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TheCatman (373)


Did George Lucas Write This? Dumb Opening Premise. Dumb Opening Premise. The Cat Story is Somewhat True. View all posts >


It's not corruption. It's not corruption for a president to make appearances, take vacations, etc. It is corruption to fund Trans Opera in Columbia and so on because it's not democratic. If you put that to a mass vote it would lose. If you had a vote about the president attending the superbowl it would win. All religions are ridiculous. In addition, I have a 133 IQ and three grad degrees and I'm a psychologist. I know hustlers when I see them. It's a matter of priorities. CEOs Executives controlled by them would be second. I assume you are a jew. I have read the Torah, Talmud, and know what the religion is all about. In addition, you are psychotic if you believe in the supernatural. If the supernatural is not real then your fake religion is something people made up for a goal. The goal of judaism is to make its followers nervous about breaking the countless rules, make them feel empowered for having these fake rules, and turn others into "nonbelievers" to make them into supremacists. It's why countless people hate "jews" and have cast them out of societies, killed them, etc. Judaism is a supremacist group. There's plenty of minorities on Earth and they don't claim victimization only to turn around and become monsters when they gain power. That's a classic thing said about jews. They are a lot of the fake Left. The left aren't really the left. Leftists are supposed be free speech and then they got subverted by, in my opinion, communist wannabes. Really, they are what Marxists call "Bourgeois" and that social class wants to live in a bubble, so they are for censorship. If you have life experience, I'm sure you have talked to American women and typically they don't want to hear about difficult topics. For instance, if you bring up black crime, homosexuals, in anything but a glorified manner, they will try to shut you down in some way. That's how Bourgeois act because they don't want to hear anything that bursts their social bubble that makes them believe everything is alright, no one needs help, their are no problems, and so on. Once Musk started standing up for free speech, like an American should, he became the enemy. In America, it's okay to have racist views, be a Nazi, and so on. That is how we get ideas into the light and debate them and maybe change opinions. In addition, free speech stops extreme people from going underground and getting worse. That is literally why the founding fathers made it legal. It's because when they were alive if you said the wrong thing you could get killed. So, the left is no longer the left but rather middle-class Bourgeois who hate having it put in their face that things are not okay. You need to get out more... The whole thing is called "single use plastic" and paper straws have been an issue with irrational liberals for decades. There has been a big attempt to make straws out of modified pasta, potatoes, and other substances that are biodegradable, again, for a long time. The reasons it's "liberal" is because it's something people concerned about the environment get behind, lie about, and claim is doable when it's not. It's part of a whole bunch of ideas about how we should not be living as we are when there's no real alternative. I'm a liberal type but despise the irrational variety saying we should use cars, oil, straws, eat this or that, and so on when it's all not possible in our civilization. It looks too purposely comical vs witty and that's an instant sign of a bad movie. Also, a main character is Sentry and he is beyond powerful, so he will be made into a stupid character, like Adam Warlock from Guardians, which will further ruin the film. So, unless I heard it extremely good I will be watching it for free somewhere. Marvel seems determined to ruin their own brand which people have loved for like 70 years. I saw the film when it first came out on opening weekend and the crowd was FLOORED and it was unlike any film I had ever seen regarding crowd reaction. No one had any clue when the film came out and it was awesome. View all replies >