So what's the worst pain you've ever experienced?
Mine was when I had testicular torsion. It pretty much felt like I was being continuously hit in the crotch for two hours.
shareMine was when I had testicular torsion. It pretty much felt like I was being continuously hit in the crotch for two hours.
shareI've never had any serious, serious injury...but one of the most painful injuries I did have was last summer. My sister made me get a manicure and pink & whites for her wedding...I never really have nails, so I wasn't paying attention to their existence while I was washing my car the next weekend. My hand slipped while I was working on the door and my hand went under the handle. My finger went under the handle...the pink & white (kinda like acrylics, I guess?) stopped at the edge of the handle. This was my pinky! When I went to suck on the poor thing, make the pain go away, I realized the nail - the WHOLE nail - was only hanging on by the cuticle. I could lift it like a lid and peek underneath. So I took my roomate's Gerber tool, gripped the nail with it, closed my eyes and pulled. Hurt like friggin' I don't know what.
Watching this movie made me feel like a complete wuss. It also made me very thankful I've never had to experience true, complete, serious pain like that...or like yours man, that sounds seriously painful!
Indulge the deviance:
PERIOD CRAMPS lol. Sometimes I wanna bash my head on the table and knock myself out. Nothing compared to cutting of a limb (Or giving birth i'd imagine) but going through it once a month isn't the best part about being a woman...
Maybe spaining my ankle, I dunno, like the poster above me, I also lost a nail, whic hurt pretty bad, exept it didn't happen straight away, my toe was black for like a month, and the the nail just fell off, more gross than painfull though.
FYC: Black Swan, Franco, Portman, Hawkes, Kunis, Aronofsky, Sorkin, Nolan
In regards to the nail falling off, that's happening to me now. It's not painful at all, just gross. I would wave my nail-less toe around to freak people out. I would pull my foot up and go, "Notice anything?" And they'd slowly start to see that I was missing an entire nail. This happened because I was wearing heels! My middle toe did not fit well into the shoes, as the top was cramped (which hurt pretty bad). I usually prevent blisters by putting bandaids around the toe that hurts the most. But I didn't expect the top of the nail to suffer that much damage. I guess with all the pressure from wearing the shoes all day, the toe just got really bloodied under the nail. It was a deep red/black. A week or so later, I noticed that my toe nail was detached. I used a bandaid to keep it on for as long as I could, but it fell off sometime during the night. It's growing back pretty normally though.
I think period cramps are also the most pain I have experienced. I remember the first time I got them, I swore I was dying. I was like immobile, headache, felt like something was pulling at my insides. Of course I take medication now, but it still hurts.
Another really bad pain I felt was when I was wearing cotton pants in the 4th grade and I was sitting on a bench. My friend slid next to me and pushed me across the bench. I noticed some sharp pain. When I went home, I saw that I had so many splinters in my thighs and butt from pieces of the bench (now that I think about it, it must have been sticking out from the pants, haha, I can't believe I was walking around all day like that). It was so painful taking them out. Like really thick and big splinters.
I was more replying to Heat than to Kamisch, because Heat's toenail turned purple/black before pulling off. Of course with Kamisch, it must have hurt since she had to pull it off after it was ripped off. I wince even when I just have to pull a hangnail out.
sharesprained ankle?
Step aside Butch
Believe it or not labor is period cramps. except 5-10 times more worse
I was six and fell head-first into a brick fireplace. There was blood everywhere and the top of my head was cut pretty badly. It hurt like hell.
House's House of Whining! State your complaint.
The worst pain I have ever felt was a kidney stone. That is by far the worst pain to go through especially when you don't see it coming. Think of a shard ripping its way out of your kidney line....
share1) When I was about 4 or 5 I was in the back of a pick up truck with my dog (a very large black lab/german shepard mix). My dad was driving and when we pulled onto my street my dog jumped out of the truck. I freaked out but we weren't going very fast so the dog was fine. Anyways, he didn't have a leash on but a very long thin rope tied to his collar and I was walking him down the block to our house. The rope ended up getting wrapped around my knees and apparently I didn't notice but when my dog saw our house he took off running and I got the WORST rope burn on the inside of my knees. Taking a bath after that was agony.
2) My chain fell off my bmx bike and I needed to use a screwdriver to put it back on the sprocket. Somehow I used the screwdriver to put the chain back on but my finger got trapped between the chain and sprocket. I was in shock but I calmly pedaled backwards to get my finger out but after that I screamed bloody murder. My finger was all bloody but it didn't break or anything but the pain was SEVERE.
Believe it or not, chronic tooth ache - I had a cavity last year - is the worst physical pain I've ever felt in my life! Because it's right in your head there's just no getting away from it. The root canal surgery was nothing compared to the suffering that bugger brought, though I understand it's actually the infection that causes the pain?
I have a pretty good pain threshold and managed to put up with it for weeks but on the day I could finally take no more, I cried like a little baby at work. Highly embarrassing in front of my work colleagues!
Mind you, the ÂŁ310 dentist bill hurt too...
"It's because of movies like this that illegal downloading exists and you can be bored for free..."
3 words: INFECTED WISDOME TOOTH! Worst pain I ever had in my entire life. I have broken my arm, 2 fingers, and severly injured my tailbone. Nothing compared to this infected tooth. I told the dentist to give me the strongest drugs they could and just tried to sleep for 48 hours straight.
^^This. I had kidney stones when I was six and the pain was horrific. I remember everytime I had to pee I had to sit in a tub full of hot water so the stones would break up upon exit. I was constantly bleeding out and it felt like a knife was stabbing at my genital area, and the stones got big enough were i needed emergency laser surgery that next week. Nothing in life ever got that painful again LOL!!
"He not busy being born is busy dying."-Bob Dylan
Wrenched my knee, strained Achilles. Not so bad. But it was skiing. And my boot became unlocked to the ski and it was during this weird sticky snow blizzard where I couldn't re-snap by boot into my ski. Each time I was so close to re-snapping it, too much snow would collect. So I had to walk and walk and walk and walk down the mountain in this blizzard where I was sinking into the snow. Pain was so bad I was thinking about stabbing myself with my pole to take my mind off the other pain. OH THAT MAKES SENSE. ha ha.
shareHaving Stitches in my dick.
Stupid circumcision!
a month of solid pain.
Insert @V@T@R
me too. i had a circumcision when i was 19 for medical reasons. one day a stitch came undone and i was bleeding where the frenulum used to be, went to the hospital and a temp african nurse (male) put the stitch needle into my gland (loads of nerves in the male organ) without any form of painkiller. i screamed in pain. I have had to have 2 root canals too, and having an exposed tooth nerve is very painful too, when something touches that nerve the whole patch to the brain feels numb and weird
have also broken my left arm 3 times. that hurts too
Had root canal in1978 but the dentist had to pop thru the ladt bit of dentyne t get to the nerve which couldnt be deadened for some reason. Well as careful and as talented as he was, the probe pressed into the nerve lightly, i guess, and it hurt like hell. After that i never dropped my guard during the rest of the procedures. Even grosser was the time whn i was 9 and had to have anal warts burned off. The appts hurt like hell as did every time i took a dump.
shareI got a circumcision when I was born and couldn't walk for a year!
I did sixty in five minutes once...
I have to go with the poster that said period cramp. One month I had them so badly I could barely move!
"It's a Fez. I wear a Fez now. Fez's are cool"
This kind of puts things in perspective, I've never so much as had a tiny fracture in my life, nor had to get anything stitched. I always was the yellow boy who would stand around watching when other kids things they weren't supposed to. I once had some strange virus infection under one of my finger nails. It wasn't so much the infection that hurt as the nail having to be pulled out by the doctors. And I thought that hurt.
shareWorst pain... Over the years I've had a lot of problems with my toenails, they constantly grew into the skin, got infected and the doctor would have to take the nails off (only the big toes). What really hurt, though, were the local anesthetics. Having a needle stuck in your toe, pumping it full of fluids, is quite painful. And three days later, when the bandages were taken off... Ouch.
And before the operation, when the toe was really inflamed, it hurt so bad if someone stepped on my foot or I kicked a chair or something.
Also, broke my pinky once. Hurt pretty bad, but probably nothing compared to having your arm hacked off.
Braces! You only need to imagine slowly force-moving your teeth in a different direction and all sorts of pains can occur... for some braces is nothing, but for me it really was painful.
Along with period pains and stomach problems I consider myself pretty tough when it comes to pain (had a lot over the years), but yeah cutting an arm off doesn't really compare. :-P
A doctor once stuck a large hypodermic needle right on the top of my skull. Most of the resulting pain was imaginary, because the needle was supposed to deliver some sort of pain suppressing drug...
shareMy worst pain... Appendicitis..
shareOnce fell off of a chairlift and snapped my arm on a rock. Dear god it hurt.
Machete don't text
I once accidentally stapled my thumb, it hurt so bad I was panicking and my mom had to pull it out.
I once had a dog bite me on the wrist, his teeth punctured down to the fat layer or whatever. It didn't hurt at first, but when I saw the little tissue blobs hanging out I panicked and the pain hit. I still have the scars.. like 10 years later.
My first real broken nail, I broke my thumb nail across the middle of the meat while lifting a laundry basket. I panicked of course but eventually I calmed down and realized it wasn't broken all the way across, just cracked. It hurt really bad, but I had a strange feeling of happiness afterwards... like I had survived a rite of passage or something because I finally officially "broke a nail".
Hey Jin! You better not be cheating on me!!
Mine, too... plus a broken toenail (twice the same!).
sharePietus, I know exactly what you went through. I did too! It was absolutely terrible, i had to go through it 5 seperate times. Also only the big toes. I'd get the surgery done on them, but 6 months later they kept coming back. Me being the idiot i am, always waited till it got incredibly infected before i would go see a doctor about it. It got to the point where every step i took felt like needles jammed into my toe.
The worst pain i ever expirienced though was during my 4th toe surgery where the doctor put loads of anesthetic in my toe but i could still feel everything. It was so infected she had to try and rip the nail out but it kept breaking to pieces. So it took nearly 2 hours of yanking on my toenail to get it all out. Oh it was so painful, im so glad its all overwith *knocks on wood*
Just muscle cramps in general are awful. I once had a massive leg cramp while working out and I just remember it being unbearable.
I've also hit my toes, my knees onto some metal object and it hurt like *beep* Obviously it can't be compared to the pain that we saw in the film.
My knees are horrible. I found this out when I was about 12, I was on my neighbors trampoline and i landed weird and my knee dislocated. I screamed so loud my mother ran from next door. Luckily on the way down (from the jump that hurt me) it went back in place. It swelled and I couldn't straighten my leg. It's happened a few times since but never as bad (thank god!) Yeah, that's my worst.
I also have a really bad habit of picking my nails and I remember actually picking my nail so badly i had no lower nail on my thumb. It was just a huge chunk missing. It wasn't as much painful as it was very uncomfortable. (and gross)
But obviously nothing like the movie. I don't think I could cut my arm off, even if my life depended on it. I'd keep passing out and nothing would get done.
i agree with period pains!! and last night i fell over onto my leg which is already covered in bruises, and that really really hurt and that was even with alcohol numbing the pain!
Will someone please pass the *beep* asparagus?
I almost cut my finger off while opening a can.
I'm not sure if I cut a nerve or the tendon, but I could see a white thing exposed. My finger is now partially numb on one side.
The worst pain actually came when I was at the doctor getting it stitched up. Before he had put an anasthetic, he touched it/pushed on it, and it was the sort of pain that absolutely paralyzes you. The pain was so bad that I couldn't even talk to tell him he was hurting me; it completely froze me.
I almost cut my finger off while opening a can.
I'm not sure if I cut a nerve or the tendon, but I could see a white thing exposed. My finger is now partially numb on one side.
The worst pain actually came when I was at the doctor getting it stitched up. Before he had put an anasthetic, he touched it/pushed on it, and it was the sort of pain that absolutely paralyzes you. The pain was so bad that I couldn't even talk to tell him he was hurting me; it completely froze me.
I once was playing with my bro on a loft bed (IKEA TROSMO - _bed_instructions_1.jpg), and while we were playing, I fall right into the ground head first.
I heard/felt bone breaking, I felt like I died a thousand times, couldn't breath at all, I was trying to tell my bro to bring my mom but I really couldn't breath and couldn't speak either. It felt like an eternity of torture. The next thing I know that I fainted, and woke up on bed hearing my mom "You're so blue" while shaking like crazy, literally.
The thought of recalling what it felt like just scares the hell out of me. I NEVER ever touch or go near bunkbeds or loft beds anymore again.
I would say, only the last three posters deserve to write about pain on this board. Now I know its the worst "you" have experienced...but most of the posts so far, I have just laughed at - but then again, its good that most people don't experience severe pain
shareLol, then you obviously have not experienced the pain of testicular torsion.
shareWhy would you laugh at someone else's pain?