I don't get the hate

I absolutely don't get the hate... I don't like this movie, I LOVE it !

It's one of my favourite space opera ever, and I've watched pretty much everything in the genre... I think this is a masterpiece in the leagues of Star Wars and the Fifth Element.

I mean the story is awesome, it's full of action, it's very fast paced, the SFX are beautiful, the OST is perfect...

I'm very sad to read all this hate, same as John Carter again, a wonderful movie hated with no reason :(


I didn't see the movie, but it's the Wachowskis, they directed Cloud Atlas, and the Nostalgia Critic made it look at least watchable, so I'll might give it a go.

Though... no offense, but based on the rating, the box-office, and the critics, I don't expect this to become a future classic. A cult favorite, maybe, but it's not the same level as Dark City, Demolition Man or probably Cloud Atlas (if Ebert liked it, so can I!). Just me:)


So, I finally watched it 2 weeks ago, for free on a plane along with a number of other flicks.
I had low expectations and it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. I found it watchable and liked it much more than the Age of Ultron , which did great. I though I was going to hate Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum and I didn't. I think they did OK. And at least there was actually an original story there unlike so many movies today which are just a rehash.

So, I officially have no clue what makes movies bomb. Because in my mind Jupiter is a better movie than Avengers 2 or Iron Man 3.

It reminded me of Dune, for some reason. And speaking of rehashes can someone remake Dune, please? The 30 year old versions weren't good to begin with and now they are also old.


I don't know what makes movies bomb, but superhero movies are really popular right now, so just the fact that they were superhero movies could be part of it.


I for one could not bear fake eyelashes and mascara on Mila Kunis during the whole time of the movie. I mean, She was cleaning toilets, over the operation table, falling from the sky, traveling through the cosmos, changing clothes and cultures, and never ever smudged or washed this makeup from her? C'mon - she is good looking girl, why this cheap painting and glued hairs like in porn movie? Maybelline or lancome sponsored the flick? And yeah, stupid chase, fight cgi scenes are dumb. Pure hollywood dumb. It's not western movie. Future advanced civilization going pew pew pew whooosh ? It's nice to have that in 1978. star wars, but this is well into 21. century.


Understandable point,but since when emanzipated Hollywood itself lastingly from
pulp fiction ?


Absolutely agree. A hugely entertaining movie that combines elements of other masterpieces such as Star Wars, The Fifth Element, Brazil, 12 Monkeys and Futurama (Central Bureaucracy) to create something unique, funny, touching and epic. If you didn't love it I feel sorry for you. 11/10!


The hate for this movie is absolutely ridiculous. The movie is not flawless, but it is extremely entertaining which is what I want from a movie. People can't appreciate original sci-fi anymore because they are blinded by the generic superhero movies that come out so regularly. I love superhero movies, but I also find enjoyment in the more quirky and inventive movies like JA. Anyway, this movie is very underrated, but I'm glad that some people enjoyed it as much as I did.



i think that the media and critics are totally bought these days. At least with any movie that costs over 9 figures...


I liked it a lot. It should have been about 20 minutes longer for better clarification on this very interesting universe.

I'd watch a series set in this 'verse - especially if it features Aegis.


I had problems with this movie, mostly due to the lack of character development, lack of climax, the nonsensical plot, nonsensical action scenes, nonsensical physics, etc. Not to impressed with the cinematics either. I have no idea how they managed to put 176 million dollars into making this piece of below-mediocrity. You'd think one would at least get a decent script with that sort of money.


I'll stand up and be counted among those who admit to liking Jupiter Ascending. (As well as John Carter while we're at it) Now do I think it's a masterpiece? Well...no. And do I think it does have its faults? Sure. Is it good? Eh...I dunno what to say on that. But was I entertained by it? You bet I was! Things including the mythos, the world-building, the subterfuge, the production design, the special effects, the score, and the action scenes kept me engaged. What's more I'll even say that in terms of structure and pacing that I think it probably actually feels the closest to old school film serials/space operas from the 1930's/40's of the films I've seen taking such inspiration from them. Just with all the chapters watched strung together. (Doesn't make it the best of them naturally, but it was something I consciously picked up on and dug while watching it. And something I suspect felt off to many modern filmgoers even if they couldn't particularly articulate it.) With whether for better or for worse the unabashed, for lack of better words, "bombast" and "kookiness" that so often comes with it. (Though like them also doesn't treat itself as a complete joke either to be sure.) It could be but I'm not sure if guilty pleasure is the right word to describe how I feel about it, but even if it does it's not really for ironic "so-bad-it's-good" reasons as I do genuinely admire both its creative and retro aspects. I can see why so many others don't like it, and yeah I'll concede to it having problems. But at the end of the day I cannot lie that I ultimately did have a more positive experience with it than negative. So that's my opinion. Take it as you will.
