MovieChat Forums > Everything's Gonna Be All White (2022) Discussion > If we're so bad, why don't they want to ...

If we're so bad, why don't they want to secede?

Do the authors of this "documentary" support Black separatism? If they don't, they're utter hypocrites. "Whites are responsible for all Black problems, yet we still insist on living with them."

All ethnic groups throughout history that have believed they were oppressed sought ESCAPE from their alleged oppressors. Blacks are the only ethnic group in history that constantly cry about being oppressed, yet they don't want independence. This is exactly how a LEECH would behave. I bet the authors of this piece know Whites aren't really Black people's problem, they just know milking White guilt will get them goodies.


We tried that with Liberia. You saw how well that turned out.


Exactly, they don't want to secede because in the back of their minds they probably know they would live in a shithole. Yet they still blame everything on Whites despite the fact it's obvious even to them, they profit from living with them. They behave like leeches.


I heard a story about a bunch of black people in more recent times that were put on a ship and sent to Africa to move there. The ship came back just a week later with everyone on board, and a message from the African country they went to, saying "Take them back, please!"


And what's even funnier:

As soon as they get a bit of wealth they jump into white neighborhoods. They hate the whites but they HATE living with their own ...

And they complain when the whites move out of the neighborhoods.


wealthy people congregate. just like poor people........

wtf are you talking about?


They could move to a rich Black neighbourhood. But the richest Black neighbourhood still has more crime than the poorest White neighbourhood so that's why they probably prefer Whitey.


Blacks are the only ethnic group in history that constantly cry about being oppressed

Wrong. Plenty of people are crying about "replacement theory" and how they're not allowed to live how they want (racists who want to oppress others) anymore.


Wow, I've seen plenty of dishonest tactics used by people in online forums, but you sir take the cake. Using just HALF of my sentence to quote me out of context and hiding the other half to imply that I said something totally different.

This is what I originally wrote:

Blacks are the only ethnic group in history that constantly cry about being oppressed, yet they don't want independence. me an ethnic group that complains about being oppressed that does not demand independence.


Quoting part of your sentence does not change the fact that you lied about blacks being the only group that cries about being oppressed.


I didn't. I said they're the only group crying about being oppressed THAT DOES NOT WANT INDEPENDANCE. Get it?


Damn you're stupid. There is a group of Puerto Ricans who complain about being oppressed who want independence. There are other Native Americans who also want the same.




Not all those who are oppressed want to leave. Why are you claiming that blacks are the only ones who do something.


If someone who claims to be oppressed doesn't want to leave, that means they aren't really oppressed. Name me one people in history that claimed to be oppressed and didn't demand independence.


How can I argue with a person who makes up their own definitions for words that are clearly defined?

From Merriam Webster; Definition of oppressed: burdened by abuse of power or authority.

See how that works? By requiring that your opponent complies with your own definition of a word, you're setting yourself up for a win instead of debating fairly. You're not really interested in debate or even learning anything.

So I suppose you can just go back to trying to insult people you do not agree with, then claiming victory when they don't want to play with you.


You have done nothing to address my actual argument, but simply resorted to appeal to authority (dictionary) fallacy. Name me one group that claimed to be oppressed, but didn't demand secession. If you can't, concede that Blacks don't really want secession which puts into question how they're really oppressed.

And today Blacks aren't oppressed. They hold enough power relative to their share of the population. We have Black senators, mayors, congressmen, police chiefs, ministers, governors...etc. Not to mention, affirmative action, diversity quotas, wokeness...etc.

As for your definition, it includes the phrase "abuse". Name me the actual abuse of of power that Blacks suffer from.



Wrong. Plenty of people are crying about "replacement theory" and how they're not allowed to live how they want (racists who want to oppress others) anymore.

They don't want to oppress anyone, they want to live amongst their own in their own homelands.


So if you want to live amongst your own in your own homeland, does that mean I have to leave?

Is it really fair to the others who were there first or obtained their property legally?




It’s not a problem with blacks crying about being oppressed, it’s a liberal problem. They make up fake injustices so they can pretend to be the heroes which makes them feel good about themselves. It’s not only pathetic but it’s also narcissistic.


This documentary is racial pornography and it’s been universally panned as it should have been. That at least gives me hope for humanity that we can one day put all of this bullshit behind us.
