MovieChat Forums > The Dictator (2012) Discussion > Did anyone over 30 like this movie ?

Did anyone over 30 like this movie ?

Did anyone that has seen this that was over 30 years old like this movie ? I just picked 30 years old because by then you should be mature enough to know what is funny and if it has humor and/or just childish non-policital correctness to it. Just wondering.


i'm 30 myself, and i loved this movie, anyone who has a problem with that can kiss my aladeen


the only things I would've changed was taken out the jerking-off part (wasn't necessary and wasn't that funny) and shorted up the birth scene that went on a little too long.

Other than that, I thought it was pretty good.


Don't let them deter you lol this movie was actually pretty funny. I agree it might not be as good as Borat but it's definitely worth a watch.

Still you should not rely on a movie with a 6.9+ rating for people to tell you if they liked it or hated it.

What's funny to you might be stupid to me or vice versa. Yeah there are a lot of comedies out there that everyone thinks it sucked but this is not one of them.


Im a 34 year old female and I thought this movie was HILARIOUS!!!! You definitely have to have a sense of humor to appreciate it. So Im sure for people without an open mind to things, this movie is probably offensive. People should lighten up and find humor in things once in a while :)


I'm 48 and i found this film very funny.


33 here and I enjoyed it. Of course not the subtlest humour possible but on the other hand is Sascha Baron we are talking about so refinement is not amongst resonable expectations. These so called non political correct messages need to be heard so a direct approach is better in a world which consists on rather low cultured people.

Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law!


Yes, I'm over 30 and I found it funny. Don't get me wrong, it's not a movie I'd see again, but I felt I got my $3's worth out of it.

ORANGE for all



I'm almost 60 and found it funny. Not as funny as Borat but better than the disappointing Bruno.
Nonetheless, as a comedy film-maker Mel Brooks absolutely walks over SBC.


I'm 49 this year and very immature.In fact,when I'm in bed and I fart,I laugh hysterically.


35 here and thought it was absolute *beep* a pain to sit through. 3/10
