MovieChat Forums > The Penguin (2024) Discussion > Way better than I was expecting

Way better than I was expecting

This was actually way more entertaining than I anticipated. I wasn't even going to watch it, but I found myself having a lot of extra free-time last night, so I checked it out. The comic relief was tastefully done and the story is interesting enough.


Good to hear đź‘Ť


I wasn't that interested in this but since I have Max I decided to check out the first episode. It turned out to be excellent, I loved it.


Kept me involved and that’s saying a lot these days. Edgy dialogue, good acting and promising story.

I do see a lot of Tony Soprano somehow but that could be just me.


Its pretty much a copy of Tony Soprano. Because its not the Penguin. Not the one from the comics.


So this penguin is not the one from Batman’s world?! It’s a new character?


The Penguin i remember was too high class to be a lowly Italian mobster. he wasn't Al Capone. Its the same with Tim Burton Batman. The sewer is the last place Penguin would want to be. Penguin is about living the High life even if you got to steal from people to maintain the lifestyle.


It's a version of The Penguin that exists in the world of "The Batman" (2022). Or, the Batman Epic Crime Universe or whatever Matt Reeves called it.


I've been looking forward to watching this, but haven't started it yet since I'm finishing up so many other shows. But glad to hear people are enjoying it! Are there any cameos or hints to a Bruce Wayne? (feel free to add a spoiler tag so as to not spoil it for anyone else.)


You forgot to switch accounts here fuckbeard.


What are you talking about? This is my only account. And here you are once again stalking me on other threads... really pathetic. You need to take your meds, or is that your Mommy's job to remind you?


Both of y'all need to try the new McCereal & Milk from McDonald's. Oh my god, it is so good


This guy only replies to me on this account. He forgot to log out this time LOOOL.


You're an idiot einstein. Anyone can go through my entire post history for years and see that you are NOT the only one I reply to, but since you won't let it go, yes, you are the one I am replying to the most because you are a piece of shit of a human being. You're a misogynistic lame incel of a troll with no life, with a low IQ and no originality... the fact that you've recently created two posts (at least) whining about "Put a chick in it" shows what a piece of shit you are, and I (and others) called you out on it. And you can't handle it, so you keep coming back with the most childish and inept replies. And so it will keep going until YOU stop. You dumbfuck.


WHOA! “HOLY BI-POLAR EPISODE BATMAN!” CALM DOWN! What is all this hatred about?


LOL ! Check out this Blackbeard's profile, it consists just of, replies to me. The entire troll account is dedicated to me, at some point he started replying to himself. Very schizo indeed. Super crazy. No idea what he's on.


Bullshit. You are completely insane if you think anyone would fall for your bullshit. Check out my account, lately, yes, all replies to you, but long before that, many replies to others for years. But you are such a complete piece of shit asshole that doesn't know when to stop, yes, I'm replying a lot to you. When you make misogynistic posts comparing about chicks being in a movie, I'm going to fucking call you out you pathetic incel. And when you keep responding like a child, making shit up, it's you that are indeed very schizo, super crazy. I swear if I didn't know better I'd say you are Trump, because this is right out of his playbook... deflect and accuse others of what YOU are actually doing. Such a pathetic worm you are... as I've said numerous times ENOUGH already with this childishness!


Long before that you were trolling other people, maybe. But look at you now? You have gone insane. Please seek help. I cant help you dude.


Fake Einstein is on a trolling binge lately.


He definitely is, and since I called him out, he just can't let it go. The dude is unhinged.


I just finished the first episode and I agree. Interesting characters and I'm intrigued by where they are going with the story. The comic relief was understated and well-placed in the narrative.


Is it good because it's about the Penguin character from Batman or because it's a crime show?

I don't care for shows about superhero characters that have nothing to do with the story they are supposed to be from.

For instance, Joker is a strange remake of Taxi Driver and has next to nothing to do with the Batman universe.

Penguin is a character who is a crude and ugly thug who imagines himself a dapper gentleman. So, he dresses in expensive clothes and has an umbrella like rich guy going to an opera. I have seen that in modern real life in cities like New York and Philly.

Meanwhile, he's short, fat, and has a sinister laugh that makes him sound like a duck quacking. So, he got the insulting nickname, The Penguin.

Is the show about that or just about a mafia guy?

I ask because this and other DC programs have been about everything BUT the subject matter.


Yes, there is definitely a lot of truth to that. I've always said that Joker should have just been released with a different title and just been about a guy who struggles with mental health. It's a great movie, but not necessarily a great Joker movie.

Penguin seems to be akin to Joker so far, but there's a possibility it will become more synonymous with the DC Comics Penguin as it builds its' world.


Frankly i wouldn't call "The Joker" (2019) to be the Joker. Hell most of the movie versions of the Joker are not even the same characters. Jack Nicholson play gangster Jack Napier, Joaquin Phoenix played loner Arthur Fleck, Heath Ledger played a weird dude who cut his face. Hell the only ones that comes close is Caesar Romero and Mark Hamill. Characters are suppose to have defined characteristics that are not suppose to wildly change from story to story. You could call this anything else and still would be the same shit. Not to mention is just a rippoff of every gangster movie ever. The Mobster Genre is probably the most Overrated Unoriginal Genre in the Universe. How many fucking times can you tell the same story about a guy threw Murder and Death becomes the top Mob Boss. Sci-fi is more original genre than this shit. Anything can happen in sci-fi. Mobster movies not really. Its about somebody rise or someone fall or both. I don't even find character in Mobster movie to be that interesting. Because there all bunch of dick that should be in prison.


I agree completely.

The Joker character is based on two things. In 30s there was slang where an "douche bag" who laughs after he does bad things is a "Joker" and that slang is still used in Philly where I live today.

Joker also based on the Victor Hugho character, The Man Who Laughs. In that novel a nice guy had his face mutilated and couldn't stop smiling. All kinds of bad things happen to him and he's forced to smile throughout. So, the cosmic joke of life was played on him.

Joker is a sinister "douche bag" with a forced smile on his face, so he is smiling while pulling sick jokes on people.

He's also a science fiction character because toxic waste turned him into this maniacal genius clown looking person with a forced smile who loves doing crazy things.

Back in the 30s and 40s Film Noir was about how cities and industrial societies breed perverts. One of their themes was that nice people get caught up in the perversion and can't win.

That's the Joker story only science fiction instead of the typical reality based Film Noir.

I have no idea why this can't just be portrayed in a movie. It's a great idea and has popular since about 1938.


I was hoping that Joker would be about a guy in real life, our world, who took on the Joker persona.

I lived in Colorado and used to go to the Aurora 13 movie theater and was going to see Batman the night of the mass murder there. I decided not to because people were dressing up like Joker and harassing people. I had been in a bad mood and decided not to go because I would have ended up getting angry at such a person, then a guy who sort of thought he was Joker murdered a bunch of people in the theater.

So, a better sorry than Joker would have been something like that.

I liked the theme of the movie, people getting kicked around for no reason, but disliked it as a Joker movie.

I don't know why DC keeps screwing with their own brand.


So far it appears to be more of a crime show about an organized crime/mafia guy that is set in Gotham.

I believe they are building towards it being more congruent with the more familiar DC versions of penguin and Gotham; time will tell.


I will eventually check it out.

However, it's not a stretch to have an ugly thug character who wants to be a classy gentlemen and it become a subject of mocky and an insulting nickname.

I have to wonder about Hollywood writers.

I like a show with Antony Starr, actor from The Boys, called Banshee.

It was about a criminal drifter who found himself in Pennsylvania, where I'm from. He took the place of a dead sheriff to cash in on the situation. After, he found that he was really good at it.

The writers were from NYC. Anyway, it took place in Danville, PA, which is real place.

Anyway, there was huge gang of Amish mafia, which isn't real, and Amish people don't live in Danville. Also, there was a Native American reservation there and there is no NA reservation in PA.

I found all of that hilarious because the writers couldn't even do basic research about a place that's real, so the show was surrealistic and set in some alternate universe PA. So, I guess writers of DC comic movies are recruited based on their absolute zero knowledge of DC comics.

Marvel does a better job of protecting their brand in movies.


I feel the opposite, I can't even continue watching this. I find everyone but Oswald (no I refuse to call him Oz) deeply irritating, and I don't know wtf Critical Drinker is smoking lately but it's full of subtle woke messaging like The Batman was. It can't just exist, it has to be proving some kind of point at every turn and yet has a useless circular plot.

