MovieChat Forums > No Hard Feelings (2023) Discussion > Wow a sex comedy is being made in 2023

Wow a sex comedy is being made in 2023

I have never heard of this movie but saw there's a new trailer out. I don't want to provide a link as I'm not sure that's allowed here. It seems shocking this kind of movie exists today due to political correctness.


All the 'wokesters' and Gen Zers seem to be celebrating this SHIT on Twitter, probably because many of them are (1) reverse sexists who don't recognise that this concept would be highly offensive if the sexes were reversed, are (2) low-level anti-Semites who don't see the problem with casting an obviously Jewish actor as an 'unfuckable' nerd whose parents need to pay a thirtysomething blonde 'shiksa' to sleep with him, and (3) are classless lowlifes who have a fondness for crass, trashy early 00s comedies (much like I suspect Jennifer Lawrence does, bearing in mind that she has a history of dismissing actual *art* like Phantom Thread, and hails from an Anglo conservative Southern family, a constituency not particularly known for their sense of culture).


so Jews being cast in everything is okay but the second one em them gets a non badass role it anti-semitic?!? šŸ˜†


so you're not a fan of this movie?
why not?

Arnt people who condem "wokesters" all about this stuff?


Jewish men are deemed cream of the crop, they are deemed the mother load, they are deemed the future of America. Casting a Jew as ā€œunfuckableā€ is very unrealistic. Jews are sex symbols. Kings, pure wealth and the best DNA in the world!



According to Steven Spielberg !


What in the world is a ā€˜mother loadā€™?


What I'm going to emit after watching this Jennifer Lawrence film.


Clearly, rumors of the genre's demise have been much exaggerated.


I find this very degrading. A white struggling woman is reduced to kiss the ring of Israel for financial reasons.
She is reduced to a kurveh and must serve the Jewish man to keep her house.

Its just sad. Itā€™s a sad day for Americans.


According to Jlaw it's the first sex comedy starring a woman


šŸ˜‚ When the last American Pie DTV movie came out it was called "Girls Rule" and it was awful.



With no disgraced producer in her corner for the last few years, this former A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee, is now forced to take lead roles that other comic actresses have already passed on. Our former A+ lister refuses to play any supporting roles. Jennifer Lawrence/David O Russell (Jennifer Lawrence Finally Goes All-Out Comedy in ā€˜No Hard Feelingsā€™ Red Band Trailer)


seriously? a sex romance comedy youre offended while youre ok with theaters being clogged up by Marvel Comics movies?


Bub I was a little kid in the early 1980s and i was rained on raunch comedy movies which were Porky's and the first two Revenge of the Nerds movies and Police Academy.


I was born in 1981 and yes I was raised on the same movies. This movie still has the modern day traps and troupes. Of course the woman is the hypersexual one who can get sex easily and the guy is the loser. That is reflective of society today and by design.


well, youre acting like youre shocked to see a "raunchy" date comedy movie No Hard Feelings.

Back in the day Porky's and Revenge of the Nerds and even the Cheech and Chong movies they were raunchier than today's comedy date movies.


I doubt it will be has raunchy as the lesser known ones in the 80s and 90s. Still will try to pump one out as I'm watching Jennifer Lawrence though.
