A couple of points, one, please don't contradict yourself, as you rightly pointed out, not everyone is going to find it funny, is contradicted by the second point, about it being so good, really, it's your opinion it's good (I know you can other's liked it as well, but nobody can speak for another) IMHO.
Second, I liked it in places. I found the Lego stuff funny, and the fast pace meant that the bad jokes didn't matter, as no sooner did they appear, then you were in a new scene. And 'Everything Is Awesome' is a far better earworm song than that beeping 'Let It Go' from beeping 'Frozen'.
I just found the live action sequences a little boring, and they kind of destroyed the 'reality' feel of the Lego part, personally, I would have liked it to remain a film rooted in the Lego universe alone, filmed as if it was real, or maybe a 'Toy Story' style concept of the whole cities coming alive once the people leave for the night. I found that to move from one to the other destroyed any attempts at logic (and yeah, yeah I am aware I am talking about logic in a kids film about Lego) but, and again this is just in my own humble (ish) opinion, a film, book, TV show or even game, does need to stay true to it's own internal logic, and to move from the characters moving and acting like they were real, to be revealed as toys, and the events as a child's rebelling against his dad, and then back to the figures moving without any help form a hand destroyed that logic.
Other than that, I did enjoy the movie, I am just not fussed about watching it again. Whether if I had been the age of the target audience I would want to see it over and over and over and...well you get my point, copious years fill that void, so I have no idea..though I must admit, it does make me want to buy some Lego...