For all the haters

For all the people who are bashing the show, why did you even keep watching it? Did you actually watch every episode and then come on here and rant? That's just pointing out how useless your life is because you kept watching a show that you absolutely hated. It's ridiculous and pathetic. I really want to know how it's hurting any of you if it gets a second season. There's an easy solution really. DON'T WATCH IT. Oh my gosh, I'm quite simply a genius! I can't even believe I could think of that. How would you like it if you loved a show and were dying to know what happens next, and then a whole bunch of people insisted that we didn't need another season just because they liked ruining things for others? Whether it's canceled or not, it will have absolutely no effect on your life, so please stop ruining it for everyone else. I see these boards as a place for questions to be answered, not as a place for trolls to shout out things that no one else cares about.

I'm not raving how much I love TN, so don't start calling me stupid and point out all the flaws in the show. Yes, it definitely had a few pointless and random episodes in the beginning. I certainly had my own doubts with the whole memory thing. And Josh really annoys me. There I said it. But once they got on track with the main story, it worked. Stop being selfish and find something else to criticize. Your own life, perhaps?


I'm a hater that watched two episodes and never came back. Excellent concept, to me, future being able to send people back to the far past. So many chances at so many plots. But what do the writers focus on? One faction of mankind battling against one another. There are so many other story lines that could be explored, but no, it's one group of man scheming against another. Not original at all, no matter the setting.

Kay C


Since you didn't watch the whole season, you really can't judge the entire thing. If you didn't like it, that's fine, but you can't come on here and say too much about it without watching more than the first two episodes. I'm sorry if I'm assuming that you rant like other people on here, but if you're on the TN board at all without watching the whole season then it seems like you're one of those people who gets a taste of something and then has to point out all it's flaws and apply them to the episodes you haven't even seen. Again, sorry if you're not like that.



I totally agree with you jorgensj17. Although I the first season had its ups and downs, I really want to see a potential development in season 2, out of curiousity. For all those "haters" you are refering to, they can argue about this and that and bla bla bla until worlds end without realizing that they're only wasting their own and others time. Some people just can't take a step back and have an epiphany about their useless trashing on constructive threads. From my point of view it's as obvious as for you, jorgensj17. I never go into stuff I don't like nor do I have the urge to provoce others by continously ranting negative stuff about things I don't like. However if people wan't to waste their life bashing things they dont like, by all means, let them.


sure, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should be more than welcome to state it on the message boards. afterall, that's what their here for right? I would say however that after reading some comments it seems like most of you are just here to get a rise out of jorgensj17. whom you've probably never met and most likely never will. so what is the point of picking a fight (in a sense) with this user who happened to like the show? I understand you can do whatever you want and no one can tell you otherwise. but seriously...can't we just keep the message boards for comments/questions about the show and not some 4 page long continuous argument between users?
I enjoyed the episodes that I saw, and yeah, I want to see the second season if it airs despite the overall flaws.
Bam, opinion stated, you can either agree or disagree. it's really that simple people. you really don't have to get into an argument with me and bash me because you obviously have nothing better to do.
and can we please stop using "haters"? it's getting damn old.



so your saying only people who love the show can post here?? thats not what imdb is about. I for one come on imdb because i get to see comments & reviews from real people rather than the movie company sponsored drivel in the press and on tv. Different people have different views -when they explain there views it gives us a realistic idea of what the show / movie is all about. if what they are saying isnt clear people challenge them and often disagree thats the way it is. I have watched all the episodes and find the show to be ok in a mildly entertaining kind of way but I wouldn't care if i didn't see another episode or not as its so bland and has no umpth! maybe children would like it more than me?


No, that's not what I'm saying. I clearly addressed the people who come on here and absolutely bash every little thing about the show and devote tons of posts to pointing out little flaws, like the fact that there are Indian women but not Indian men. Seriously? They can't possibly include all ethnicities for both male and female.

If you watched the entire season, are ok with, but don't want to watch anymore, that's totally fine. Look at it this way: if some of these people who hate the show were given a big red button that allowed the show to be canceled immediately, they would press it without a thought for all the people who actually like it and really want to see what happens. Nobody is forcing them to watch it, so what do they have to lose if there's a second season? Absolutely nothing.


I dont want it cancelled just not fussed either way. I don't mind watching it but after seeing the whole season feel it should either be focused and aimed at family or adults not somewhere inbetween offending no one....... Kind of like the liberal democrats...... (uk)

As for people posting about there being indian women and not indian men... there will always be idiots. Perhaps they are racist in that they believe indian women do not go out into the world on their own to make a life, they believe all indian women are little wives to their indian husbands!

perhaps hollywood have realised we dont mind the odd hot educated westernised indian chick but no smelly hairy blokes with those dodgy mustaches please. That'll give them something to moan about :-)


So you think that it's acceptable for this PoS to take up a valuable timeslot and eat into a limited budget. Perhaps people want it gone because it's rubbish and taking up resources that could be better used elsewhere.

See ... it does affect the people that don't like it or don't watch it. As for why they've seen episodes .. well their lives can be no more 'useless' than someone who's watched it and yet remains incapable of seeing what's in front of their eyes!



So they do this to every single show they don't like? If they can't find something else to do during that time slot, like read a book or more likely be on the Internet, I feel sorry for them. The people who watch it (are supposed to) enjoy it, and it was highly rated for Fox, so obviously there are people out there who think it's worth it.



Fox claims that it was one of their highest rated this last fall, so if that's good for them, great. Besides, there's been a lot of talk about what could make the show better, so a second season could see a lot of improvements. A lot of shows just need that second chance.



Well FOX is sort of an important player in all of this, so like I said, if they're happy then great. We'll see if they think the high budget is worth it. If they listen to O'Mara and are smart about focusing their money on a few really cool dinosaurs, etc. instead of trying throw in cool things (which are actually crappy) all the time. For example, the whole Zoe trying to steal a baby dinosaur and then releasing it thing was something for the kids, but it was a waste of money.


I don't care what FOX says, the ratings are the ratings and the show was definitely not "highly rated".


Like I said, it's FOX that gets to decide, so I'd say you should care what they say. But don't worry, with Alcatraz doing alright TN's chance of renewal is getting slimmer. So I'm sure that an announcement of its cancellation would just make so many happy that they now get to...oh wait, nothing will happen to them at all.

Example: I used to watch Grimm, which is quite possibly getting another season (the last I heard). Am I going to whine and scream about how fake all the creatures are? No. If there's a second season, great for the people who like to watch it. I just won't. And that right there is the point of this entire thread. I'm not trying to say there aren't flaws, I'm not talking about ratings, and I'm not saying people can't dislike it, but I'm just sick of people going beyond the normal pointing out flaws and asking questions. They absolutely bash the show and just don't stop.


Again, I don't care what kind of spin anybody tries to put on the situation, the ratings are the ratings and the show was not "highly rated".


Again, I don't care what kind of spin anybody tries to put on the situation, the ratings are the ratings and the show was not "highly rated".

I will agree with you 100% that the show is not "highly rated" but as the other poster pointed out, our opinion doesn't matter, what matters is what the network execs think of it. If the ratings are "high" enough for them it will be renewed, if they are not it will be cancelled. Plain and simple.



No, I only watched the pilot episode and it was crap. If a new series cannot hook in audience straight from pilot (which is usually should be the most expensive and entertaining episode) then the whole show has failed. Plot was extremely unoriginal and boring. Actors were crap and card board cuts with seemingly no previous acting experience (of course excluding that Avatar dude). CGI was also cheap. Why pour a ton of money to the series if they can't even make the basics right? This show could be good for teens who don't care much about the script, storytelling, dialogue, acting, pacing, and such things. I mean, I'm a fan of sci-fi like e.g Star Trek and Lost which have massive amounts of more depth and ..everything. Terra Nova just left a very cheap b-grade cash-in with Spielberg's name series feel for me.


Um, actually the pilot DID hook an audience. Just because you didn't care for it that doesn't mean the rest of the world wasn't entertained by it. The first episode got very good ratings, and although I think pilots for most shows aren't usually the best episode for whatever reason (the actors haven't gotten the hang of the character yet, etc.), I think TN's pilot was very good. How can you possibly judge the entire show on one episode? I'm not saying you should have watched the whole season if you didn't like it, but you can't just repeat what critics have said about it as if you know it was bad. Why are people here discussing the season if they only watched one episode? Sorry, but I just don't respect their opinions as much as someone who has reasonable arguments against the show because they watched the entire season. And even then, why watch it if you don't like it (my original question)?


If the pilot did good, you wouldn't be here ranting about how the show had lots of pointless episodes and plot holes and whatnot in it's first and only season. Obviously the rest of the world wasn't entertained by it because if it were, the show would've been renewed. Anyway, first you bash people for not watching the whole season, then you bash them because they only watched the pilot. It's becoming quite obvious you're full of *beep*


I agree with you. I honestly can't see why people go on watching a show if they do not like it. It is amazing how people fail to realize how much effort and dedication go into making a show like Terra Nova. All of the actors, writers, and rest of the crew put their blood, sweat, and tears into this project only to be spit in the face by careless viewers. How would they like it if someone went on line and trashed them and the way they preform their occupation. I bet it wouldn't feel to good.
But on the upside these peoples viewership only helped Terra Nova's chance of being renewed. So please, all haters keep watching.


The answer is obvious but I will explain it to you.

People start watching the show because it looks interesting. And even if it is not as good as advertised they sometimes keep watching, maybe not regularly and maybe they skip through the episode with their PVR. They keep watching because they like one character or want to see how a story turns out or for some other reason.

But it doesn't mean they like the show or think it is perfect. And often these people will then go on to websites like this and dump on the show because it could be better and because maybe they are tired of all the mediocre TV shows and would like to see an improvement. Or maybe they are annoyed that the show isn't very good and they wasted the little time they did spend on it and want to vent a little.

See, that wasn't so hard to understand? The bottom line is the show wasn't that good and the general consensus is probably that most people would prefer fewer and better TV shows and definitely stop dragging out the story line as though it is going to last for 8 seasons.



The first ep was so average and yet prolly better than the rest of the series, its ratings were average and everything went downhill from there. Watching this terribly written and acted travesty get renewed then it would be an insult to all the actually good series that get canned for no or stupid reasons. RIP firefly


RIP Legend of the Seeker...


See, I already knew people felt this way, so your little rant did absolutely nothing. Did you watch the entire season? If so, why? If you didn't, you can't judge it. That's been my point all along. I'm perfectly aware that good shows have been cancelled. For some people, Terra Nova would be included in that category.
