MovieChat Forums > Haywire (2012) Discussion > Let's settle this once for all (male vs ...

Let's settle this once for all (male vs female fighting)

For her weight class, Gina does great and is a pro MMA fighter, unfortunately I believe people seeing this movie will then say, "It is plausible that she could take out double digits of highly trained military men."

Well, Gina got crushed by Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos - 145 pound weight, in MMA. It was not even a contest. Cyborg is at the top and end of her game for female competition in the MMA, taking out the number 2 featherweight in the world, Hiroko Yamanaka, in just 16 seconds.

This has caused a stir that maybe, just possibly, she could compete with men (in her weight class), with former lightweight champion K.J. Noons saying, "I believe (male vs. female fights) wouldn't be that competitive, but every now and then there is a special athletic woman that can compete with men in fighting" going on to say that she ("Cyborg") could possibly compete in her weight class with men, though the MMA sanction would be highly against it for safety reasons.

There we have it, actual MMA discussion and evidence by professionals in this arena: the person who destroyed Gina is not even allowed to compete against males in her own weight class, let alone heavyweight, for safety reasons.

But here, we have Gina destroying not one or two inexperienced men, but dozens of highly trained men well outside of her weight class, all highly athletic - sometimes I like the hero or heroine to obey physics in movies for a sense of realism...

While this movie may have beautiful choreography, I believe it does the fighting world a disservice to blatantly promote unrealistic odds in a realistic fashion, somehow promoting an ideology that the modern man is a demasculated, self serving sexist pig that can never compete or stand a chance with a goddess.


Most of her fights in this movie were one on one, when i read the "destroying...line dozens of highly trained men" I was expecting more, sir!

even then certain things happened during many of the fights which 'leveraged' the playing field.

Freaken Obiwan Mcgreggor broke his own leg trying to repeatedly run away, pussy.

Anyway, crap movie




Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos was tested for steroids and was found positive to have in her system: enough said.


I am sure the OP would think it was much more realistic if 5'7" Tom Cruise was doing this instead of the 5'8" pro fighter Gina Carano.

Also, Christiane Santos had enough synthetic testosterone in her system to count as a man. It remains to be seen how she does after her drug suspension, or if she gets a match with Ronda Rousey how she fares in that. Right now, Ronda Rousey is the face of womens MMA, not Cyborg.


Nice....I feel you've hit the nail on the head....WAAAH....NO GIRL COULD BEAT ME UP, I'M A MAN!!!
I feel extremely confident in saying 99pct of these type posters have never been in any fight of any kind since the 5th grade... I hate that.

Anyhoo, I enjoy this movie....watched it 5 times so far...and I doubt it had a huge budget so to get the likes of McGregor, Douglas, Paxton, Banderas, Fassbender and Tatum (altho I'm guessing they told him he'd get to kiss Gina and he signed on for league scale) they must have agreed it'd be a decent flick.


a persons ability to fight is not dependent on there physical form
these guys who say that a woman couldn't compete against men are idiots and have no idea what they are talking about.
the power of a persons strike is dependent mostly on the speed of there strike.
a 145lb man will hit with the same force as a 245lb because what the smaller guy lacks in size he makes up for in speed.
this is a scientific fact.
Lucia Rijker was shown to be able to strike with 20% more power then a male fighter of the same weight class. because she is in fact faster then him



Ever notice whenever there is a movie like this that the misogynists start jumping up and down? She was great and I loved the movie.


Yes. I don't know why they have to come out and spoil a movie I like. If you don't like the movie then go watch something else.


wow. it's a movie.

it's called suspension of disbelief.

No one wants to see Guyborg in a film.

James Bond couldn't fight like that in real life, Batman, etc.

It's a movie. Chill.

Wait,I'm confused about the movie.So the cops knew that internal affairs were setting them up?



Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos was found to have been taking PEDs.


I'd let her beat me all day long. Great movie, I expected crap all over, it was artsy instead
