While a terrific actor, casting Chris Evans as Mr Freeze over Michael Wincott was a huge mistake.
The character in real life was creepy beyond words, and Evans comes across as too boyish and easy going. Wincott would have brought a sinister tone to the character that would have fit better with the picture.
It seemed like a lot of parts in the movie were cast with familiar actors wanting to show some range with old-timey wigs and beards. Schwimmer, Dorff, Evans, Franco. But once you realize who they are, you see them playing practically the only character they know. There really was no difference in Ray Liotta's depiction of Henry Hill and DeMeo. Ryder was quintessential Ryder.
I liked the movie but the acting just seemed familiar when I wanted it to be psycho-stellar given the subject matter.
Evans did pretty good for what was given to him...didn't even realize it was him till later on in the movie when he gets a haircut...the film sucking is the main issue not his acting
the part was severely unwritten for whoever played it and Evans did the best he could. I rate him as an actor, once you get past the Fantastic Four stuff and find gems like Sunshine.
I hadn't really taken much notice of Evans until I watched Sunshine. He is truly phenomenal in it. Sunshine also brought Mark Strong to my attention. 😎
"I do not like mixing up moralities and mathematics." Churchill
Evans is a pretty good actor but I also thought he was miscast here. Possibly the writing played a part but as mentioned he did seem too boyish, laid back and... hip. Dude needed to have a more unique or edgier persona given his role in the film.
He did a good job with the role. The way he described what he did with the 17 year old girl was creepy. You expect Michael Wincott to play a role like this but not Evans. It was interesting seeing him play a villain of this caliber.