Catholic Propaganda...
-- Reason feels reasonable
Whens Paedophile Hunter coming out? Tarantino should direct it.
share@ Jasonm-green - You do know that most, as in almost all, pedophiles are not Catholic Priests right? In fact, more are teachers, crossing guards, life guards, etc than Priests.
shareTrue, but not many if any but the priests in the Catholic church had a filthy rich organisation backing them. Not only did the church cover it up, kept them from prosecution but it also moved them around in the world so they could continue raping children!
This is an unfair, but common, assertion.
True, but not many if any but the priests in the Catholic church had a filthy rich organisation backing them. Not only did the church cover it up, kept them from prosecution but it also moved them around in the world so they could continue raping children!
So, was the roller coaster fun?
sharePlease learn to use your spell-checker. It is painful to read your comments.
shareWhen dictating these posts to your cocker spaniel you should speak slower and more clearly.
"In my defense the hotel room made the first move." - Johnny Depp
Complete and utter BU11$H1T with not ONE SINGLE OUNCE of evidence to support your ludicrous claims. And let's not forget that the whole paedophile thing is one of MANY, MANY disgusting things the Catholic Church has done over the course of the last two thousdand years. The only thing that's inappropriate here - OR ANYWHERE - is you or anyone supporting a truly evil organisation which should be eradicated to make the world a MUCH BETTER place...
We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.share
The Catholic Church has paid out to victims to date $1.2 Billion dollars without dragging a single victim through a trial.
The odds of someone being affected by a pedophile priest are significantly lower than with the general population.
If you are an atheist the odds of being a victim are virtually zero.
If you are a non Catholic who does not have children in Catholic Grammar school the odds are practically zero.
If you are a Catholic but do not attend mass and does not have children in Catholic Grammar school the odds are practically zero.
If you are a Catholic who attends mass but have no children who attend Mass or attend Catholic Grammar school the odds are practically zero.
If you are a Catholic who attends mass and has children who are alter servers or attend Catholic Grammar school the odds are still lower that your child will be a victim of pedophile priest than in the general population.
By police statistics in 2013 there were 35 cases of abuse by supposed pedophile priests in the US out of 43,000 priests. Of these twelve were dismissed quickly as bogus. Of the remaining 23 only 14 are being actively investigated since those complaining have either dismissed their complaints or are no longer providing adequate testimony. So that leaves 14 out of 43,000 some of which may be dismissed or found not guilty. All of the 14 have been suspended following internal investigations.
You don't have to know someone to know someone.
There is also a double standard that needs to be addressed. Let's assume that a Catholic priest sexually abuses a child. The church assumes responsibility and pays the victim. Many Catholic Priests have been convicted and set to jail.Even some administrators have been tried with two serving jail time.
Now let's assume that a psychiatrist who works inside a hospital setting is treating a pedophile who admits to tendencies but has not acted on them. The pedophile is on drug therapy as well as behavioral modification therapy and psychoanalysis. The patient then goes out and sexually abuses a child. Does either the hospital or psychiatrist pay for the abuse like the Catholic Church did? The church abused no one. The hospital and the psychiatrist abused no one. The Priest is not an employee of the Catholic Church but rather the local parish. The pedophile is not an employee of the hospital but is under their supervision. The church pays, the hospital does not. The hospital s partly protected by laws involving privacy and disassociation. Both the church and the hospital (and the psychiatrist) were in supervisory roles. The church was unaware initially of the pedophile nature of the priest. The hospital and the psychiatrist WERE aware of the pedophile nature of the patient. Who is more to blame. Obviously the hospital and the psychiatrist are since they allowed a dangerous person to walk in general public. The church used whatever it could to alleviate and mitigate the problem once known, prayer, professional counseling and reassignment. In this scenario both the hospital and the church failed but only one is held responsible. Surely anyone can see this as favoring a secular institution over a religious institution. This is a double standard and must end.
You don't have to know someone to know someone.
"The Catholic Church has paid out to victims to date $1.2 Billion dollars without dragging a single victim through a trial."
Says who? The Catholic Church? And dragging a single victim through trial, I'm sure those victims feel just splendid knowing that their abusers didn't have to go to trial either hence being free and able to subject more innocent children around the world to sexual abuse.
You also bring up statistics about US. How many thousands upon thousands of children in poor countries in Africa, Asia and South America don't you think have been subjected to these atrocities without it even reaching the news! Many priests were relocated to exactly those countries to avoid being prosecuted btw and just kept on going.
Stop defending a perverted and sick organization founded on lies and superstition so men can dress like women and *beep* children!
With Society promoting sex 24/7, you can't expect there not to be pedophiles and rapists. It's too late for hypocrisy, big money and greed is the driving force for humanity, deal with it. These dysfunctional broken human beings are nothing by a product of Society, built to last and made in America.
shareUnfortunately, true!
"That Barney Rubble, what an actor!!" -Night Shift
So,lets all look at those professions like they all are guilty,and hate them for no reasons.Someone has to do that job,imagine if everyone stayed out of it,just because people think they are pedos...
shareChris Hansen is staring in that movie.
by Jasonm-green » Thu Aug 6 2015 16:57:03
Whens Paedophile Hunter coming out? Tarantino should direct it.
Tarantino would be hunting himself. Worst kept secret in Hollywood. Total creep.
shareIm pretty sure the church dosent want to remind people about all the innocent people they tortured and murdered in the name of with hunting. The def have alot bigger PR issues thats for sure.
shareI'm pretty sure that your ancestors have participed at this witches hunt. Today we call these peoples "sheep". Don't blame the church blame yourself. Christianity has evolved like all ideology these days. This was dark time for everybody. Today you eat your food on a plate at your desk while watching your tv and wondering if you can take off tomorow work. Guns dont kill people, you kill people.
shareYes, exactly
Very nice, how much?
Those were dark times for everybody, for sure.
But while bishops and priests were "having fun" and earning bilions from money paid by dumb people, the other side was being tortured and burned alive... because they wanted to free those dumb people.
Got now the difference?
Ghost_Of_Me »-
Im pretty sure the church dosent want to remind people about all the innocent people they tortured and murdered in the name of with hunting. The def have alot bigger PR issues thats for sure.
If you call 100,000 few, then I'd like to know what world you live in. Either that, or you're incredibly cold-blooded.
shareThe problem is, there is no evidence that 100'000 people were sentenced to death for Withccraft. In fact, modern Historians see it as a mich lower figure, mor eliek 20-30'000 over a 500 year period. This is more like 20-60 peopel per yer on average, with the uderstandign that most Years didn't see anyoen executed for Withccraft.
The staggerignly high number is a modern Myth, an Urban Legend that soehow got engraine din our cultural Imaginations and linger son to justify an idrrational fear of Withchunts, wich are ironiclaly themselves the productof Irrational Fear.
STill, more peoepl were executed for Theivery than Withccraft i the same Time Period, or Murer, so the whole Wihc Trials lead ot mass deaths htign is absurd.
You are correct.
there are numbers around 50k that go until the 18th century, and today in some countries there are still witch trials.
In the dark ages, if the Catholic Church was as bad as some depict it regarding witches, the numbers would have been a lot higher. But instead the majority of the condemns during the Inquisition were Jews.
Even with the Malleus Magnificarum as a guide (which was a death trap in itself) the witch hunt was not a common event in Europe or in America.
on a side note, Muslim Terrorists have killed more in the 21st century than the Inquisition during all its existence. They had 150k people judged and 3k killed (that's around 2% death toll)
Sean Bean has not died from Lightsaber related issues yet...just saying
Do you really think it’s fair to compare the actions of a single religious organization, like the Catholic Church, to the actions of “Muslim Terrorists” (however you want to define them!)? If you want to be fair, then you should compare terrorist acts by Muslims to those of Christians and not just to those of the Catholic Church during the witch trials.
You’d have include things like the crusades (and please don’t give me that white wash about them being “defensive wars”), the colonization of the new world in the name of Christianity (many natives being forced to either convert or die), etc. By the way, the inquisition targeted Muslims also, not just Jews. From the modern era, well, the Holocaust was done by Christians (and if you say they were not real Christians then the same could be said about many groups like ISIS and Al Qeada who have killed more Muslims than non-Muslims), the Lord Resistance Army in Africa, etc.
One last note, if you’re going to state something like, “Muslim Terrorists have killed more in the 21st century than the Inquisition during all its existence. They had 150k people judged and 3k killed” then you really ought to provide the source of your information. I must say that this is the first I’ve heard of such numbers.
So You think it's fair to compare an act of christian fanatics to the muslim fanatics, other than the Inquisition? are you sure?
ok, let's compare the acts of the k k k with the acts of Al Queda? muslims fanatics will still get higher (or even higher) numbers.
The inquisition by percentage, hardly killed "witches".
So I have to include the Crusades and Exclude the arab occupation of Iberia and southern Europe? really? how come? no, it wasn't a defensive war, that was held by what is now Spain and Portugal (well the north of these countries). and that was about endurance in the mountains. the actual crusades helped kicking the moors out of europe during what was called "Reconquista", as in "reconquering". Important Crusaders during this actually got to marry princesses (daughters of King Alfonso VI).
So you think during this occupation, the cities and villages who didn't provide profit to the muslims weren't forced to convert? oh wait, before converting they payed taxes and had less rights than muslims...then they were forced to convert. Forced conversion was not a christian invention.
Cool of you to speak about the holocaust, you realize Hitler was backed up all the way by Muslims don't you? You also realize Hitler didn't kill jews because he was a Christian... he killed them because he blamed them for all the troubles in German society, cultural and financial, and of course he could use their money to conquer Europe. It had hardly anything to do with religion.
There is a line between a person who kills because whatever reason despite being from religion XPTO and someone who kills because he thinks all who are not religious XPTO deserve to die, or someone who thinks one religion is to blame for something and targets only them.
One last note, if you’re going to state something like, “Muslim Terrorists have killed more in the 21st century than the Inquisition during all its existence. They had 150k people judged and 3k killed” then you really ought to provide the source of your information. I must say that this is the first I’ve heard of such numbers.
They had 150k people judged and 3k killed”That is the Inquisition, not the muslims. numbers -
So You think it's fair to compare an act of christian fanatics to the muslim fanatics, other than the Inquisition? are you sure?
You also realize Hitler didn't kill jews because he was a Christian... he killed them because he blamed them for all the troubles in German society, cultural and financial, and of course he could use their money to conquer Europe. It had hardly anything to do with religion.
and my point is the Catholic church didn't kill as many people for witchcraft as we are led to believe.
Muslim's also have more than one denomination, just like Christians do
and they murder each other just like Christians in non-secular countries t
and keep Catholics separate from other Christian denominations to paint Muslims as worse than Christians.
I don't realize that at all
It's historical fact that Jews were reviled throughout Europe for rejecting Christ and blamed for his death, on top of their cultural and financial practices.
it was thanks in large part to scriptures like 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 that the church justified such atrocities, so it had quite a lot to do with religion, actually.
he Catholics and other Christian groups brought their cursed book to Africa, you can watch YouTube videos of Africans maiming and killing "witches" to this day. It isn't over, and the blood is on the hands of the Church, which doesn't exist without it's practitioners.
whitewashing! a christian is a christian a muslim is a muslim, take the bad with the even worse.
k k k members are christians and daesh is muslim. live with it. both of them are a waste of oxygen in this planet. both are the responsibility of their respective core religions.
seriously? let's put it like this, when was the last time a foreign Christian fanatic assassinated (at least) dozens of other people with a different religion only because theirs wasn't the same, while also killing Christians in the process?
nop, sorry, all Christians are accounted for each of their groups' actions.
seriously? I have no religion. If I were to chose one for the heck of it, I'd probably chose the Bahai Faith as they seem the most peaceful... having said that, the last religion I would pick would be islam.
it's probably the worst religion to follow in the 21st century. No matter how you try to paint it, any religion who kills someone for a drawing is an evil religion. it's the only religion oficially inciting hate and murder on industrialized countries. And they DO NOT integrate any society.
sure many passages for most religious books have atrocious commands, back up slavery and all kinds of Human Rights abuse, etc etc, BUT from the bunch islam is the only taking such passages literally in civilized countries. It's a religion of hate, pure and simple.
read Mein kampft and listen to his speeches. christian and jewish religion had as much to do with it as the concept of Valhala (hitler's retoric question was "are there any jews in the halls of valhala?" or something similar)...surprisingly (NOT), the Muslim leader backed him up. He needed an escape goat for everything bad they came from WWI to the german people, plain and simple.
On April 26, 1933 Hitler declared during a meeting with Roman Catholic Bishop Wilhelm Berning (de) of Osnabrück:
“I have been attacked because of my handling of the Jewish question. The Catholic Church considered the Jews pestilent for fifteen hundred years, put them in ghettos, etc., because it recognized the Jews for what they were. In the epoch of liberalism the danger was no longer recognized. I am moving back toward the time in which a fifteen-hundred-year-long tradition was implemented. I do not set race over religion, but I recognize the representatives of this race as pestilent for the state and for the Church, and perhaps I am thereby doing Christianity a great service by pushing them out of schools and public functions.”
that doesn't mean it was the reason for Hitler to do what he did (you cant bet it wasn't) and their financial practices (the monopoly there is) were handed to them by the Chruch when it deemed the loaning practice a low level activity and when it started to impose limits to what the jews could own.
The document Dabru Emet was issued by over 220 rabbis and intellectuals from all branches of Judaism in 2000 as a statement about Jewish-Christian relations. This document states,
"Nazism was not a Christian phenomenon. Without the long history of Christian anti-Judaism and Christian violence against Jews, Nazi ideology could not have taken hold nor could it have been carried out. Too many Christians participated in, or were sympathetic to, Nazi atrocities against Jews. Other Christians did not protest sufficiently against these atrocities. But Nazism itself was not an inevitable outcome of Christianity."
again, someone backing another for religious reasons doesn't make the first person's acts religious as well... Example, if I were Neopagan/Helenic I'd back up Olympic athletes for religious reasons but they don't compete because of religion views. they have a personal goal - to be top dog.
I think I was clear when I said "The Catholic Church didn't kill as many people for witchcraft as we are led to believe" as in trials officially held by or with the participation of the Church - the Inquisition.
what happens in Africa are christian *beep* up people who should be put in prison in order to make the World a better place, not "official" trials. but yes, they are christian and all Christianity should, and actually do, condone their actions and take their share of the blame.... something most Muslim factions don't do when it's they who messed up.
you realize Hitler was backed up all the way by Muslims don't you?
Gilbert Achcar, a professor of Development Studies at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies, argues that historical narratives often over-emphasize collaboration and under-appreciate progressive Arab political history, overshadowing the many dimensions of conflict between Nazism and the Arab World. He accuses Zionists of promulgating a 'collaborationist' narrative for partisan purposes. He proposes that the dominant Arab political attitudes were 'anti-colonialism' and 'anti-Zionism,' though only a comparatively small faction adopted anti-Semitism, and most Arabs were actually pro-Ally and anti-Axis (as evidenced by the high number of Arabs who fought for Allied forces).share
Yes. Inquisition was handled by bishops and priests, legal representatives of ICAR. Islam terrorists don't represent the religion.
And a whole continent's population was wiped by ICAR. Many milenar culture artfacts were destroyed. ICAR basicly came to America and did whatever they wanted to.
ohhhh so the majority were jews! Great, now I'm relief!
shareI remember when they taught us how to identify and destroy witches back in Sunday school, and then we went on mock hunts in Bible camp and tortured the girl when we caught her.
Ahhh....good times!
What's a "CIvil Cuets"? Are those Civets? Cuz, Civets aren't that civil.
sharePeople these days see propaganda everywhere. You clearly see that the viliains (witches) uses magics or whatever you want call that against the will of others. So this is basically good vs bad. The routine of holywood.
shareLet us see:
The Reality: The church hunts and kills hundreds of innocent people because they believed, they practiced "witchcraft".
The Movie: The "witches are real and evil. The catholic church and it's witchhunters are saving mankind.
... No, no Propaganda there.
Really? You can only call it propaganda if the movie purports itself to be true.
And if anyone views this Vin Diesel movie as reality then they deserve to be brainwashed.
z74neo said "Really? You can only call it propaganda if the movie purports itself to be true."
According to it's definition... Propaganda means: "information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc."
Given this definition, any religious or non religious text every Faith-based sect in the world could be properly labeled as 'propaganda'... so might any and all advertisements, political ads, anti-religion doctrine... etc...etc. Whether truth/lies really doesn't enter into the matter... It is ALL propaganda... for good intent or ill.
You cannot say that I cant say what I said...because I just said it. So There!
Inquisition was more about people reading the bible and having their own view of it, hence outside the Church's Dogma; than it EVER was about people with witchcraft. The witch hunts in America were more about that, but even it was localized and has been WAY over romanticized in modern times.
shareAnd that second wave had nothing to do with Catholicism, as the people were of mostly protestant denominations. The "what if the witches were actually really evil" trope is something that I've seen explored in fantasy literature and it's hardly a new idea and usually has nothing to do with Catholicism (though I've seen it used in a way the OP suggested, but by people who had nothing to do with institutional church).
shareschauol1 »-
Let us see:
The Reality: The church hunts and kills hundreds of innocent people because they believed, they practiced "witchcraft".
The Movie: The "witches are real and evil. The catholic church and it's witchhunters are saving mankind.
... No, no Propaganda there.
Most witch trials were actually conducte by the State, not he CHurch
The reality is that the Catholic Church didn't do much "witch hunting". In fact, for a long time the official stance of the Church was that witches was just a silly superstition. The Inquisition was created to hunt apostates and heretics, not witches. In Spain it had the additional job of ferreting out moriscos and conversos who were still practicing their old faith in hiding. Spain and Italy, where the Inquisition was most active, had very few witch trials. Those that occurred the charge was usually one of heresy. France is the one Catholic country that did have a relatively large number of witch trials compared to other Catholic countries.
Generally, it was Protestants who were obsessed with witches. They're the ones who perpetrated the large majority of witch killings, both in Europe and North America. The Salem Witch killings were done by Protestants, not Catholics.
Germany and Switzerland was a bit more complicated do to their religious demographics, with Catholics and Protestants living in close proximity to each other, sometimes in the same communities. So it doesn't come as a surprise that in protestant dominated areas the majority of witches were coincidentally Catholic, while in Catholic dominated areas, the witches were Protestant.
The reality is that the Catholic Church didn't do much "witch hunting". In fact, for a long time the official stance of the Church was that witches was just a silly superstition.
Of which area? And there were no witches "burned on behalf of the church" in the 1800's.
It just seems that you have a chip on your shoulder where it comes to the the Catholic Church. You're going after them and ignoring the Protestants who were the worst offenders. Look at the British Isles, for example. Protestant England had quite a few witch trials. Protestant Scotland was the worst offender, one of the worst overall. While Catholic Ireland hardly had any.
BTW, I'm not trying to defend the RCC, their hands are pretty filthy. I just believe that the condemnation should be spread fairly to all and where it belongs.
I took this from memory... You are right, I should have checked the facts first. This Page says, the last "known" event was at 1811:
-- Reason feels reasonable
That oerson killed in 1811 was an Arsonist.
Read Wikipedias page on her.
Barbara Zdunk, (1769 – August 21, 1811), was an ethnically Polish alleged arsonist and witch who lived in the city of Rößel, now Reszel in Poland but between 1772 and 1945 part of Prussia. She is considered by many to have been the last woman executed for witchcraft in Europe. This is doubtful because witchcraft was not a criminal offense in Prussia at the time.[1] It is thus likely that she was convicted, formally at least and most probably wrongly, of arson.
She liekly was not burend as a Witch, but as an Arsonist.
Yeah, she wasn't executed as a witch, it was for arson. Though she was thought to have practice witchcraft. But even though witchcraft was no longer a crime at this time, I'm sure that this sentiment played a part in her getting a death sentence. In any case, this happened in Prussia, a Protestant stronghold, so The Church wasn't involved.
shareschauol1 »-
Most witch trials were actually conducte by the State, not he CHurch
You do know, that in those times, this was pretty much the same, do you?
BTW: Your spelling looks like you've been cursed by a witch. BUUUUURN!!!
Also, the idea that the Church and the Government were pretty much the same is bunk
THE Prince Bishops were not only Protestant as younoted, but were also rare. Most of the Time, the Church wa snot oen withthe State in Europe.
shareI never 'noted' that they were or were not Protestant. In fact, all the ones that I mentioned were Catholic. And yes, the Religious and Civil authority is one in the same.
Anyhow, it's naive to say that the Church (Protestant or Catholic) had no influence whatsoever on the Government or vice-versa. Another example: The Church of England where the head is the ruling monarch. The fact is that these witch hunts were carried out in tandem by both authorities.
MY POINT i that the idea that thr wa no Governemnt but the Churhc is not Tue, and often the infleunce ws the other way around, with the Church dictated to by the State. At leats post Reformation. The CofE, the exampel you lsited, for example, was clearly subordinate to the King and Parlaiment, nto Vice Versa.
The poster is tyrign to say the Govenment only persecuted Witchs because the Church said so, and thats not just simplistic, but wrong.
I am dyslexic.
IT'S don't you, not do you
Not all bad the church is. School girl outfits they make. Without these no career britney spears would have.
shareby timax_911 » Fri Aug 7 2015 01:32:48
I'm pretty sure that your ancestors have participed at this witches hunt.
Today we call these peoples "sheep".
Don't blame the church blame yourself.
Christianity has evolved like all ideology these days.
This was dark time for everybody.
Today you eat your food on a plate at your desk while watching your tv and wondering if you can take off tomorow work.
Guns dont kill people, you kill people.
Also, QFT
by incognito-01194 » Fri Aug 7 2015 11:04:27
IMDb member since May 2015
Not all bad the church is. School girl outfits they make. Without these no career britney spears would have.
dragon_x » -
There ae many prolems with your post.
Don't blame the church blame yourself.
So it is OK to blame an old ancestor, yet not blame the old church (or even the new one)? How much iron have you had today, since that seems ironic at best.
Yes, Christianity or "Judaism 2.0" did evolve, yet the perfect religion never evolved in 1400 years. Strange, that.
Yes the 1400s and middle ages (after the fall of Rome) were a dark time for just about everyone.
Yes - so you say thinks like its not OK to think these things ... maybe you long for the middle ages?
Even if it is. EVEN IF IT IS (which I don't think it is), this where this shït belongs. Their mythology, and let's be clear, all of it, from Longinus to the Resurrection, from St. George and the Dragon, to the charge of the saints at the Siege of Antioch, ALL OF IT is simply mythology, belongs in television and movies and death metal songs. Not parading around, shaming women from abortions, and hindering the efforts of climate scientists and evolutionary biologists everywhere.
All of this nonsense has a place. It's just not in the real world. Their mythology, their fiction, is to be enjoyed the same way we enjoy the Iliad, and Beowulf and Grendel, and the Norse Sagas.
I think I would be totally into this film if it weren't for Vin Diesel. As an atheist, I absolutely LOVE Catholic mythology and lore. And it is so underutilized (which I suspect will prove to be the case with this movie as well) in modern fiction. I think that's why I enjoyed that Constantine movie from 2005 more than most.
With a slight nick pick. My Catholic high school taught evolution and Pope Francis has recently warned about climate change. And, yes, the Church still has a long way to go with women, birth control, gay rights and celibate priests among other issues.
. . . The Bones tell me nothing.
metallicdragon -
I rrally have to wonder if yu see the logical flaws and Hypocricy of your posts.
Even if it is. EVEN IF IT IS (which I don't think it is), this where this shït belongs. Their mythology, and let's be clear, all of it, from Longinus to the Resurrection, from St. George and the Dragon, to the charge of the saints at the Siege of Antioch, ALL OF IT is simply mythology,
belongs in television and movies and death metal songs. Not parading around, shaming women from abortions, and hindering the efforts of climate scientists and evolutionary biologists everywhere.
All of this nonsense has a place. It's just not in the real world. Their mythology, their fiction, is to be enjoyed the same way we enjoy the Iliad, and Beowulf and Grendel, and the Norse Sagas.
I think I would be totally into this film if it weren't for Vin Diesel. As an atheist, I absolutely LOVE Catholic mythology and lore. And it is so underutilized (which I suspect will prove to be the case with this movie as well) in modern fiction. I think that's why I enjoyed that Constantine movie from 2005 more than most.
shareOh absolutely. This is 100% how they would go about it. Make people afraid of witches and stuff. Tell me, what is your phd in, advanced physics or molecular biology? Genius.
Wait.. why am I on an IMDB board?? Ignore what I said, I'm a loser. Sigh.
This is the kind of crap that hurts atheism. It is just a movie. Has similar plots to hundreds different movies before it. Why try to make some statement that clearly is not there. It seems you are the one with some agenda.