MovieChat Forums > IronStorm

IronStorm (119)


Good actress Good movie Beautiful The fight Pittsburgh Nellie Beautiful Neil Hamburger View all posts >


I'm in my happy place, I'm in my happy place... Wow you really know your way around that area! Deadpool did the same thing with the picture. But I wouldn't be suprised if it was in Southpark, Simpsons etc. too And the monster actually reminded me a little bit of the Hunchback from Courage the Cowardly Dog but you could substitute some elephant man from many movies etc. I wouldn't compare them. Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) looks more a like fairy tale, everything too polished, too nice, not too scary. People go watch it to see pretty actors. Although I would say the story is more interesting, Nosferatu is more straightforward. Yes, great visuals and production. Cailee Spaeny was fine to me. That yelling/nervous boy (Bjorn?) was very annoying. David Jonsson's character reminded me of Jonathan Majors' Kang, which was a bit weird. Others seem more or less ok. Ian Holm was great. Technically the movie looked good to me (visuals and sound). The story was fine, except the final "fight" reminded me of the old Aliens movie. I guess so... but that is probably because The Fly is more of a sci-fi horror and The Substance is more about emotions/message. I was talking mainly about the visuals and gradation of the horror. The "horror" of this film reminded me a bit of The Fly (1986) with Jeff Goldblum. It starts of quite normal and then it gets weirder and weirder. Yes, one of messages. Other would be that you should have friends, social life, family, not just your carrier/job, because that will end one day. I think she felt lonely and useless without fame, that is why she took the substance. The end was my biggest issue with this movie too. It was just not the picture, but the whole "person" looked very suspicious (that was not like in Deadpool who has a normal shaped body), and she/it would hardly get anywhere near the stage without other people noticing/screaming. Nevertheless, a good movie, quite convincing until that part. View all replies >