MovieChat Forums > Hoarders (2009) Discussion > What has made you retch/gag the most? Fe...

What has made you retch/gag the most? Feces? Dead Cats? Mice/Roaches?

I can safely say this is the only show that ever makes me gag and can completely erase my appetite.

I watched a bunch of eps from season 2 last night and it was brutal! I thought the rotting food and dead cat houses from season 1 were bad, but this was a whole new level of disgusting. One lady, I wanna say it was Judi, had over four tons of fecal matter removed from her house.

So, what do people find most nauseating about these houses?


None of the above,like when they do close ups of drug addicts giving themselves a needle I just look away .Hoarders and Hoarding buried both shows love the close ups of disgusting things....I turn my head ,not my stomach. I think the worst shows are when the Hoarders have children and or animals.



My rule is no eating or drinking during the show,don't risk it.


I couldn't watch this show if I weren't drinking. It helps.


I'm watching my first episode now. It's the one with the lady who has 50 cats and even keeps them in her freezer after they're dead. As a lifetime animal lover, this one may make me lose my lunch. If there are worse to come, I'm going to have to use parental blocks on myself so I can't see it. hehe.




The cat fridge from tonight's "Terri" episode was honestly the worst thing I've ever seen on the show. The way she took the dead kitten out and was holding it and crying was really disturbing. Those sick kittens wandering around in the pile of cat poop was just so sad.

"Flash where have you been?"
"Where haven't I been! Wooof!!"


Okay, I just read through the thread and I'm feeling mighty queasy. Honest to God, some of these people need to be institutionalized for their own good. (I didn't mean that to sound harsh, but I don't know any other way to phrase it.)


The people who keep dead animals,especially the woman in tonight's episode,are the most disturbed IMO.

I'm a Vic Morrow Chick! He's my love!


Terri is the saddest case I've seen on this program.

"The more I know about people, the better I like my dog."- Mark Twain


A cat that is so badly decomposed that it has liquified. Hands down.

I'm a Vic Morrow Chick! He's my love!


The poop and pee people are the worst for me. I can think of SO many different options before I would ever consider leaving my poop and pee around my house. I would dig a hole in the yard LONG before I would leave it in the house. What I really cannot believe is that so many of the people who do this are reasonably (physically) healthy. This show is a testament to the human immune system, I'll give it that.


Anybody with dead animals is the worst for me but the ones who have feces scattered all over are close behind.


There was the cute blonde gal in her late teens who made breakfast
for her mom who wasn't able to walk through the kitchen. The
daughter had to cook the food with cockroaches and other bugs
crawling all over the kitchen counter. Now that scene was so
disgusting though I was touched by the girl's devotion to and
love for her mother.

Lawrence Sunny California

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


As a huge cat lover and owner, I vaguely remember a lady who had a dead cat somewhere in her hoarding pile and the cat was SOLIDIFIED. IT WAS PRACTICALLY A STATUE. I cried and nearly threw up, I've never seen anything like that in my life.


The one I watched on Netflix had 15 flat cats...and one of them was curled up around a was so sad...I showed my cat...see, don't you have it good? She was unimpressed.


I'm watching the, "Wilma; Nora," episode. I have to say that the way Wilma treats her children with hatred, disrespect and contempt is pretty gag-worthy.

As far as the houses themselves, I'll go with dead animals and feces. That's pretty sick!


I saw an repeat episode from 2012 last week that I must have missed back then. Even though it was the other show, 'Hoarding: Buried Alive', they're the same when it comes to the hoarding. Darlene and Doug's house was not only filled with trash & debris, it had a huge hole in the ceiling, mold on the living room wall & run over from their septic tank flowing steadily into the hallway on the first floor, like a stream. Not a solid mess that was never cleaned up and hardened. An active stream of waste flowing and collecting in the hallway. Darlene was almost proud of the fact that she never left the home with out washing up so people wouldn't know this is a hoarder when they saw her. Both she & her husband were in deep denial that the state of their property only left one conclusion. It should be torn down.

Darlene's sister , who hadn't been in the place in 20 yrs said just that. Just tear it down! Also , their cat that they hadn't seen in 2 yrs was found behind a couch by the cleaners. The remains were horrific. Darlene acted as though they found a dead roach yet both claimed the cat was their baby and buried it in the yard then cried while holding each other. A city inspector made a return visit and found the house 3x's worse than when he'd first inspected the place. He told them they'd probably be evicted. The Hoarding specialist was truly disgusted with the couple. First time I ever saw that. The wife had an attitude with her from the start. This episode made me gag because I've never seen a home with it's own "in home" pond of free flowing human feces.

*The couple put their house up for sale and moved away but it was never stated if the house was purchased.



I don't know how I managed to miss this post all this time!

Anyway, the Doug and Darlene episode really made me mad. Their whole act about Rat Cat, how he was their child, and "is it disrespectful to put him in the trash?"--um, what was disrespectful was letting YOUR CHILD die unbeknownst to you, because you didn't look for him and find him in the piles of crap in your house. Just 2-1/2 weeks ago one of my six cats was nearing his end, and I knew it. I had made an appointment later in the week with my vet for euthanasia, but I was hoping he would die quietly and peacefully at home, in the house he'd been in since being adopted 11 years ago. On Tuesday morning I didn't see him. I IMMEDIATELY started looking for him--as I would if I didn't see ANY of my cats. I was on the floor, crawling around, looking everywhere, until I found him--huddled up under my bed (a place he never went), cold, but still alive. I put him on a soft blanket on my bed and covered him up to keep him warm. I put drops of water in his mouth. I did all that and checked on him throughout the day; around 7:30pm I found him dead, on my bed, peaceful as can be. I cannot IMAGINE having a cat 'disappear' and just shrug it off like, oh well, I guess he went die!

Another thing about that episode was how they flat out LIED about the septic tank overflowing into the house. They said it had JUST started, yet it was perfectly clear that it had been going for a long time. I don't know who they thought they were fooling.



I'm sorry for your loss, Grace. You gave him a wonderful life, all the way through. You have amazing strength.


I'm sorry for your loss, Grace. You gave him a wonderful life, all the way through. You have amazing strength.
Aw, thank you, blazinglolita, and sorry for the late reply. For some reason, I keep missing this thread!

The cat I lost in June was actually one of two that I inherited when my mom died in 2013. I already had four, and we were all living in her [now my] house, so there was really no transition at all, except for losing Mom of course...her cats were REALLY sad, especially the one who recently died. He used to sleep on her all the time--in fact, I had to literally pry him off of her the morning she died, both when hospice came to do the 'death visit' and then later when the mortuary came. I had to put him in my room and shut the door, because he would NOT leave her alone.

The way I treated him as he was dying is the way I would hope I'll be treated when my time comes. Keep me comfy, put a bit of water in my mouth if it's dry, and tell me it's okay to go now. 



Darlene and Doug's house ..... run over from their septic tank flowing steadily into the hallway on the first floor, like a stream. Not a solid mess that was never cleaned up and hardened. An active stream of waste flowing and collecting in the hallway....

When I saw this thread, this is the episode I immediately remembered. I remember clearly several shots of them walking thru it, and it squishing under their feet, complete with squish/wet sounds. And if I remember correctly at least one of them had flip flops on!

Can you imagine the stench???

I can't watch the dead animal ones, they're too heartbreaking.


On television, the only thing the grosses me out is the pee jugs and human waste. My hand will go up. Actually, they really should not show that on television and should blur it out. If you want to see Grandma's sh.t, you can buy the series online or DVD. Human waste grosses me out way more than animal waste.

On the show Intervention, I do not like to watch injections. I will hold up my hand to the screen if I see someone shooting dope.
