been seeing posters for this dumbass show all over cuckholded Scandinavia. These people used to be vikings, the most feared people in Europe, going port to port raping and pillaging. Never would waste time with colonization, they would just steal all the hot woman and precious resources they could carry then give their victims a couple decades to rebuild society only to return and repeat the process. That is why the British woman are so ugly, all the hot ones were taking up north during the viking raids. Now it seems the Scandinavians are the cuckiest of all the cucklord countries, welcoming millions of third world "refugees" to rape and pillage their hot woman. This poster is everywhere up north. π propaganda is working overtime trying to rewrite history and sadly it seems like these dumbasses are falling for it...
they only had room in their boats for the super sexy barbie doll looking ones and left all the fatty mcbumbalatties for the victims to deal with. most blonde haired blue eyed girls I ever seen in my life in one place. I would love to move here if it wasn't for the refugee problem. no way the real estate is gonna increase from its current highs after the importation of third world cheap labor. we McMuricans built our country on importing third world cheap labor for the cotton fields. it was worth it in the short term but long term we are still paying for it with 50 percent of our violent crimes being committed by this small minority. at least we have gun rights, western europe is super fucked, all the problems with diversity, non of the solutions. I am gonna buy some property in Poland instead. It is way way cheaper and has growth potential since they were smart (rascist) enough not to let all those "refugees" in
I saw previews of that stupid show "Bridgerton" and thought two things:
1.) Oh no, another boring Regency Drama. Both England and America have thousands of these thanks to Jane Austen and many trashy authors who love that time period. Sooooo boring!
2.) Black people in England with prominent roles in nobility and royalty? Seriously? The heroine ending up with a black dude? A Queen who was never black in real life wearing clothes that are 40 years out of date (for that time period) and looking like Beyonce in 18th century swag?! What kind of acid trip is this?
I know it's based on a fictional set of books, but honestly, it looks like woke fantasy crap. This spin-off series is just icing on an already rotten, stinky cake.
I can tell you exactly why Norway and Sweden turned into a bunch of feminist wimp countries that roll over for aggressive, rapey sand rats from down south: all their strongest, toughest people descended from vikings moved to America during the past two centuries, and left the losers behind!
that is a very good point, it takes balls to be an immigrant and leave ur homeland behind to gamble it on a better life in Murica. all the best and brightest of them took that gamble, resulting in the cuckholded lame place it is today...
I remember reading both history books, and a series of books by American Girls about a Swedish pioneer girl named Kirsten Larsen. Life was tough for the Swedish and Norwegian immigrants. You had people dying of cholera (including children) when in transit across the ocean, you were crammed into hot, crowded, loud trains to get to the upper Midwest, you had to build your house and farm yourself with no govt. help at all, the weather was harsh, no roads in your area, you ran a risk of all sorts of disasters happening on your new homestead, including bad weather, disease, crops failing, and even criminals causing trouble, your kids had to learn English at one-room schoolhouses run by harsh teachers; and yet the Swedish and Norwegian pioneers were willing to put up with all that because it beat starving to death with no future in their homeland. They would have made their Viking ancestors proud :)
yes America was a harsh place to survive back then but with great risks comes great rewards. there is no better place in the world to build a life from nothing. USA is the land of opportunity still, even if the libturds are trying to ruin it, it still is the most free place on earth.
my dad married a morbidly obese woman to get out of communist Europe back in the 80s. arrived with 10$ in his pocket and a dream. now he runs a very successful business with many employees. without his financial help, my mothers emotional help, and the help of the people of this great free nation I would have never became a millionaire in my early 20s. my parents were still poor when I was a kid, and I saw them rise up from small shoe box condo to badass mansion in less than two decades. being the son of two immigrants and growing my early years poor was the best gift I could ever been given. my parents thought me the value of a dollar and the mindset of saving and investing like a producer vs. mindlessly spending like a consumer. I love the USA!!! it has its problems, and I want to travel and spend time in different countries, but I will always be proud to be an Murican πΊπΈπ«‘