Is there any chance this could be good?

I've just seen Ford v Ferrari which I thought was very good and James Mangold who directed it, is directing this too. He has built up a body of good work with films including Logan, 3:10 to Yuma, Walk the Line, and Copland, so he's a reliable director. Part of me feels the film is in safe hands and could actually be quite good, if also true that they are trying to bring back the feel of the first Indy movies. The other part of me remembers what Crystal Skull was like and that came from Spielberg himself.

Is there a chance with this?


James Mangold was not my first or even fifth choice, but I like that he's directing it.


As long as Spielberg's not involved, yes, it could be good.


It'll be as good as the Disney Star Wars trilogy.


I'd be more hopeful if the story took place in the 30's or 40's, but now I feel it'll be waste of everybody's time and effort.


Yes, which means a nice trip to the cinema, but zero rewatchability factor.

I keep going back to the original SW trilogy, and the original Indy trilogy. But the new stuff seems to be cool watching only once.

Hope I'm wrong though. Mangold is a stellar director.


It could be really good, at least way better than Crystal Skull for sure. The only concern I have is that daft idiots will yell out and shout out that 80 years old Harrison Ford is in it and that's somehow a problem to enjoy a great movie. That will take away the focus of a really good Indy film.

They worked on the script for so long hence why there was delays before even shooting. Ford said he wanted the script to be really ready and good for his last outing. The Director is fenomenal so is the new cast. Mads Mikkelsen is amazing!

We will see.




Pray there are no stupid aliens in it.


Absolutely no chance. And that's just based off set photos, forget the rumors. I'm just hoping there might be a few good scenes. Even Crystal Skull had a few good scenes. Indy might be old, but his stunt man is probably still a young guy.


Well I don't want to see a very old Indiana Jones do unrealistic stunts either. They need to embrace his age if they are going to present us an Indy near the end of his life. It should be someone now trying to avoid doing anything too physical and rather acting the wise old mentor. An octogenarian beating bad guys up just won't really cut it, even if using a much younger stunt double.


I'm telling you, I will happily watch two hours of old Indiana Jones just pouring through old books and manuscripts and scribbling on a blackboard. I don't need all the action. We got Tom Cruise for that shit.


It'll be bad. It sounds like they let Harrison Ford make decisions on the script so it's going to be woke because he is. They did the same thing for Patrick Stewart on "Picard," and its trash. Actors aren't writers. They should have nothing to do with the script.
