MovieChat Forums > Chronicle (2012) Discussion > I was AMAZED at how much I disliked it.....

I was AMAZED at how much I disliked I alone?

I like superhero movies; I like high-school dramas. I'm down with the found footage technique, though I think it's over-rated. I watched this film with a friend who has similar tastes. We kept cringing, and around the beer pong scene, were actually curling up on the couch in physical suffering over how much this movie sucked. I really feel like I'm close enough to the target demographic...although apparently I'm just getting out of touch.

It's like the screenwriters designed the characters--emo loser, philosophical type, and popular jock--and then hired whoever wrote the MTV remake of Skins to write all three of them. All three characters talked the same way, all the time. Matt's character in particular was the mostly poorly written "philosophical type" I've ever seen in a High School movie; he had no insights and could rarely form an articulate sentence. Andrew's character arc had some promise; his home life was genuinely disturbing, but having it end with him hurling school buses and patrol cars through the air was the ultimate cop-out to generic action, strangely anti-climactic amidst all of the effects.

In-as-much as the movie has a "message," it seems to be that if you're an abused, disturbed teenager, letting out your anger by killing hundreds of people doesn't make you a bad person because after all, you're an abused and disturbed teenager. Imagine this: a movie about one of the Columbine killers which ends with one of their friends in Tibet saying, "you're not a bad person. I'll do better. I'll help people..." Of course he's a bad person, and so is Andrew. The script is so under-baked when it comes to morality and motivation that it rams down our throats the idea that Andrew's actions are somehow inevitable and more his friends fault than his own, since they didn't love him in the way that he wanted.

Two scenes I liked: playing at the store with their powers (the shopping cart, etc.), and when Andrew beats up the bullies, there's a the moment when he's twirling their inert bodes, possible their corpses, around on the pavement, almost using their hair as paintbrushes to smear the blood on the street. Now THAT was compelling sh-t, most disturbing image in the movie by far.

I dunno...I guess the point of this post is to ask a simple question: Did anyone else just really basically hate the movie, mostly because of how annoying and one dimensional the characters were? Or am I just completely missing something?


I'm also a sucker for superhero movies and I was expecting something good from its interesting premise and glowing reviews. Instead, this movie sucked the life force out of me for its:

-Lame, non sequitur dialogues:
Steve: I remember you from home in freshman year, you always had that grey zip-up hoodie.
Andrew: You remember that?
Steve: Yeah. I got...I got a thing for faces, which is why I'm going into politics.


-Overkill of found footage technique:
e.g. Matt's girlfriend is still filming while their car was being manipulated by Andrew.

To be fair, the girl's got some chops even while hyperventilating and all.

-Main character I love to get killed off... STAT!
I tried to understand Andrew but alas, he's a clear sicko. How am I going to enjoy watching a film, or any piece of work for that matter, whose lead I don't care about? Sorry, but bringing up Andrew's personal background as counter-argument just doesn't cut it. His actions are inherently wrong and whatever *beep* he has to put up in life doesn't make his acts justified.


TL;DR: Less laughable if the movie were filmed normally. Trying-hard-to-be-clever but dumb dialogues. Poor characterization. Annoying main character that the ending dedicated to him made me want to barf like he did - but in a badass way.


yes i agree. I didn't hate the movie but i didn't like it at all. I am not a fan of the whole shaky camera thing but the thing i really hated about it was the characters. I don't know why it has such a high score on IMDB because I'd give it a 5.

"when sorrows come, they come not single spies but in battalions" -Eric Draven, The Crow


Hi DietSoda78,

I personally liked the movie, but I think you bring up a lot of good points.

The over-identification with Andrew isn't healthy. Yes, we feel sorry for him because he is abused. But it doesn't change that his uber-Alpha-male complex is destructive and at the end of the day, morally wrong. I don't usually use the term "morally wrong" because I am not a religious person - but it worries me that the majority of the audience is going to blow off Andrew killing innocent people and destroying a large chunk of Seattle because he was abused by his father. He's not just broken the law - he's show a crass disregard for the rights and lives of others.

This reminds me a lot of "Fight Club" where people go out and get Tyler Durden quotes as tattoos. Tyler Durden was a domestic terrorist. Sheesh.


No message in the movie, and no judgment of Andrew, either -- He's an unbalanced teen(due to a bad home/school life and some other factors)and not basically bad, but when he stumbles onto power he can't handle, he loses it and delivers an overdose of comeuppance to his tormentors. And if that disturbed you, that doesn't make it a bad movie; it means you didn't like it.

I did enjoy it as a psychological case study, a reasonably entertaining 80 minutes dealing with a power that practically everyone has fantasized about possessing and what two very young filmmakers did with a budget smaller than individual episodes of many TV shows. For that alone, I salute them.


Nope, I absolutely loved this film. Just got done watching it for the first time. It was better than most superhero movies with much larger budgets. Still respect your opinion though. At least you gave reasons, which is much more respectable than people who post "this was the worst movie ever" and give no reasons as to why they feel that way.

Haters gonna hate


I know this was a sleeper hit and frankly I'm shocked. Like you, I hated this movie. It felt so amateur. The performances were sooooo bad. The effects started off great, but the bigger their powers and feats got, the faker it looked. The physics just looked off.

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I agree, bad movie. Barely made it through. The writing was awful and the characters sucked. Came off ass bratty over privileged pricks. Kinda like the dude who wrote the screenplay.


]I agree, bad movie. Barely made it through. The writing was awful and the characters sucked. Came off ass bratty over privileged pricks. Kinda like the dude who wrote the screenplay.

I wouldn't say over privileged, the one kid was flat out poor, but they were definitely bratty and unlikeable.

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" Did anyone else just really basically hate the movie, mostly because of how annoying and one dimensional the characters were? Or am I just completely missing something?"

I quite liked it. And regarding your earlier comment about Columbine, rather than this movie simplistically having a message about that, I'd say it's more of an insight into the 'why' of events like that. If someone is hurt enough, damaged enough, abused enough - there can be a character-twisting drive when the opportunity to hit back comes around. It's part of the whole 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' deal. The guns in the hands of those Columbine killers; this power in the hands of Andrew ... what it gives them is that chance for ONCE to see fear or terror in the eyes of those who either have abused you or those who are caught up in the collateral damage of the outburst.

I ended up thinking about a lot of these things after seeing this film.

