MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Why am I still watching this? 🤔

Why am I still watching this? 🤔

An hour long episode...of Carol trying to make soup and Daryl trying to fix his motorcycle?

They might as well be Seinfeld at this point, the “show about nothing.” There have been no advancing story lines since this show came back after the COVID layoff.

I’m trying to understand what they are doing with these last several episodes?


we can't stop, we're too invested, but we know better.


Just let it go.


What are there, 16, 17 total episodes to go? I have to stay until this series comes to its inevitable crappy ending.


The final season (Season 11) is going to be 24 episodes. That's right........TWENTY FOUR episodes.🤬🤬 Why ? Because AMC is gonna milk this s*it for all it's worth up to the bitter end!😛


because you're the watching dead


I hear the season finale' will be better. It can't get much worse.


That one is the Negan backstory & the only one I'm looking forward to seeing.



"Currently, AMC is airing a collection of Walking Dead episodes filmed amid the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, the production was under strict safety guidelines and the episodes are smaller as a result, featuring fewer cast members and relying on fewer big set pieces"


aka, boring as hell, might as well just not film it because i have seen fan made movies on youtube who are more exciting than the last two episodes.


Smaller stories is fine if they have a purpose. A lot didn't like splinter but it was designed to help us understand the new character princess and i didn't mind it, same with negan. However the other stories just seemed useless filler.

I just hope they don't drag series 11 out. Each episode should have a purpose


I just hope they don't drag series 11 out.

Unfortunately,with 24 planned episodes,I suspect we will be getting A LOT of filler/bottle crap. So with this many episodes,& AMC's normal habit of splitting seasons in half with 2 months between (they could split it into thirds this time),this final season may go until 2023. 😛

There may be a REAL zombie apocalypse by then!🤯
