For all the haters

For all the people who are bashing the show, why did you even keep watching it? Did you actually watch every episode and then come on here and rant? That's just pointing out how useless your life is because you kept watching a show that you absolutely hated. It's ridiculous and pathetic. I really want to know how it's hurting any of you if it gets a second season. There's an easy solution really. DON'T WATCH IT. Oh my gosh, I'm quite simply a genius! I can't even believe I could think of that. How would you like it if you loved a show and were dying to know what happens next, and then a whole bunch of people insisted that we didn't need another season just because they liked ruining things for others? Whether it's canceled or not, it will have absolutely no effect on your life, so please stop ruining it for everyone else. I see these boards as a place for questions to be answered, not as a place for trolls to shout out things that no one else cares about.

I'm not raving how much I love TN, so don't start calling me stupid and point out all the flaws in the show. Yes, it definitely had a few pointless and random episodes in the beginning. I certainly had my own doubts with the whole memory thing. And Josh really annoys me. There I said it. But once they got on track with the main story, it worked. Stop being selfish and find something else to criticize. Your own life, perhaps?


I am so tired of seeing the comment boards filled with hate. People spam the boards with it thinking to campaign and get shows they regard as horrid and terrible off the air. They complain about the actors, the writers, the dialogue, the plots, yet not a one of them can direct or act or write for that matter. All they can do is offer their overly grandiose, arrogantly self-important, pompous opinions of the show and wallow in their misery as they keep watching and keep complaining. Just goes to show you how many are out there unemployed or too lazy to contribute. It's much easier to destroy things than it is to build.



Well... we didn't watch it for very long. That's why it's cancelled :D
... you gotta admire some people's lack of logic.


I totally agree with , Some people seem to have nothing better then to whine and complain about a LOT of things for example there are a LOT of shows and movies I REALLY don´t like...SIMPLE I DO NOT WATCH THEM and if someone ask me why simple again I tell them why!
The sad thing about most of us "hardcore sci fi fans" is that many want just onetrack stories true enough 20 years ago I might have agreed with them but then again 20 years ago I was myself just a teenager!
pilot episodes and first seasons are meant to be try-outs for any new series to work out any possible flaws! I admit there was ONE episode I found a little bit wanting mainly because it was missing a character!


I really understand your sentiments. I just finished watching the series yesterday and I truly wished they had continued on with a second season. Most people hated it because it contradicts some scientific knowledge. However, for me it is quite irrelevant really, as it being a science-"fiction". Setting all the flaws aside I personally liked the storyline. The characters are interesting. The CGI isn't bad for a tv show and the idea that one day people may be able to travel back in time to give humanity a second chance is astounding. The way it portrays the Shannon as a loving family is a breath of fresh air from all the family dramas on tv now. What could be more awesome than a series with love and romance, family, action, drama, rebels, time travel and dinosaurs rolled into one?

"the time you enjoyed wasting is not time wasted"


"I see these boards as a place for questions to be answered..."

Wrong. IMDB forum is not a fanboy site, or what you specifically want it to be. Never has been, never will.

"come on here and rant"...."how useless your life is because you kept watching a show that you absolutely hated"

Projection. You must think your own life is useless since according to your own logic, you are focused on what you DON'T like, and ranting about something you hate.

"whole bunch of people insisted that we didn't need another season "

Hey genius! The show was cancelled due to the lack of interest/viewers. If you had your wish (of the "haters" not watching it) then their would have been way less viewers.


I had two reasons to watch the entire show from start to finish. The first is that I got some twisted enjoyment out watching just how unbelievably bad it ended up being, and the second was out of some delusional hope that it might get good eventually. I didn't watch the show on TV (after the pilot at least), I borrowed the box-set from a friend because I didn't want to give the people who made this garbage any money. Really the show is so bad it becomes fun when you're hunting for plot holes and inconsistencies (and there are millions of them) and laughing at the occasional unintentionally funny line of dialogue.


Its a great tv show with mystery and action, I am glad there is a second season. People dont like change and if there is a new tv show like terra nova people have to find their way to liking it or just not watch it simple as that.
