Catholic Propaganda...
-- Reason feels reasonable
Did God tell you to call other people A$$sholes and jerks? If not, you might need to work on your manners or you might go to hell. If yes, looks like my "hate" was spot on.
-- Reason feels reasonable
you brainwashed, plebeian sheep
Ah, the 'civil approach'.
If you can't stand the heat, don't make threads.;-)said who? Your imaginary friends? Your "trolling for dummies" book? share
You deserved the name calling, since you're an annoying smug ("mimimi the Catholic Church mimimi!")
shareHehe It always amuses me when someone brings out the ol' "others did it, too!" retort. And then top it off with the commies were bad. What a hilarious twofer.
Never made any claims about your religion. Only that you used that lame argument.
Maligned you? Boy are you the sensitive one.
Let's recap. The OP says that the Church killed hundreds of innocent people (in reality there were several thousands who were killed during the witch craze)accused of witchcraft. Somehow you get all offended (that happens to you a lot, I've noticed) and reply with an insult and some lame ass and irrelevant comment about how the communists were worst, which I pointed out. That's it. Didn't maligned you, didn't lump you with anyone, except those people who use the lame "others did it, too" argument. Whatever anger that you have, whatever chip on your shoulder that you have that makes react in such in such a manner is yours to bear. Try to get over it.
Don't worry, the Catholic Church set history back 1000 years with their halfass practices during the Dark Ages, had they not undone all of the sciences and math the Romans and Greeks invented we'd be colonizing other planets by now.
The problem back then was that 99% of the people could not read, and only Priests could read the bible, and then the Priests can do whatever they want.
Because it was Jesus (now 2000 years ago) who says do not kill, and love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!
Matthew 5:44
The Christian believe was not the problem (and the Bible), but the one's that abused the Bible for there own gain, money and power.
And those people were...drumroll please...
No most of the people were not CATHOLICS, everybody think that back then 90% of the people were catholics, going to church does not make you a catholic/Christian.
Receiving to holy ghost makes you a catholic/Christian.
But yes there were done dumb/stupid and horrible thinks back then, like burning or drowning woman, because they were Witches, when 99,9% of them were people that knew stuff, like healing and so on.
Yes, and if the Catholic Church and the Pope had not abused their power and brainwashed an entire continent we'd be 1000 years further than we are now.
shareAnd you think the world would have been better now?
Have you seen the word today, it's one big *beep* hole, there are wars everywhere, there is becoming a BIG crisis in Europe, because of all the people that are fleeing Africa, and thats millions, more then Europe can handle.
There are now 65 Countries involved in wars, and 659 Militias-guerrillas and separatist groups involved.
But hey now it's all better.
And maybe it would be better had the Catholic Church allowed people to actually learn and progress using the knowledge they suppressed? Who knows how many people may not have died from the black plague had society been allowed to progress? 1000 years of suppression of knowledge is a huge impact on society so what's to say it wouldn't be better?
shareYeah, I have seen the world today, it's more populous than it ever was. Wonder why? Well that's because there are less killings today than ever before, most peoples no longer roam around in tribes raiding and murdering other tribes, and thanks to modern medicine less babies and children die. So yeah, we'd probably be further along in science, technology, and medicine than we are currently if The Church didn't suppress knowledge it knew threatened it's power. The way religious people still interfere and hold us back using government power while screaming the phrase "You can't play god".
I don't blame people today for the things their predecessors did, but there is still lots of blame to apportion to the abusers that use religion as their shield today.
shareLet's get back to the comment/accusation of Catholic Propaganda instead of name-calling via history and current events.
schauol1, how is this exactly propaganda? The Catholic Church is often used for the imagery in Horror movies, especially with vampires; and oddly weddings (Judaism is a close second here) because it has very visual rituals, iconography and a longer history than other Christian denominations. Throw in the familiarity argument versus the usage of Islam, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and the various Hindu beliefs. Keep in mind, show business has more Atheists and Jews working in it than the national average (for the US); not exactly a Catholic fan club.
By your argument, the entire Twilight franchise is Mormon propaganda since the author Stephenie Meyer incorporated many of their myths to breathe new life into a somewhat tired genre.
Before you accuse me of being a Catholic apologist, I'm an Atheist. I find all religions to be ad campaigns of false hope.
I highly doubt that Jews who control the industry would promote Catholic ideals. Just my theory.
shareYes, because the Catholic Church is all about producing Vin Diesel flicks. You've once again proven that bigotry and stupidity are never too far away from each other.
shareSorry it's not Jewish propaganda like in almost all Hollywood movies ;-)
shareThis has very little to do with Catholicism. This is more propaganda for the craft of magic then it is for a Christian religion.