MovieChat Forums > Hoarders (2009) Discussion > What has made you retch/gag the most? Fe...

What has made you retch/gag the most? Feces? Dead Cats? Mice/Roaches?

I can safely say this is the only show that ever makes me gag and can completely erase my appetite.

I watched a bunch of eps from season 2 last night and it was brutal! I thought the rotting food and dead cat houses from season 1 were bad, but this was a whole new level of disgusting. One lady, I wanna say it was Judi, had over four tons of fecal matter removed from her house.

So, what do people find most nauseating about these houses?


I am only a recent watcher so that means I see a lot of reruns that I dvr. I have had a lot of OMG moments, but I think the lady (Terry) with around 75 dead cats in the refrigerator along with rats and other animals was a bit much. Couple that with the 50 or so live cats in the house and the huge piles of feces, I really didn't know what to say. Also, there were the ones that she had somehow managed to liquify in the stove.

I mean there were kittens with eyes popping out because of whatever. It was a straight up situation. Her place was such a biohazzard that even after the clean up, they made her move.

I keep seeing previews for one that appears to have 500 or so rats huddled up sleeping on a floor, but I have not seen it yet. That being said, just on the visual alone, it was more than an upstartto a vomit, but it made my toes curl.


That one is the absolutely nastiest one ever. Kitchen counters covered with poop. Sick cats shuffling about. A freezer full of dead cats, one of them liquified into cat goo in a baggie.
All the ones with a house full of cats and dogs are gross. Or the guy with the rabbits. Gross.

Another nasty one was the lady who had a bathtub full of pissy diapers. Her house looks like it was such a beautiful thing, too, before she destroyed it.

Then, there is the one who pees and poops in buckets and throws it in the yard. Has a mountain of poop in the toilet 2 feet high. How does that even work? Did she get on a ladder? She would dump her pee and poop buckets, slop it on her food, and eat it. How she didn't get sick idk.

I don't remember who she was, but there was one with this kind of fat lady who just laid in a chair all day and threw her trash around her. She had two kids, the girl was older, and I remember her trying to cook eggs in the roach pit kitchen. They had the most roaches. Well, I think. There was one who had trash bags all over and there was like a 2 years old rotten chicken in one.


What the hell did you just write and what the hell did I just read.


I don't remember who she was, but there was one with this kind of fat lady who just laid in a chair all day and threw her trash around her. She had two kids, the girl was older, and I remember her trying to cook eggs in the roach pit kitchen. They had the most roaches.
That was the infamous Sherry, in "Hoarding: Buried Alive" episode "Tiny Monsters." Please have a look at her very own thread over there! She claimed to have "14 disabilities...the worst of which is fibromyalgia..." Oh, please. If that's the WORST of her "14 disabilities" she should be thanking her lucky stars. I'd like to see her deal with REAL, SEVERE health problems. 

Then, there is the one who pees and poops in buckets and throws it in the yard. Has a mountain of poop in the toilet 2 feet high. How does that even work? Did she get on a ladder? She would dump her pee and poop buckets, slop it on her food, and eat it. How she didn't get sick idk.
That's Shanna...oh my goodness...Shanna. She's the one who told Dr Zasio and Matt that she was going to have "one more high" by eating poop-contaminated food. My favorite line? "I've been eating poop for 12 years!" (I may have the number of years wrong, but you get the idea.)



At one point there was a similiar series called Confessions of an Amimal Hoarder. It also had a rat episode, and a house over run by rabbits that had eaten through walls and the people that lived there (renters at that! They didn't even own the house) had even cut holes throuugh walls and used planks to turn the entire house into essentially a hamster habbittrail (showing my age there, anyone remember the cages with all the tunnels? The landlord actually let them stay in the house !!

I remember the one with the lady and her two kids, but don't recall specifics.

6 out of 7 dwarfs aren't happy


That one is the absolutely nastiest one ever...

Right?1? I honestly think that after they got what was alive in there, they should have burned the whole house down. Don't worry about shoveling those huge piles of cat ish or anything else because it cannot be fixed.

I have not seen the one with the lady who laid around all day, but it must be one of the episodes I have not watched yet. I did see one where the lady's plumbing had been disconnected and whatever was going on in her toilet was going on well above the seat. I don't know how she had the leg strength to straddle it. I would have gone outside before ever going anywhere near that.


The episode with Terry the cat cryogenist made me physically ill. It wasn't only cats. I believe she had a frozen squirrel in there, too. And a cardinal, I think? I'm just thankful the yogurt story wasn't aired on the show. I would have thrown up if I had to see that.

I can't watch any of the episodes where the clean-up guys dig up mummified cats that got buried under mounds of garbage. At least Terry, nuts as she was, was traumatized over her dead cats. More often than not, it's as if these pet 'collectors' couldn't even care less when the excavated carcasses get shown to them. "Oh, Whiskers, I wondered where he went."

Don't even get me started on the "poopy diapers" collection. Yech. Can't these people hoard some neat toys or comics instead?


When I see people not even taking out trash, I cannot believe it. They put their stuff in trash bags, yet don't even take them out? Do they ever look through those garbage bags again? Sometimes it is hard for me to clean up, but I throw away trash.
