If we are referring to the tower in the film - yeah, I would say yes and go ahead and do it. But I can tell you, probably 1/4th of the way up I'd say "Nah, that's ok, thanks anyway" - and climb back down.
So why would one do this? Well it's because of the one thing that bothered me in "Fall" - it's clearly established, as the girls are on their way up, the tower is falling apart. So, if you value life, one has to consider:
A. Is this tower going to survive my climb and
B. Hey, I've got to use this same tower to get back down!
And that would have been it for me. Life is worth more than 100 grand. Not only that, 100 grand isn't even all that much money. But I'd still take a shot at it - no way I would have finished.