For all the haters

For all the people who are bashing the show, why did you even keep watching it? Did you actually watch every episode and then come on here and rant? That's just pointing out how useless your life is because you kept watching a show that you absolutely hated. It's ridiculous and pathetic. I really want to know how it's hurting any of you if it gets a second season. There's an easy solution really. DON'T WATCH IT. Oh my gosh, I'm quite simply a genius! I can't even believe I could think of that. How would you like it if you loved a show and were dying to know what happens next, and then a whole bunch of people insisted that we didn't need another season just because they liked ruining things for others? Whether it's canceled or not, it will have absolutely no effect on your life, so please stop ruining it for everyone else. I see these boards as a place for questions to be answered, not as a place for trolls to shout out things that no one else cares about.

I'm not raving how much I love TN, so don't start calling me stupid and point out all the flaws in the show. Yes, it definitely had a few pointless and random episodes in the beginning. I certainly had my own doubts with the whole memory thing. And Josh really annoys me. There I said it. But once they got on track with the main story, it worked. Stop being selfish and find something else to criticize. Your own life, perhaps?



Well obviously I can't actually stop you from posting, but I just wonder why. Where is it going to get you? There are people who love the show and who hate it. Why don't the haters move on and get on with their life? If they already deemed the show worthless, why stay on the board at all?

So I guess I accept your offer.


the haters like me need a way to make sense of the reality that is presented by these shows. When that reality conflicts with our own perception we get mad, and we get aggressive.


Well that's no way to bring about world peace. It's too bad there aren't 2 separate boards. Any show like this isn't exactly going to be realistic, and I think several shows have flaws, some more than others. If some people enjoy it then that's good enough. I for one can't see what anyone likes about Spongebob Squarepants, competitive cooking shows, and pretty much any Disney show on these days, but I don't vent my anger at how ridiculous I think they are. I simply wouldn't even bother having anything to do with them because I don't like them. Why would I want to get even angrier at something that already annoys me?


I wish I could vent against what Spongebob Squarepants is doing to our kids these days. Yeah about those cooking shows whats the deal, it's like you the person infront of the tv get to eat them after they finish cooking



Yeah and while you bash a SciFi show, just remember that gives them an excuse to televise shows with Honey Boo Boo or some other lame live TV person. So word to the wise, if you like SciFi, even if it is bad, which this really wasn't, keep your mouth shut if you don't like it.


Well i loved Tera Nova becuse it was so bad :D made me laugh everytime i watched it :)


I really understand your sentiments. I just finished watching the series yesterday and I truly wished they had continued on with a second season. Most people hated it because it contradicts some scientific knowledge. However, for me it is quite irrelevant really, as it being a science-"fiction". Setting all the flaws aside I personally liked the storyline. The characters are interesting. The CGI isn't bad for a tv show and the idea that one day people may be able to travel back in time to give humanity a second chance is astounding. The way it portrays the Shannon as a loving family is a breath of fresh air from all the family dramas on tv now. What could be more awesome than a series with love and romance, family, action, drama, rebels, time travel and dinosaurs rolled into one?

LOL. I see a lot of Sheldons' in here.


I agree with just about everything you just said(or wrote)!
I´ve seen a lot off bashing around the internet about the show some morons even complaining about the "dystopian" future setting ok afterall there HAS to be a good enough reason for people to risk potentially becoming dino meals in order for them to leave their "safe" future I mean would you rather leave paradise for hell or the other way around?
The show have a good moral plot (sort off eviromentalism vs greed) wich I found uplifting then the usual dribble Plus it has just as you said there is also among other things strong romance plot IN THE FOREGROUND I might add something that NEVER happens in any other show I´ve heard about(I sort off have a soft spot on those)!
the FX was very good for a TV show plus the cost had they not axed the show would have been less in season 2 thank´s to re using most off the props and the like!
And as jorgensj17 wrote earlier if I do not like a TV show or movie the answer is ridiculously simply I DO NOT WATCH IT!


nitrourea is a complete idiot for claiming he will attack the show cause he is a loser with nothing better to do and has no life.


I reserve my right to criticize this stupid show however and whenever I want. Stop wasting your time telling me what I can and can't do.

The show is horrendous. It needs to be cancelled.



I never said you didn't have the right. I'm asking you to have the decency to stop shouting at people who like the show and move on to a show you actually like. Terra Nova has flaws and there were several dull, pointless, and cheesy episodes. I don't think people who do love the show like it for those episodes. I'm guessing that they like the main story of Lucas and his buddies trying to take resources and the people of TN fighting back. It's exciting. I mainly want a second season so they can tie up the loose ends because they introduced a huge problem for TN, let the main bad guy get away, and handed us this whole new concept of there being something else out in the Badlands. If there's a second season and it ends up being like the memory episode (I thought that was the worst), then by all means wrap it up and call it quits. There's already talk of finding better writers, so give them the chance to fix their mistakes. Like I've pointed out before, you really don't have to watch it. It doesn't make sense to watch something you hate so much, especially since you're just contributing to the number of viewers.


hey stop replying full paragraphs to someone who only writes in lines. You'll exhaust yourself pretty quick that way. You need to tell whoever you are replying to how stupid they are as simple as possible. In the real world it would be like using the middle finger


I keep hoping it will overload their senses with logic and make them shutup


ALl of these Haters need to be cancelled,now. We need to utilize the ignore list, do it now.


For the millionth time, I never said people don't have the right. Everyone keeps pointing out that they do, but they never say why they watched an entire season of a show they hate. It's as simple as that.



Ok, so for the BILLIONTH time, I never said you can't do anything. Obviously I don't own the boards and you have your rights blah blah blah. Fine, rant all you want, but I was simply asking you why you continue watching it and ruining it for us, and you decided to, as you would put it, "scream bloody murder" about rights. I usually use the boards to clear up questions I might have.

Is that your reason? You watch a show you hate only because other people love it? Grrrreat life you've got going there.


really why are you wasting energy with all this arguing the show has been cancelled it was a bad show with some good actors the end if you don't like what people are saying on the forums don't come to the forums sorted...


I don't think anyone is wasting energy on this show anymore. The last time I posted here was before it was cancelled, so I'm not sure why you're bothering to spew your little argument months later.


Thank you for that real answer. Although I would consider some other form of family time myself, that's a respectful reason.


It's less a case of hating than being deeply disappointed with the result of a great deal of money/resources being poured into a scifi action adventure series with such poor results-I didn't expect this to be a new 'Lost' but the results have been a muddling mess that has been poorly conceived and written with no clear audience in mind-not a kids show as it's far too violent, not intelligent or challenging for adults. As mentioned you don't get a large scale series like this very often and the idea of this going on when things like 'Stargate: Universe' or 'Caprica' get shafted is very galling.

'What is an Oprah?'-Teal'c.


You have good points. I basically think of the first and last few episodes when I think of Terra Nova and ignore the stupid episodes. If it had more than one season and that was the case for all of them, then I'd be pretty disappointed too. I completely agree that the audience isn't really clear. They throw in things like the spider song for kids but then have a character shot in the head. They should forget the kids and make it exciting and somewhat violent more like Lost.


This is what I came in to post. I keep watching in the hopes it will get better. I don't completely hate the show and it passes the time.


Now I have confirmation, you are an evil person


The overuse of the term "haters" is seriously annoying. I just put those who use it on ignore, especially the fanboys who only want to stir the pot by calling out posters. Fact of the matter is that this series is average at its very best, and will likely be canceled anyway.


So why didn't you just ignore this thread since it's in the title? It's funny because I usually never use the term "haters". A second season is looking likely, so if it goes ahead people will just have to deal with it and not watch it. Shouldn't be that difficult. I'm not a "fanboy", and I've already pointed out that this show has flaws.


most shows have "haters" that must be into self-abuse, since they continue to watch a show they hate.....
That being said, most shows don't reach their stride until solidly into their second season, some shows are not given the chance, (Life, SG*U, to name two).
the biggest issue i have is that we are often left hanging on a story line with no hope of any "closure"...
However shows that pander to the mindless seem to last forever......(note not all shows that last for many seasons fall into the last category)


Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them?


Do I hate the show? No
Do I think its a good show? Hell no!

TN is just your average classic 'turn of your brain for 42 min' US show. Some cheesy episodes? Plz mention one that isnt... The whole season reeks with it. Its fun to watch, but the show holds no value compared with other shows like Heroes, Falling Skies etc. Zero suspense, Zero contents and zero anticipation for wat is coming next. TN is an excellent show if you just have 42 minutes of time to kill but that's it. Honestly, how many of you guys didnt see that season ending coming? Or already knows what the Phoenix-toy soldiers are after in the badlands....?

Some suspense and mystery are too hard for Fox?

Looks to me like they are back to their old tricks again of killing good shows like Space,above and beyond, Brimstone etc and keeping the mediocre and crappy ones.

That being said i repeat my statement, i dont hate the show - Its just my opinion that TN doesn't add anything of value to your screen compared with other shows out there.



My big question is, can anyone honestly say they "love" TN?

My dad will watch anything, and he really wanted to watch TN. I watched the premiere with him, and thought is was really "eh." Not enough dinosaur fighting and too much forced family dynamic.

My dad wanted to keep watching the show, so I kept watching it with him. I could usually make it through about half of an episode before I open my laptop to play spades on my phone and just lets the rest of the episode play out in the background. As of right now, we still have to watch the finale (thank God for DVRs, right?) but I can't imagine it's gonna get much better.

I would say that I "hate" the show. But part of the reason I've kept watching is because it's just idiotic when someone comes on here and bashes an entire show after only watching an episode or two. I like finishing what I start, even if I'm not a big fan of it. Example, I struggled through the first season of Torchwood (which is thought was incredibly slow and boring). I gave the second season a shot and it was awesome! The third and fourth series were also pretty great.

My biggest beef with TN is that it's just boring. I'm 24 and I love sci-fi, but the show just doesn't have a lot of positives. I expected a fun, action-y show with people fighting dinosaurs for survival. I expected it to be a little forced or whatever, but I expected it to be fun. Instead, its a family show surrounded with melodramatic mystery, forced performances and (kinda but not really) features dinosaurs. To top it all off, the show seriously lacks fun.

So, maybe the "haters of the haters" need to stop hating. I'd like someone to just explain why they like the show so much instead of ripping the heads off of everyone who criticizes it.

Mr. Wiessler, I got yo baby



Just like you like to "finish what you start", I hate it when a season ends with a cliff hanger, or multiple cliff hangers in this case, and then they cancel it. I never watched 4400, but hearing that they cancelled it on a cliff hanger just makes me cringe and feel sorry for the people who liked watching it. Even if TN had a short second season to finish it off, I'd be happy. Wanting to see the completion of something you like makes more sense than waiting for the end of something boring.

Although there were a couple other episodes that I enjoyed, particularly the last few, I honestly would keep watching just because I liked the first and last episode. They obviously weren't filler episodes and they stuck to the main story, so I thought they were good. A lot of seasons do get better as they go, so it's quite possible that TN could improve. At least I'm willing to give it that chance because as much as people don't like it, it still gets high ratings for FOX.
