MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Discussion > Can We Stop Making Films Where the Villa...

Can We Stop Making Films Where the Villain Wears Glasses?

This trailer mostly looks fantastic. Even after KOTCS, I still have hope, but can we please, please stop portraying villains, especially Nazis, with short-sightedness?

Short-sightedness is a DISABILITY. Thus, constantly portraying spectacle-wearers as villains, especially the Nazis (who weren't fond of the disabled, or intellectuals; and, yes, I know some high-profile Nazis wore glasses, but many of them also had dark-hair, but that didn't stop them talking about blond, blue-eyed 'Aryans' as the superior race, did it?), is ABLEIST.

It wouldn't be so bad if Indy was also wearing glasses, as he did in TOD (which stupidly gets derided as 'the most offensive Indiana Jones film'... *sigh*), and as his father did in TLC, but making your only glasses-wearer the main Nazi is frankly offensive. Bear in mind, contact lenses did exist in this era, but they weren't particularly popular yet.

And no, this is NOT trolling or some sort of satire. I'm serious. I post these issues here because I know other sites will tolerate them even less. Hopefully, the posters here are more tolerant and open-minded. Please prove me right.


This post proved my suspicions after the first contact with you on the Batman Returns board: You're an idiot, pretending to be some kind of giant of empathy. And I'm very sorry if I somehow offended idiots just now.


What have I said that's so wrong?

Why am I lacking in empathy?


You may enjoy his thread in The Breakfast Club page,




Harvey is some kind of AI experiment.


I agree. This is the guy who said it was okay to bite someone's nose off if they insult you. He should not be taken seriously.


Glasses on women look hot. Probably same for guys. Definitely not a disability, at least as far as looks are concerned.


Agreed, glasses do look hot on many women, but if it wasn't for glasses, myopia would be a disability.


Only you find this offensive. Please don't expect others to have the same opinion.


Good for you.


I'm trying to help you, Harvey.


Can you really be this bored?


Any need for the rudeness?

I thought you were a fellow progressive, so why do you have a problem with me standing up for the short-sighted?


So, you're a parody?


No, definitely not. I'm serious.

EDIT: I'm not millsey.


Of course, you are not. Millsey is clever, entertaining, and not tiresome.


Because Millsey *is* a parody account. I am not. I am not here to entertain anyone. I'm just expressing my honest opinions, which I appreciate don't always meet people's favour.

I'm too old to troll/waste my time posting satirical posts. Now I just want to be honest.


what do you mean you stand up for short sighted? You just profess that they cannot possible be villains, therefore you literally rob them of their humanity ...


I didn't say they can't be villains. I said I'm tired of them always being the villains.

Have you seen The Lost World? All the characters in that film who wear glasses are either villains and/or get killed. There's even an egregious scene where one of the film's writers, a glasses wearer of course, gets killed running towards a video store. Did he need to be a glasses wearer?

There's an underlying anti-nerd/anti-geek implication, and it's tiresome.

In the era of 'alpha male' dickheads like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson, we need to teach men in particular that there's nothing wrong in being 'nerdy' or a so-called 'beta'.


How the fuck is a beta a villain???

Did you see Thanos wearing glasses?


No, but Thanos is an alien, so he's already being othered, but I'm not saying *All* villains wear glasses.

Besides, Thanos had a more sympathetic, albeit misguided, motive than the Nazis...Heck, what could be any *less* sympathetic than the Third Reich?


No. We don’t.

Y’know, far-sighted people also use corrective lenses.


Indy wears glasses. His father wore glasses.

Try another one flower.


Agreed about Indy's father, but in this trailer, there are no shots of Indy wearing glasses. Did his eyesight suddenly improve? Maybe he's wearing contacts, but although contacts existed by then, were they that popular?

Anyway, apart from the somewhat patronising sign-off, I actually appreciate your post. Thank you.


So you're bothered by Indy not wearing his glasses all the time now?

Before contact lenses became more suitable, people involved in physical activities tended to remove their glasses for practical and safety reasons.

Your theory they only bad guys wear glasses is just wrong.


But if someone's genuinely short-sighted, they'd have to either wear glasses or contact lenses during a fight, otherwise they wouldn't be properly able to see what they're doing.




um, the hero of this film also wears glasses


Can we stop allowing douchebags from posting garbage like this?


Free speech goes all ways. If Harv wants to post mind-numbingly stupid shit, Harv gets to. And we get to call Harv an idiot for doing so. Free speech is awesome.


Sure, but free speech includes me disliking the spreading of ignorance and stupidity, and then me further expressing my desire to see it stopped.


That is true. I'm so shellshocked from all the attempts at censorship by the left over the last ten years that I sometimes forget calling for something to be suppressed is still a form of free speech.


I would never take active steps to keep someone from expressing their opinion unless it was disrupting me from going about my life. People making scenes in restaurants boycotting meat, blocking freeways, shouting down guest speakers on campuses...things like that I won't tolerate.


I understand.
