No. It was mostly ground battles and very little substance. Villeneuve also messed up the Fremen really badly in the way they were portrayed, inserting modern-day politics into the dialogue.
He had the northern Fremen doubting the prophecy and calling everything into question, he wrote the Fremen in the southern hemisphere of Arakkis as being fanatical and violent, and everyone kept questioning Stilgar's decisions on everything.
Chani was about as charming as a pile of dung in the desert. There was almost zero chemistry between her and Paul. It took me a few minutes in one scene to even figure out they were having sex, because it was about as romantic as hiding in a bunker in WWII.
They didn't allow Alia to be born, and sped up the timeline of the movie to 8 months, and Alia is reduced to talking through Lady Jessica while she's still pregnant. So instead of toddler Alia being a badass and taking out the Baron near the climax of the movie, they let Paul do it instead.
The scenes on Kaitane were really cheap and boring, and they picked a very plain, boring actress to play Princess Irulan, and put her in the most severe, ugly, armor-themed costumes you could imagine. And they totally wasted Christopher Walken's potential to be an interesting Emperor, and made him dull and boring as a ruler.
One of the dumbest scenes in the second film was the arena scene on Geidi Prime, where the planet supposedly orbits a "black sun," which for no scientifically logical explanation that can be given, bleaches out all colors on Geidi Prime so the world looks black and white to everyone on the surface (impossible, by the way).
Honestly, I was not impressed at all, and angry at the story choices made in this movie. It's worth seeing once and never again.