Avatar 2 moves past Infinity War for 7th US > ($679M US+$1.625B Intl=$2.304B)
"Disney’s Avatar: The Way of Water is still looking at No,. 1 with $38M-$43M weekend, which at either end, gets it over the half billion mark in U.S. and Canada. Best fourth weekend (for a regular film in release, not an expansion like American Sniper) belongs to the first Avatar with $50.3M, followed by Top Gun: Maverick which did $44.6M. It’s possible that Avatar 2 surpasses the fourth frames of Force Awakens ($42.3M) and Black Panther ($40.8M). At this weekend level, it’s clear the James Cameron movie has a significant amount of gas left in the tank."
share"Avatar 2 saw the second best 4th weekend for a film ($45M) after the original 2009 film which posted $50.3M"