MovieChat Forums > Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) Discussion > Imdb rating: countdown from 8.2 to 7.X

Imdb rating: countdown from 8.2 to 7.X

Avatar 1 is 7.9, and Avatar 2 will drop below that by Xmas. Won't go below 7.0.

Dec 15-16 8.2
Dec 17-? 8.1 40k votes
Dec 1?-30 8.0 150k votes
Dec 31- 7.9


Completely forgot about this. Dropping slowly now, maybe 7.8 by end of year. Won't go much less.


I figure it'll probably be a 7.5


When it becomes available on streaming, it'll drop more. That's the way it is with the vast majority of movies, and I think it'll be especially noticeable in Avatar 2's case given the visual nature of the film. I think it'll settle around 7.3.

I remember when the original had an 8.7 early in its theatrical release and was once ranked as high as #21 in the IMDB top 250. Avatar 2 won't make the top 250 at any point.

Edit: Case in point is Glass Onion. It held an 8.0 rating for weeks after its brief theatrical run. Since it's been available on Netflix now for two days, it's already dropped to a 7.5 and looks like it will still a drop a bit more.


as far as cgi actionn movies go its average/10
exactly as expected and very predictable
some bad acting too


Since the studios want this film to have a lasting staying power - it's likely that they'll keep the score high for a while. Given the huge number of bought reviews a high score will require, it's likely that even the latter negative reviews won't make as much of a dent.

Then again, I'm not sure what the agreement between imdb and movie studios is like - are movie studios only allowed to buy reviews for a few days/weeks after the release? Or can they keep it high for as long as they want (or are willing to pay)?

If they can only buy reviews during the first few days/weeks, then a big drop off is possible relatively soon.

Ooh - interesting - looks like 3rd parties are the ones doing fake reviews. (not very subtle, is it? lol)
Of course, I do wonder if imdb is involved in the transaction as well.


I noticed it had 33% of 10 votes before it was even released.

Now it's down to 28.5% with 32,668 10 out of 10 votes.

Only 2,779 1 out of 10 votes currently.


Doesn't really matter. It will still make lots of money.
I was on it today simply out of curiosity about the visuals. And many families go on it during these days (vacations, holidays).


Reached 7.9 end of Dec, now same as Avatar 1. Dropping 0.1 a week, but slowing down.
Enough of the 26% 10* votes are fake to adjust the rating down by 0.2!
