Nobody is trying to force creationism or ID on anyone (and no they are not the same thing),
Yes they are, and yes it is.
and no they are not the same thing), but some do think that some should have the option. Truth be told, Creationists are the ones having other views imposed on them.
Science isn't a religion or ideology. Science deals in provable and testable facts.
Even parents who home-school are being forced, in some situations, to teach evolution.
Just to be clear: Evolution and the Theory of Evolution are two separate things. Evolution is a fact. You can test it. The first one tells you what it is, the second one tells you how it works. Example: gravity. Gravity is observable and can be demonstrated, the Theory of Gravity tells you how gravity works.
So, home-schooling teaches the application of Evolution where as the Theory of Evolution could be shown on how that Evolution works but many Conservative Christians may teach the former but use Creationism/Intelligent Design for the explanation.
And there is nothing theocratic about opposing abortion.
You are right, there isn't but Christians use the Bible to speak out against it not secular reasoning.
Pro-lifers see Roe V Wade as a bad law that has led to basically legalized murder.
So Christians are hypocritical for trying to keep candidates they don't support out of office??
No. I mean there are state Constitutions that actually stipulate that no one but those who believe in the "Almighty God" (i.e. Christian God) can hold office. While being unconstitutional, seven states still have that in their Constitutions.
No, there is no anti-Christian agenda. Nothing to see here.
Yeah, that's why some states continuously attempt (and have done in the recent past) to put up the Christian Crucifix in public places, and the Ten Commandments in public places such as Courthouses and other government buildings.
Also the fact in the deeper Christian controlled states and legislatures impose Christianity wherever and whenever they can, and ignoring the law, sometimes even their own law such as Arkansas of recent date.
I am on the road less traveled...