MovieChat Forums > Warm Bodies (2013) Discussion > Do guys like this movie?

Do guys like this movie?

Because I read that people were comparing it to Twilight, not just because Teresa Palmer looks like Kristen Stewart. It's kind of a romantic action comedy and as a girl I really liked the movie. So I was wondering if it's too romantic for guys or not.

Twilight sucks though IMO :P

''If we can't live together, we're going to die alone!''


I liked it. Like another poster stated, it was interesting seeing things from the zombies point of view. It also doesn't hurt that I'm a zombie movie/tv show fan.

Utah! Get me two.


I'm a dude. I typically hate rom-coms, but I liked this a lot.


I liked it. It's refreshing to see that love really can conquer anything you throw at it.


It was pretty meh, came off as a movie trying to win the hearts of Twilight fans.

Not saying it was a terrible movie by all means have seen worse but I won't be watching it again anytime soon. But hey maybe I'm just a purist that loves their zombies mean, dead, hungry, and want to kill people.


You're only a purist if the only zombies you accept are mindless and slow.

If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.


i understand your purism, but remember, george romero, father of these flicks, in his day of the dead (the third of the series of the original movies), had the head scientist training a zombie by giving the zombie bits of human flesh as the zombie kinda became a pet, not human like warm bodies, but still....romero was already exploring the possiblities of zombies using what intelligence they had left....he revisited that some in land of the dead as well, in which the zombies start some organizational thinking in order to far as twilight? well, it would have been very nice for this movie to have come out first,in order to avoid these comparison, but if compared, warm bodies has so much more depth.... i saw the first twilight, and have not been able to rewatch it or watch any of its sequels


Male here... it's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Bad voiceover narration. Nonsense premise. It took me a while to realize this was supposed to be a comedy (where people get their heads bashed in)... But I suppose in a film world where vampires have become emo pussies who don't even kill people, I guess it makes sense. The lead chick is a hottie though.
But this is just terrible. Zombies in skinny jeans, it makes my stomach turn. The cure to being a zombie is LOVE? Sooooo lame. I'd expect a girl with any taste would find it totally lame too. Ugg.


Well not really love. The cure was a combination of a new desire from the zombies and acceptance by the humans. Love for R seemed to act as a catalyst to speed up the process.

If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.


Zombies in skinny jeans, it makes my stomach turn.

What's wrong with that? Lots of people wear skinny jeans today, meaning in a zombie apocalypse there'd be lots of zombies in skinny jeans, unless you're implying that all skinny jean wearers change clothes before they turn, or all people in skinny jeans are among the survivors, in which case what special powers did those skinny jeans confer to make them immune to the zombie apocalypse?

I get your revulsion at guys who wear skinny jeans, but of course some zombies would be wearing them. :P


You're probably harsher than me about it, but I agree. Male here too. Sometimes the movie would work for me, but other times they just pushed too hard for that...yea...emo-kumbaya-"the world is made of roses" vibe. They would just be too sitcom-y when things should've gotten a little more serious, and a lot of it just felt way too written.

It felt like everyone was just playing their part to help these two's love story, instead of being real characters that act in any way that makes sense.

I think really young people will like it, and girls who are happy to see a prettier Kristen Stewart who can act and Tony from Skins doing a really good job.

It's a great idea. There are some really nice moments. And even when it gets dumb, it doesn't get as dumb as a lot of summer blockbusters can get. And it makes sense for the story it's telling. It just kinda disrespects zombie movies a lot. And doesn't find the balance between fear and love like it wants to. And kinda wastes a really really great premise, taking shortcuts to help make these two's world-changing love work.


I'm a guy and I enjoyed it thoroughly for what it was. The premise of a zombie and a girl getting together is ridiculous but if you can look past it, it turns out to be a rather fun romcom take on the whole tired zombie scenario.


Both me and my husband loved Warm Bodies, and to point it out: He chose this one to watch (We have sort of a "movie of the week" thing).

But this movie can't be compared with Twilight, way out of TL's league! It was funny, cute, silly, scary, and it had a proper aww-factor. Twilight? None of that. All it wanted to make me do is repeatedly headbutt the desk.


I liked it, and I am a fan of zombie movies of all sorts. The similarities between this and twilight are undeniable and I actually took my daughter to see all the twilight movies. It would be going far for me to say I liked them but I thought they were okay. Warm bodies I liked much more as it didn't take itself serious and had some good comedy as well.


I’m a guy. I just watched it and liked it. It is certainly better than Twilight, though I am not sure why anyone would compare the two.

My name is Colin Creevey
and I’m a photoholic.


I loved the movie... and I don't thing Teresa Palmer looks a thing like Kristen. She looks better and is a way better actress. I was surprised I liked the movie as much as I did.
