
I saw this at the Jam Factory in Melbourne on the weekend and at least 6 people walked out during the first half of the movie.

I personally found the movie too disturbing. While I understand the subject matter demands that the film be dark and confronting I also believe that the movie makers wouldn't want people walking out in disgust and horror half-way through.


As a budding horror filmmaker, having people walking out in disgust and horror half-way through is the greatest compliment I could be given.

But seriously, are people serious? The film's about a serial killer, and it wasn't in any way gratuitous. Dumb.

i found a whistle


I didn't walk out of it, I turned it off quite early since the pacing in the beginning was slow as cold syrup.

My vote list: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=21936262


the horribly slow pace was one of the film's assets - imagine how long each day would be if you were in a situation like that? walking on eggshells, fearing for your life, never knowing if your brother was going to snap and rape you, wanting to leave your circle of friends but afraid that they will turn on you if you do, friends becoming victims, fearing the police discovering what you have been a part of, fearing the police NOT discovering what you have been a part of, and all the while not being in a stagnant financial situation..

life for these people would have been slow, with the dramatic moments they were lulled/forced into passing as a blur of adrenaline..

---> a-ko <---


I was close to walking out however. I knew it was going to be brutal and disgusting, but I can't stand animal abuse, so I hate seeing it in films.

I find it disturbing when someone is watching a film about a serial killer who is responsible for the death of at least eleven human beings is considering walking out of the cinema because the shooting of a dog is depicted. What is wrong with these people?


I find it disturbing when someone is watching a film about a serial killer who is responsible for the death of at least eleven human beings is considering walking out of the cinema because the shooting of a dog is depicted. What is wrong with these people?

For me generally i find animal abuse more disturbing because there is always a feeling that creeps into the mind that 'this is real' that the director killed actual animals in order to satisfy art - this has happened before.

I also worry about copycat reactions by disturbed viewers to depictions of animal abuse on screen.

In this case i found the horror against the humans more disturbing than the dog scene which in my version didn't show anything.

Most serial killers start off as animal abusers so it is good to know there are people still capable of being shocked by animal abuse, it is a 'victory' against the Buntings of this world and what they represent.


Yeah, two people finally walked out during the protracted killing of the older brother scene.


I saw it in London, and there were more walk-outs than I've ever seen in a cinema. Most happened at predictable points, i.e. after the kangaroo hacking, the dog shooting, and the brother in the bathtub scenes. Others were a bit random, in fact one guy walked out about 20 minutes into the film - perhaps he was one of the easily bored mob.


I saw the DVD. It was slow and seemed rather disjointed. And then it suddenly stopped. I had to go into the extras to find out what happened, how they got caught etc.
I love true crime but that was just gratuitous violence. I couldn't figure out whether half the people were related or what.

Love is never having to say you're sober.


Notably, at the screening I went to, a few walked out during the bath torture scene which I felt was one of the most gripping (yet terrifying) scenes of the film.
I'm 17 and had to sneak in to see it just for grown adults to walk out. Pah. What wimps! :P


I just watched it on Movie One...on the floor with my rabbit Hermann and I did watch some of the bath scene (with the toe) through his ears.
But in my defense I had just eaten a lot of pizza...

I didn't enjoy it, by any means but it was an experience, my heart was thumping like a hammer on cloth for the last...I don't even know how long of the movie.
It was shocking and disturbing, but very well orchestrated.


"I just watched it on Movie One...on the floor with my rabbit Hermann and I did watch some of the bath scene (with the toe) through his ears."


I find the image of someone watching this highly distressing film through the ears of a fluffy bunny really amusing :)

I thought this film was great! Obviously the subject matter is disturbing but the acting was utterly peerless. Especially Lucas and Daniel. That it was Lucas' first acting role is astonishing.

My only slight beef was that it was at times a little confusing and hard to follow, but I'll forgive the director that. I'll forgive any director who credits his audience with an IQ in double digits at least ;)

I'm surprised by people who found this film boring and slow, given the subject matter and the gripping performances, it managed to hold my attention for the duration.

As for walk-outs during hard to stomach graphic scenes? My suggestion: get yerself a bunny with large ears ;)

Look at this, it's a nighty. She would look sexy in that, you'd look like a moose!


Seriously - anybody who walked out of this film is an utter wanker.

Why? Because there's no way that any person would go to see a film like this, knowing (as we all do) about the nature of the murders, and then be surprised to find it a violent film. I think that people who walk out of films like this know ahead of time that they are planning to walk out when they go to the cinema (albeit probably they are too lacking in self-knowledge to be aware of this intention), and do it as a pathetic little attention-seeking gesture to demonstrate what incredibly sensitive and special people they are.



This is THE most disturbing film I've ever seen. I saw it at a horror festival. I've never walked out of a film on this basis before. I seek out disturbing and dark films. Heard good things about this one, was particularly interested in seeing it. I walked out because I felt so darn rotten. Just too depressing.

I knew it was meant to be violent and disturbing; I didn't know it would cross a threshold I have never encountered regards to cinema.

I watched until the end, but I agree with you and can't blame people for walking out. It's really unlike anything I've experienced before. People mention A Serbian Film, but I don't think it comes close to the psychological horror of Snowtown. It's not only knowing that it really happened; it's the execution that is so claustrophobic in its intensity, that it renders one emotionally dehydrated.

Brilliant film that basically sucked the life out of me.

You two are weird. Would you like some cocaine?


It is like "hang up the phone" theory. People just like to say "omg it was so bad I walked out". They just love to say it. That is the only explanation. Maybe that or diarrhea.


Well, as a director that focuses in these genres of realistic violence. I take walk outs as a compliment. It means the material works. One man had a heart attack when watching Jaws. When they questioned it to Steven Speilberg he said 'Well, I guess the movie works!' lol. If the reviews are great, trust me, many walk-outs will give the film another go. Because It takes alot to pay a movie and walk out from it, which is basically losing your money. And I'm sure they would want to see why everyone liked the film if they already paid to see it.


Maybe they were confused without their 3d glasses.

the movie makers wouldn't want people walking out
Depends who walked out.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe


we walked out because it was BORING.

nothin but a gorehound


I didn't find this film disturbing at all, the only thing I found it was boring!!!


Are you and the previous idiot related?


Yeah, it really could've used some nice Elton John songs... a love interest for Jamie... a happy ending where the cops show up and rescue that nice final boy and then give you a glimpse of Mr. Bunting getting hanged.
That's what good movies are like, aren't it?


A few of my mates were really disturbed by this film too. When they realised it was a true story they completely freaked out!

I've spent time in the northern suburbs of Adelaide(e.g. Salisbury, Elizabeth).Honestly the area is f'n creepy.
