Underrated as Hell!

I saw this tonight, expecting to laugh my way through its badness. I was shocked. This is a fine alien invasion movie, definitely not worthy of the hatred and negative reviews.


I really don't understand how Battle Los Angeles had gotten a higher rating than Skyline, the movie was pure crap. Skyline on the other hand was everything that I could wish for in a alien movie. The realism was there, the aliens are sophisticated and resourceful... It had you on the edge of your seat thinking this is like of the entire existence of the human race. I don't give a crap if it didn't have Hollywood's biggest names because I like it that way. The effects... were spectacular even for the budget. I was not disappointed at all. This movie is unique very unique in it's own way and I would love to see a sequel. And if everyone is going to rate this on the last 5 seconds of the movie so be it, it just proves how ignorant we are.

This was a fantastic film experience.

My boyfriend fell asleep through Battle Los Angeles, and I almost did to but I was concentrated on where the dvd remote was.

For Skyline him and I were both awake.


I thought it was okay. better than Battlefield los Angeles.


If by "Underrated as H***" you mean overrated, then I must agree.

Obamunism: The end of the Republic.
At times like these, I really hate being right!


definately underrated movie, i notice that most of these types of movies get downvoted, because they dont like the characters, they seemed to act like what normal people would do. And in that situation, its hard to even think of a good decision.

The only thing i thought would be better, if they atleast survived for a few days/weeks until their food ran out.


I agree with OP. Good film, good special effects, good ending.


I liked too, I was surprised, not a great movie but yes a good one.


I think the reason there are many people who have enjoyed more, is purely because we went in expecting utter garbage.

I had avoided seeing this film because of the low rating and everyone saying it was crap. Even when I sat down to watch it, I was keeping myself preoccupied with other things.

I was really expecting a B grade film with low budget special effects, but twenty minutes in, it started to gain my attention.
Compared to other similar films that have come out recently (especially Battle LA) this was actually fairly decent and the effects were well done.

It's not necessarily a good film, but I think people must have been expecting far too much from it to give it such a low rating. It's really not that bad for what it is.


I agree OP, after all the negativity surrounding Skyline, I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised. Sure the script wasn't mind blowing, but the acting wasn't shabby (compared to some films I've seen regarding alien invasions).

At the least it deserves a 5.6/6, if only for the effects and adequate acting.


I too was pleasantly surprised by this film, which received quite the negative response. By no means a great film, but an entertaining alien invasion film. I defiantly liked it more than Independence Day.

This film made excellent use of it's limited budget in regards to special effects, again, an enjoyable movie experience.

Lastly, I really enjoyed the Comic Book ending; it was very fitting for this film.

I was generous and gave Skyline an 8/10 rating, because it was just plain fun entertainment.


This movie was horrid. The main praise I see is the special effects and the ending of the film. I am so tired of all of the 3D/Special effects movies with horribly weak scripts. CGI does not make a train wreck of a movie any better. The first time I attempted to watch Skyline I shut it off around the halfway mark because I was so bored I was contemplating a handful of Valium and a shotgun. I finally did manage to make it through the whole movie and briefly wished I would have went the former route. I have seen a more substantial story out of adult films.

Throw some CGI in a movie about a common turd and/or film it in 3D and the masses will buy it.


I really liked this movie. It's a 7 for me. I must have seen it ten times and I have bought it on blu-ray.
A very good alternative to the utter silliness of big machines like ID, WOTW and other Battle for LA.
Yes the characters are not superheroes and don't always make good choices.
Yes humanity loses... and that is far more realistic than to send Will Smith and an alcoolic to save the universe.
You hate this movie?
That's fine with me.
I won't mind being part of a minority who likes interesting variants in the sci-fi genre.
Even when Americans fail to save the world.


I thought it was just like Cloverfield except this was a normal filmed movie where Cloverfield a Blair Witch Project type movie. And different characters with a cliffhanger.

Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year
