved black swan and blue valentine. this movie was better than both of them put together.


Thanks for posting. I just saved my time and money.


The movie is horrible. Worst I have seen in a while. Glad I didnt see it in the theatre. Why all the movies about rape? and childhood trauma?


I just finished watching the movie, and wanted to come see what others thought about it. I was surprised to see this comment and all the reposnses. I enjoyed the movie. Yes I agree the trailer was misleading. I too picked the story from early on, except I thought sophie was a friend and they had both been abused by her dad and uncle I almost got it :).

I liked the style of the movie, I found that there was a good level of tension, though it could have been ratcheted up a notch or two. I did think the script was a little thin. I mean how many times did she say "daddy"?

But overall it was good. I especially liked the way they tried to present it as 1 shot. I guessed that it would not entirely be done that way and spotted points where they could easily join takes. But the effect was still there.

I guess I can see why people would not like it, but for my taste, and the things they tried, I would give it a 6/10.

As for asking for a refund, I would only do that if i had to leave for some reason, i.e. taking a child home who is not settled or sick, and it was near the beginning of the film.


It would be like walking into an Andy Warhol show and saying give me my money back because all he did was paint cans of soup. I'm not comparing this film with a great work of art, but just saying it is subjective. Anyway, this was a great feat whether people realize it or not, and I was very happy seeing a big budget studio break the mold and do something cool (and very good) for once. Very impressive stuff here, check it out if you get a chance.
