MovieChat Forums > The Dictator (2012) Discussion > Did anyone over 30 like this movie ?

Did anyone over 30 like this movie ?

Did anyone that has seen this that was over 30 years old like this movie ? I just picked 30 years old because by then you should be mature enough to know what is funny and if it has humor and/or just childish non-policital correctness to it. Just wondering.


You're kidding ? This film is very primitive and extremely biased. There were moments that I felt I was going to throw up, masturbation scene and some other moments. I like to laugh but don't understand why some directors treat other people (viewers) as if they were idiots. I had this weird feeling watching this film that it was made for Jews ONLY. I hate propaganda movies even thought I now it's supposed to be a comedy.

Ali G was the best in my opinion. Then it just got worse and worse with Bruno being the least entertaining.



I had an high expectation but I was so disappointed. I don't think it is regarding to the age, I found the trailers funny but the movie itself, it is just plain offensive in a not funny way.

The same goes to his other movies...


The whole speech about American democracy. Made it worth a watch.


Im 32. Love the movie!


you need an IQ level of more than 105, a sense of humour, a good knowledge of politics and international relations, as well as to know what to expect when you decide to see it, to like this movie.

You probably lack


you need an IQ level of more than 105, a sense of humour, a good knowledge of politics and international relations, as well as to know what to expect when you decide to see it, to like this movie.

You probably lack



My attitude towards it is very Aladeen
