MovieChat Forums > The Dictator (2012) Discussion > Did anyone over 30 like this movie ?

Did anyone over 30 like this movie ?

Did anyone that has seen this that was over 30 years old like this movie ? I just picked 30 years old because by then you should be mature enough to know what is funny and if it has humor and/or just childish non-policital correctness to it. Just wondering.


Wow :)
A bit tight aren't we?


33 loved it.


35, loved it.

This type of humor is not for everyone.


37, the movie did not catch my utter attention but I smiled at the jokes, and actually laughed a few times.


I watched it with some friends.

3 females who were respectively 23, 28 and 32.
2 males yours truly (31) and a 34 years old.

We all laughed hard enough for the neighbour to complain. We even had to pause the movie once for letting one of the lady calm down and catch her breath =)


I enjoyed it. I'm 73 and male.


I just saw the movie for the first time yesterday and I thought it was great and I'm 39. I do admit, I had little expectation before watching it. I'm usually very picky about comedies and don't find most of them funny. But this movie kept me laughing all the way through it. I did watch the unedited version of it though.

"Dinky... Go downstairs and die"


Im 31,and loved borat but just thought this was just stupid.I like un pc movies but this was just stupid.I got it on demand for 5 bucks and felt ripped off..It weird im 31 now and like comedies and all movies but my favorite genre is horror for some reason.And i think most kids like horror..Am i immature.And for example the larry king interview i just think that humor stupid.


Making judgements of character and maturity based on taste in film is a bad move. It just reeks,man. It´s elitist,condescending,narrowminded and basically a paradox,since it´s extremely immature to state that you yourself is mature,too mature too laugh at this anyways and by the age of 30,we are all supposed to slowly lose our sense of spontaneous humor,be politically correct and talk stocks and change dipers. Taste in film and humor defines our personalities,

Well,I like Borat,21 grams,Magnolia,Transformers,Dumb and dumber and Talented says nothing about nothing. Some just like brutal horror-torturefilms. They make me sick but I wouldn´t call people who like them sick.

It´s just about what makes you laugh on screen and if some people put their big boy pants on too soon,that´s fine as long as they don´t poison the cinematic oxygen by loving the smell of their own ever so evolved,adult farts.
I´m 33 and about too see if this"zionist propagande" is funny or not.

Non-political jokes can fall flat and just be embarrassing but at least it has balls and plays with prejudice and stereotypes that sometimes happen to be very correct. Then it´s even funnier,if you know it´s both somewhat racist and somewhat accurate(can´t laugh at THAT,right?) and yes,that does happen. It´s comedy based on our warped world-view and it´s always warped,no matter from which angle you look. Check yourself.


I am 16 and my grandma---who took me---is 52 or 53 (she says, but maybe 54 really).
We both thought a lot of it it was very funny. At about a third of it we both laffed and the rest she liked or I liked but not both!


Obvious flame.


I hated it but I don't think it has anything to do with age. It just wasn't very funny. I gave Borat a 7 and this movie a 2. When it's a comedy and I don't laugh, it's a major fail in my view. That's my opinion and I can only wonder at the people who felt that this was some kind of comedic masterpiece.
