MovieChat Forums > Deadfall (2012) Discussion > Too Much of the Lord's Name in Vain!

Too Much of the Lord's Name in Vain!

Too many blatant uses of the Lord's name in vain. Too keep it "real" other curses could have been used, but the writer and director show no respect for God's name. For that reason alone, this movie isn't worth renting, buying or watching if you care about God's commandments.

Other than that... Decent acting, but slow and boring and not realistic. If you want to waste a couple hours of your precious life, then watch this. If your time is precious to you, then find something else to watch.



A lot of people think that the commandment is actually about using God for your own vanity. As in, saying that god had blessed you specifically, you then single yourself out as the only worthy of gods attention, and the community of hebrews would have been focused on the unit, rather than the individual. Nearly all of the commandments are about not breaking up the group, either by worshiping other gods, stealing from each other or having sex with someone else's wife. Blasphemy as you say it is kind of silly, why would god care about you talking about him? you do it all the time, I'll bet, how times a day do you talk to god, or say his name? But the jews would have a big problem with one person walking around shouting about how god only loves them. You should do some research into your religion's history.


Of course they show now respect for god's name, why would they?
Starting a review with that, though, earns you a place on my ignore list. Wake up, man.


Yet more proof that Christians are basically insane.

Personally, I just laugh at them.


For all those who have responded to my post saying that you believe God and Christ to be fictional characters, I encourage you to research the facts. Christ lived. Christ died on the cross for you. Christ rose from the dead, and He loves you.

If no God, then how were you created? Evolution? Even modern scientists are realizing that evolution can not explain how life was created or how modern species came to be. The tail of an amoeba baffles the staunchest believers of neo-Darwinistic evolution theory. Research the concept of irreducable complexity.

But, really, the main point of my post was not to argue about Christianity or science, but to say that the lack of respect for the Christian community in pop culture is dispicable. If any other group's most basic principles - muslims, homosexuals, ethnic minorities - were disrespected or outright ridiculed in today's movies, music, television and so forth... there would be riots in the streets.

Groups of Christians have failed to be tolerant in the past. They were way out of line with the teachings of Christ and the love and grace of God. The fact that Christians are not rioting in the streets over issuess like the prevelent breaking of one of our ten commandments is evidence that the majority are more loving and compassionate. God bless you. May Christ's love and sacrifice and the grace of the Holy Spirit move in your life and in your heart to bless you and lift your soul now and for eternity.


]For all those who have responded to my post saying that you believe God and Christ to be fictional characters, I encourage you to research the facts. Christ lived. Christ died on the cross for you. Christ rose from the dead, and He loves you.

Evidence? The Bible isn't evidence; especially since so many millions (or more) have different interpretations of most of everything stated in it. Unless you can show non-biased evidence then none of what you say can be stated as "fact". And, just because many people believe it's true doesn't make it true.

Many, many, many people believe the Tooth Fairy exists yet there's no evidence that it exists. Oh, there are books, movies, TV shows, etc., on Tooth Fairies but that's not evidence that the Tooth Fairy exists nor is the Bible evidence of anything written in it.

Get it?

If no God, then how were you created? Evolution? Even modern scientists are realizing that evolution can not explain how life was created or how modern species came to be. The tail of an amoeba baffles the staunchest believers of neo-Darwinistic evolution theory. Research the concept of irreducable complexity.

To your first question: my parents had sex. It's that simple. That's how I was created. There's evidence. People other than my parents were there, records were kept, others were informed not only in writing but also in person. It can be confirmed, after all: here I am.

The rest of what you said is an opinion. You have to source what you state as a fact. Saying it doesn't make it true. Telling us to research it (which we could do incorrectly) is not evidence. You're making a claim, you provide the evidence. If I make a claim, I have to provide the evidence.

Get it?

But, really, the main point of my post was not to argue about Christianity or science, but to say that the lack of respect for the Christian community in pop culture is dispicable. If any other group's most basic principles - muslims, homosexuals, ethnic minorities - were disrespected or outright ridiculed in today's movies, music, television and so forth... there would be riots in the streets.

Evidence? Unless you provide non-biased evidence then you're just stating an opinion.

Get it?

Groups of Christians have failed to be tolerant in the past. They were way out of line with the teachings of Christ and the love and grace of God. The fact that Christians are not rioting in the streets over issuess like the prevelent breaking of one of our ten commandments is evidence that the majority are more loving and compassionate. God bless you. May Christ's love and sacrifice and the grace of the Holy Spirit move in your life and in your heart to bless you and lift your soul now and for eternity.

Again: do you have any evidence for anything you say? Otherwise you're just peddling your opinion as facts.

Get it? Of course not.


I'm on the road less traveled...


Your religion is not my religion.


Thank you nammage I agree as from a quote "Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." Using quotes from the bible is ignorant as it is the very thing in question. Further more using the lords name in vain actually means to declare yourself a godly person but your actions are not god-like. As an atheist I find it appalling that I have to explain this commandment to Christians.



Well god damn, I didn't mind it at all.


I live in Australia, most of us refer to some god in a expression of anger and think nothing of it. We allow Americans do more god bothering than most other civilised countries but it's a film, get over it, does it really mater.
There is no god anyway, its only a delusion. Maybe some are more deluded than most.


This movie had a bit of religious exclamations in it but I've heard much worse. Watch any R rated Bruce Willis movie.


Amen to that, Brother!

Yup, great cast, boring and weak movie. Eric's accent and mannerisms seemed forced.


