MovieChat Forums > Reagan (2024) Discussion > Cheap looking movie about one of the wor...

Cheap looking movie about one of the worst President's ever

It will flop


You spelled best wrong libtard


Dennis as Reagan, love the idea.


The Trump movie will be much worse. Will have angels watching over him.


Reagan is the goat!


Reagan #1


one of the worst presidents? ... yet the 1980s was a prosperous time for the country


Yes and he destroyed that with Reaganomics.


The country was prospering during Reaganomics


The country was prospering until Reaganomics killed the middle class, manufacturing and education.

Maybe that info never managed to trickle down all the way to your mind?


Labor unions and taxes killed the middle class, manufacturing, and education.


You are lying and are doing so unconsciously.


He's spot on. The never-ending increase in taxation, overzealous governmental regulations, labor unions, and unending growth of the government are what killed the middle class, and the lower class, and everyone except the super-rich. Reagan had things on the right track, as evidenced by the steady improvements throughout his two terms.


No, the country was not prospering until Reaganomics. The economy was floundering under Carter, just like it is now under Biden. We had the worst inflation we had ever seen under Carter -- just as we do again under Biden. Saturday Night Live (back when it used to be funny), even did a brilliant skit about it, it was such a problem at the time.

You're entitled to your own opinion; you are not entitled to your own facts. Reaganomics killed neither the middle class, manufacturing, nor education. All those things were already being strangled by unions, government overspending, over-regulation and increasing bureaucratization -- none of which are things Reagan or conservatives ever promoted.

And Democrat policies are killing the middle class to this day -- look at the blue states: middle class taxpayers are leaving blue states like California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois, leaving behind rich limousine liberals and poor people collecting government checks. There's even a new word for such people: "leftugees."


The low budget will help. The movie seems to be pro-Republican / pro-reagan. Critics won’t give it a fair chance. If the movie can scrap together $70-75 million, then they can get a profit on a $25 million budget


I'm sorry, the Obama, Biden, and Carter fantasy films are over there.


Imagine a Jimmy Carter movie that completely ignores stagflation, the gasoline prices and lines of cars going around the block for miles, the Iranian hostage crisis, or the time he went on live TV to shit on the USA. Imagine a Jimmy Carter movie that paints him as a flawless saint, incapable of committing even the slightest of flaws, literally the perfect human being, a God amongst mortal men, and the only ones who hate him are communist heathens who hate him for zero reason. That's the Reagan movie. You're welcome.
