Worse than Crystal Skull?

After what Waller-Bridge did to Bond there was no way I was going to pay to see this, but was now able to catch it on streaming for free.

Obviously it was never going to compete with The Indiana Jones Trilogy, so the only real question is - is it worse than Crystal Skull?

It’s a real mixed bag. It’s a fairly competently directed film, Mangold can handle drama well, and knows how to put together an action scene, as we saw in Logan.

The real problem is the script - it plods along for 2.5 hours and it’s distinctly lacking in joy.

Temple Of Doom was a 2 hour rollercoaster of incredible action, with lots of cool character moments, comedy and horror. ‘Dial’ felt drab and lacking in energy by comparison. There’s no invention here, save a couple of little flourishes here and there.

As with Skull, there’s way too much CGI and green-screen, and now you have the added uncanniness of de-aged Indy which really didn’t work. It was distracting, as was young Indy’s old man voice.

They tried to hide this by shooting the opening scene at night, hoping the shadow would hide the imperfections, but it fails and you just end up with an overly dark opening action scene. Unfortunately that typifies much of this film - too dark and too long.

The main problem is, you guessed it, Phoebe Waller Bridge. The film simply doesn’t need another Kathleen Kennedy self-insert - an obnoxious, overpowered, unpleasant female who schools, and ultimately punches, Indy. The worst part was her ‘that’s capitalism’ line - Commie Hollywood shoving its propaganda into Indiana Jones 🤦🏻‍♂️ Notice also how the villains are all racist white males, the main henchman sounds like a Southern conservative and is screaming Nazi rhetoric at the end - not very subtle, Kathleen.

Now, I will say that the PWB character could have been worse - they at least make her a callous, selfish bitch and a deceiver, rather than a flawless Mary Sue. She actually develops into a more compassionate character toward the end. It was good that she had some semblance of a journey, but she needed to have more humility. She should have said ‘sorry’ to Indy at the end, not knock him out and take charge of his fate.

Ford, on the other hand, brings it. He inhabits the hat once again and plays it really well. He’s the only reason to watch this film. It does make sense to build the movie around his age because it’s undeniable, the guy’s over 80, so the time-travel plot works nicely. Much better than that random-ass crystal skull. The only problem is that he’s old, sad, divorced, has a dead son and wants to die. It ends up feeling rather bleak for a series that pretty much defined popcorn fun.

It was great to see Sallah again, John Reese Davies brought the magic back. Goes to show you can create likeable sidekicks for Indy if you want. It’s just that the filmmakers don’t want that, they want to lecture us on the toxicity of straight white males.

Short-Brown is utterly forgettable.

The black CIA woman was a pointless diversity insert.

Mads was good as a villain, but he’s pretty dry. He kills a lot of innocent people which was another thing that made this a much more serious entry. I want to see Indy’s villains delighting in their malevolence and dying horribly - faces melting, fed to crocodiles, or ageing 1000 years in 5 seconds. Mads just… dies in a plane crash?

This film had a very feminine energy. It was in a bad mood, it was safe, it was relationship-focused. The Trilogy had a masculine energy of fun, violence, invention, gore and laughs. Even Crystal Skull had that… despite going way overboard with the silliness in the second half.

I will credit Dial for its ending. Reuniting Indy with Marion and replaying ‘it hurts here’ was a graceful way to close things. It jarred slightly with the hat getting grabbed in the final shot (is Indy off on an octogenarian sex-adventure?) but it was a well-written and acted send-off. Mangold was on surer footing there.

So is Dial worse than Skull? Skull starts well and has the Spielberg magic until it shits the bed at ‘part time’. Dial doesn’t reach the Spielberg highs but it’s more consistent. It’s more average, and it’s average for 2.5 hours, and it’s hampered by PWB who manages to be worse than Mutt.

They’re probably both 6/10 films but I have to give it to Skull. Dial is worse overall.

The best way to enjoy Indiana Jones is to watch the Trilogy, and then maybe stick on the final few minutes of Dial as a little coda.


Wow thats an epic post, and I lol'd a few times at the brutal honesty (and had me thinking was the ending shot a reference to 'you can leave your hat on' 😄)

Overall I'd say Skull is slightly more 'Indiana Jones' but I did like Dial, but I expected it to be 'more Indiana Jones' like the villains death etc and was expecting more Nazi stuff like an underground Nazi network (like Boys From Brazil), maybe even a Nazi base on the moon? and Die Glocke as the means of time travel etc

there was definitely a different slower tone than the Spielberg films , probably deliberate as it was 'old man Indy' like a man out of time (literally at the end) trying to prove his worth in the modern day (abit like Mangolds Logan) and it was obviously affected by modern day concerns/issues (feminism, toxic masculinity, diversity etc) that the previous films obviously didn't bother with(but maybe made abit of sense as was Indiana Jones in the late 1960s and wasn't too over the top done, could've been worse with a more Rey like 'mary sue' PWB etc)


They're both shite and both movies ruined the franchise they should have made 2 or 3 Indy movies every decade until 2016 then call it a day.


Better than Crystal Skulls. Then again, most films are.


Crystal Skull is a way better movie and is a real Indiana Jones movie.


Very subjective. For me, after only 1 viewing, yes, probably worse than KOTCS. Only because KOTCS still got Spielberg's touch on it, even if it haven't succeded. The length, the mood, the pacing was Spielbergian. Also Ford was still in a good shape. DOD was all over the place, tried to be Spielbergian, but failed miserably. Ford is too old, and they also made him sad and pathetic even at the end. De-aging was uncanny valley. There's no arc. In KOTCS there was an arc: He was in trouble at the beginning, and he succeeds in every level at the end. In DOD he's miserable from start to finish. Yeah, Marion, his ex-wife hugs him. Still divorced, the son still dead, still retired, etc.

They shuold really have stopped after Crusade, or made a great 2nd trilogy in the 90's.
As much as I wanted a new, better one after KOTCS, now I think it was still a better ending of the franchise.

I wonder what Spielberg and even Lucas think about it honestly.


Crystal Skull is fun for the wrong reasons. It's laughably bad and can be enjoyed for simply witnessing what a baffling mess they made of a hit franchise. I still watch it and shake my head asking "how did they think they could get away with that?" There's something deeply interesting in how the original creators got the winning formula so wrong. It's so goofy you can't even take it seriously, so it's not really offensive. I never feel the OT was violated or ruined or any such sillyness. It didn't break anything.

DoD is a miserable watch that doesn't even work as a film in its own right, let alone as a chapter in a saga. It's outright character assassination of our hero and a deliberate attack on the fanbase. They could have made this same movie without Indy, some kind of generic whack ass time traveling adventure film, and it would have been fine. It still would have been a dull, ugly annoying movie, but it would have been fine. Perfectly forgettable streaming content. But they had to take a big steaming dump on one of cinema's greatest heroes. And it's simply unforgivable. It's a sad dreck of a movie not worth revisiting. There is no film autopsy to be performed here. It died from the huge cartoon piano that fell on its head.


Crystal Skull has moments early on where, as time goes by, I occasionally think ‘I’d like to see that bit again’. 6 months on from DoD and I have no interest in revisiting any of it, and I can’t see that changing.

Same with No Time To Die. These franchise-killers are just miserable dreck, made by bitter, twisted women like PWB, Kathleen Kennedy and Barbara Broccoli 🤦🏻‍♂️


I think they are pretty close in their quality, which is to say they are both lagging far behind the original trilogy, although even Temple of Doom lags behind Crusade and Raiders.

They both have varying flaws and I find it actually quite difficult to work out which one is less bad. Skull I would say has a lot more stupidity and too many characters, whereas Dial is probably more forgettable and average, without stooping to the lows and silliness found in Crystal. One has many weak and unneeded characters and the other has the worst character of the lot. Dial could have been a lot better had it been a grown up Short Round in place of PWB, and I can imagine the character dynamic would be good and similar to that between Sr and Jr from Crusade. It would have been a satisfying way to close the franchise as well by bringing a familiar face back from the old trilogy to accompany Indy for one last adventure. Not to mention you'd then not have to suffer having any woke female agenda shoved into your face for the majority of the film.

There were parts to both I thought were decent enough. Minus the use of the fridge to escape a nuclear bomb, I agree that Skull started relatively well. Likewise, I thought the opening scene to Dial wasn't bad except for the distracting young Indy CGI face, the very beginning of which is spot on, until the eyes and mouth in relation to the voice quickly give the game away. I also thought the concept for Dial was interesting and served the franchise better than aliens did. These are pretty tame victories though in films that overall leave a lot more to be desired.

I disagree about the ending of Dial though in terms of the 'it hurts here' scene. It just felt like ham-fisted fan service and not really believable as a memory that would reside in the two of them to suddenly bring up in that moment, unless it's like some exchange they like to repeat to each other from time to time.


This is certainly better than Crystal Skull but it has a large amount of problems.


The best thing about Dial of Destiny is Spielberg's absence, particularly after the garbage that was in Crystal Skull. Consider his filmography over the last 25 years: can't it be said success went to his head and now he thinks he can get away with anything, simply because his name is on it?

I am in no way saying Dial of Destiny is an "all-time great", but I did enjoy the different directions they went and the chances they took. Yes, there are moments of playing it safe and fan service, but overall I fully consider it a worthy send-off for the series.

I would take Dial of Destiny over Temple of Doom (and howling Kate Capshaw) EVERY time!


I would take Dial of Destiny over Temple of Doom (and howling Kate Capshaw) EVERY time!

Hard disagree. Temple Of Doom is absolutely fantastic and a masterpiece compared to Fail Of Destiny.


>> I would take Dial of Destiny over Temple of Doom (and howling Kate Capshaw) EVERY time! <<

Only if you're talking about the first 25 mins. of Dial of Destiny. I would watch THAT over Temple of Doom, as its near pitch perfect except World War II era Indy having a weirdly distracting gravelly old man voice.

But the REST of Dial of Destiny? Meh. Give me Short Round and howling Kate any time!


I'm in the minority like the guy you responded to not liking Temple of Doom and preferring even Krystal Skull and Dial to it. I find Temple boring and annoying. I don't like the kid or the love interest. Now Raiders and Last Crusade are the best in the series but yes. I prefer those but I'll take Krystal Skull and Dial of Destiny over Temple anyday.
