MovieChat Forums > The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) Discussion > IS THIS REALLY THE SICKEST MOVIE EVER?


I wonder if HC II beats the first, Cannibal Holocaust and Serbian Movie? in the race for the sickest movie of all time?

Audition, August underground mordum, Martyrs, A l'intérieur, The 100 days of Salo (french translation sorry :-) and so many more...

Anyway, do I have to prepare myself for deception or real sick trip?



I just laughed all the way through this and the first one. It was hilarious. I find most of these so called sick films to be funny not disturbing. How can anyone ever be disturbed by a movie? Its make believe..



nope, not even close...although I liked this movie and the villain was chosen spot on to represent a disturbed crazy loner. Generally speaking, exploitation flicks don't do much for me if not for some amusement at the creativity of the gore scenes. The only movie which ever made me uneasy and shocked was mainstream french flick Irreversible - not that movie is truly evil and sick in it's core (head bashing scene alone *beep* on anything these gorefests have produced over the years)


HC2 is pretty disgusting; it's also a very well-made movie. Soundtrack, performances and cinematography are top notch. It's just hard to divorce opinions from the subject matter. August Underground Mordum is widely regarded as the sickest film ever made, but how much a film/scene disturbs a person is pretty subjective. If there was a jury trial though, and you read out scenes, AUM would be 'guilty'. Yeah, there's baby rape in a Serbian Film, but it actually has something to say. AUM is just relentless and banal. I'd kind of prefer it was never made, but here we are.


I was nearly sick and it is the closest I've come to throwing up thanks to a film, but that is thanks to me sensitive gag reflex and flashbacks to my endoscopy. However, I don't think that is the kind of "sick" you are going for. So is the most vile or disgusting film ever? I doubt it, I laughed at A Serbian Film (it was trying too hard to be shocking) and thought Martyrs was more intense than disgusting, but I know there are far worse out there, I just have no interest in seeing them to make sure - I'm happy to go by the reports of those that have been there and come back to tell us the strange sights they've seen on the fringes of extreme cinema. While the first HC allowed you to empathise with the characters, that was because there were only three of them so you could get a feel for them as a person and look them in there eye. With HC2, it there were too many people for any one individual to stand out much and it felt like a more... abstract exercise: "I've said I'll do a 12 person centipede, so this is how it is done" and once they'd shown it to us, they wound the film up pretty quickly after that (where the first one dwelt more on their dilemma). Now perhaps if the main character had cut out the baby and stitched it into the centipede, I might have felt they were pushing the envelope of acceptability, but they wussed out and once my stomach has settled down I'm not sure it'll leave much of an impression on me, other than: "well they perhaps should be applauded for the technical achievement and finding enough jobbing actors (no pun intended)."

If I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away.


Hmmm... this definitely is nowhere in the league of sickest movie ever. If you were willing to consider porno films in the mix, there is one, based on a true story, called 'Water Power' about a man who terrorized young women in Illinois by giving them forced enemas. While it's a XXX film, it's not sought out by porn collectors. It's truly an odd film, in the 'scat' category (meaning it's erotica containing feces and urine) but even 'scat' lovers don't covet this film, as it depicts the deranged mind of a real-life erotic criminal (I made that up. Erotic Criminal. Could be a movie title someday!) and that's too much for most porn lovers to bear.

Then there's Thundercrack! Which I never sat all the way through. Long Jean Silver... the list goes on.

I think rather than one sick film beating another, we should just be content to have a group of the sickest films of all time. Slap them together, and next time you have to punish one of your friends, make them do a marathon sick-flick fest. That'll learn 'em! :)


a serbian film is probably the nastiest film ive ever seen. Nothing bothers me to the degree that I cant watch it, but that film is the one I'd recommend most people DON'T watch.

However having said that, The only film in recent memory which actually made me uncomfortable and angry was Martyrs.


No way. This movie is not dsisturbing or sickest, is just boring, boring as in BORING. And stupid. Couldnt stop laughing in some parts. Fall sleep the first time I tried to watched it. And the second, and the third. It could be sickest and disturbing but, you know, the lack of talent...
