It's backhanded support, though. "Oh, he's ragging on muh gays and marginalized folk! But I guess free speech should sort of be protected" is the gist of the subtext, and it's not even really subtext just the framing of the context since the author is quite open about where their political affiliations are situated.
I'm at a point where I have just no tolerance for these people who even lean Left these days. They've destroyed so much culture, so much of what I love, that even in their meager support of something that we would -- at any other point in time -- likely agree on, leaves me distilled with unabated cynicism.
It's like, yeah, the author is right. But they're also still standing on the side of supporting the kind of sociopolitical talking points that led us down this pathway of cancel culture and egg-shell expressions.
It's like the guy who fashions whips for the torturer saying, "Torturers have a necessary role in society, but getting whipped is terrible."