Alien ripoff
But this could be a good thing
shareAnd apparently Alien is a rip off of Jaws. When pitching the film to several studios they described it as Jaws in space. And yet the vicious circle continues.
"I Drink Your Milkshake! I Drink it up!"
I think it's unfair and an obvious falsity to call this movie an Alien ripoff. If you actually look up the term and analyze the movies objectively, you would see that they are not that similar. There are obvious similarities, but it's also similar to zombie movies, Sunshine, Pandorum and even Moon. There's several movies like this. This movie is much more similar to zombie movies than Alien, in my opinion. It just happens to be set in space. Being hunted in space does not make an Alien ripoff. Most of nunoanjos1's arguments are ridiculous.
No one ever accuses drama films, crime films, thrillers or action movies of being ripoffs, even though they are often much more similar to each other. How many movies hasn't been about a elite solider/martial arts expert wanting to seek revenge on a crime organization? How many romance comedies gives a feeling that you've seen it before and knows how it will end? Are all detective movies suddenly Sherlock Holmes ripoffs? Are every zombie movie since George A. Romero ripoffs? The Walking Dead is pretty much a TV series based on Dawn of the Dead.
I think this is a pretty bad movie, partially because it's not very original, but just because a movie reminds you of some other movie doesn't mean it's a ripoff.
If nunoanjos1 actually did some research before talking cobblers he might've learned that even Alien is technically a "ripoff." It's basically a remake of another movie called It: The Terror from Beyond Space. So Last Days of Mars is a ripoff of a ripoff. The basic plot is also based on a short story if I am not mistaken.
The point is it doesn't matter if this film or Alien are ripoffs, what matters is how good the films are on their own. Movies always borrow ideas and plots from each other so I don't know why people act as if this is something new. Also the idea that borrowing a plot from another movie is plagiarism is ridiculous.
If nunoanjos1 actually did some research before talking cobblers he might've learned that even Alien is technically a "ripoff." It's basically a remake of another movie called It: The Terror from Beyond Space. So Last Days of Mars is a ripoff of a ripoff. The basic plot is also based on a short story if I am not mistaken.
The point is it doesn't matter if this film or Alien are ripoffs
what matters is how good the films are on their own
Movies always borrow ideas and plots from each other
Also the idea that borrowing a plot from another movie is plagiarism is ridiculous.
I can see you are not very good at thinking, so I think it would be a waste of time to debate with you. You just don't get it and will never get it. Go back to watch ripoffs if that's your dealio.
shareMovie was okay, as i'm a sci fi digger, as soon as zombies showed up, i just lost all interest.
The increase in human knowledge is the cause of the decline of religions.
I didn't see aliens jump out of peoples bellies. Maybe you were watching the wrong movie.
Well... people attacked in an enclosed space by killing creatures. Could describe a lot of movies. Alien was the first of many, sure, but it's not as if this movie was especially original. It's another fake twist on the zombie trend.
For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
Alien was the first of many
At first glance, the alien Ixtl also appears to be an inspiration for the film Alien, though those involved with the film denied any influence on its part. However, when Van Vogt initiated a lawsuit against 20th Century Fox for plagiarism the studio settled out of court
More like a rip-off of ghosts of Mars.
shareGhost of Mars was a rip-off of Planet of The Vampires.
shareSure, which a guy like Carpenter would openly admit, like Assault was a re-do of Rio Bravo mixed in with Night of the Living Dead, which he says.
I only used Ghosts as it was a more recent example of the same basic plotting.
Point is Mars is a B Grade story with some semi A grader actors thrown in.
Not at all an Alien ripoff. It's more a ripoff of the Doctor Who episode "The Waters of Mars."
Anyway, regardless of what it does or doesn't crib its entire plot from, pretty much everyone here has been telling me it's the worst piece of cinematic dog doo ever. So I was pleasantly surprised when it ended up being, overall, pretty much average, which is to say more watchable than most of the SF/horror movies they have on Netflix.
Lol and either:
a) you worked in this garbage
b) you don't have a brain
This movie has nothing to do with Alien lol