Really? I happened to glance at the rating for this movie earlier this week, it was around 7 ish... now, it's at around 4 something... wouldn't you know it, about 50 people who probably hadn't even seen the movie give it a 1...
So what the hell do you people care that the CHRISTIANS made a CHRISTIAN movie for CHRISTIANS??? No one is making you watch it. Hell, I haven't even seen any commercials on TV for it, so we're certainly not annoying you by shoving it in your face... SO WHAT IS IT??? What's your excuse now?
People worked hard on this film, and you vote it as low as possible just because you're not religious?
I gave the movie low rating, because I got the feeling that the movie thought it would only get positive feedback and ratings solely due to the subject of the film and because it was trying to profit from after the fact. I doubt the imaginary dying kid will be getting any pensions from the big hollywood producers after you throw all your money at them, just because they put "God" in the title of the film, does not make it christian or holy. I have nothing against Christians, I dont like you guys any more/less than those Linkin park fanboy Atheists. If you truly are a christian, Instead of going and seeing this movie, why dont you go and buy a can of soup for the homeless?
Wow.. They say ignorance is bliss... I say ur an idiot. I don't know what movie you were watching but they never said that cancer is a punishment from God. COMPLETELY OPPOSITE ACTUALLY! But they never said WHO punished the boy, they just showed a young boy going through something most grown adults could never even imagine and how he helped himself by writing letters to God. Oh and this isn't sum "stupid American portrayal of how God punishes us", it's a REAL boy dealing with REAL cancer and how he exercised what HE believed in. This was a TRUE STORY!!
Hey why don't you go get a clue? As I've said before this is a true story that yes REAL people deal with. Whatever your trying to say isn't even close to the point I'm trying to make. All I'm saying is that there are people in this world who are A. dealing with a terminal illness B. Christian (believe it or not!) C. Concerned about someone other then themselves.
I say the only "retarded douchebags" around here are the people who show no compassion for people other then number 1. If you've seen the movie (which I doubt) just think about the actual survivors (and victims) of this horrible disease. Somewhere there is a small child dealing with the same things this little boy dealt with. And you have the nerve to sit and criticize a movie portraying those victims...
Now regarding the OP. I'm a Christian and I only gave it a 2. This movie was really cheesy, even though it's based on a true story. I couldn't decide if it was a movie meant for kids or adults. It's not serious enough for adults, and not quite something kids would enjoy. The main problem I have is the script. The dialog is just not realistic. People don't really talk like that unless they're TV preachers or live in the Midwest.
I haven't seen this movie yet but want to. But I am sure if it had naked girls and "porn" sex in the movie, and vulgarity it would be given a high rating and people/men would be jumping at the chance to see it and asking how much nudity is in it and who gets naked........We live in a sick society.
Oh no, not the dreaded "porn sex!" Obviously sex is evil and we should shield our children from it. Let's give them guns, though, so that can learn the thrill that violence can give. I saw Piranha 3D last weekend, and many of the posts on IMDB were actually saying that there was too much nudity. These were people who paid to see it and knew what was coming, so I wouldn't say we're regressing. I, myself have no problem with either sex or nudity though. It's not my business what anyone else does with their body.
I go to see a certain type of movie there doesn't have to be porn or naked women in it to make it a movie--which is what they try to do. I go see an action movie I EXPECT guns and violence! I go see a drama I don't expect Porn. I expect drama. I go see a horror film I don't expect Porn. I expect horror and violence not nudity and sex all thru the movie!! So I say if you want sex and nudity go get yourself a porn!!
And I will be the first to tell you there is absolutely nothing wrong with sex and nudity as I enjoy both very much but I don't need to go watch a movie for its plot and it have porn and naked women all thru it just to get ratings. If a movie can't get ratings without it then it isn't worth it. If I want to watch porn I will go watch a porn movie!! And if you really think the movies give children the real deal about what sex is all about then you have issues!! My kids are taught about sex and that it is good but it isn't all about what they see on TV and the movies!! But I do not want my girls thinking they have to give every man a piece of them just bc they want it like they show in the movies and think they have to have sex with every man that comes along like in the movie and degrade themselves like the women in the movies. Women thinking they have to get naked to be popular and to get attention and get ratings is sooo wrong and they are just degrading themselves. Girls self-esteem is a big issue in this country. And I myself would never hand one of my kids a gun and say here you go---have fun like you see in the movies!! My kids aren't allowed to even point a play gun at any real person in play bc I don't want them thinking it is ok to point a gun at anyone and playing with real guns is ok.
This happened with the Twilight movies. silly kids from the dark knight board started rating it 1 before it was even released just so it wouldn't get high rating. in the end the movies made more money then any other movie released in that year, people are mean, just ignore.
I'm the least religious person ever, and I was actually interested in seeing this movie, I thought the whole idea of a mailman opening a kid's impossible-to-mail letters and being inspired by them was an interesting concept.
When I saw the 4.4 rating I remembered that time I was about to watch that Kirk Cameron firefighter movie. And how I didn't. For reasons that didn't hit me until something just sorta clicked, about what I was doing. That was a stupid explanation, but that's what happened, yep. So.... well, I don't think I want to watch it any more. I also would like to throw out there, that the day Kirk Cameron dies will be as good of a day as the day Jerry Falwell died.
its funny because every time ive posted something on the internet with even the slightest christian sentiment i get blasted for it. so here's my movie suggestion for the non believer,not only anti christian, but anyone who spends time bashing or trying to talk people out of believing: expelled: no intelligence allowed. its a fun little movie where you can skip the whole boring scientists and scholars presenting facts and go right to where Dawkins(evil atheist leader) admits that life needed some kind of help from an intelligent being. oh and the scientists facts... never mind, the idiots that bash you wont believe a scientist unless he presents what they already believe. so lazy don't let them get you down for the most part they'll either figure it out or burn in hell for all of eternity.kidding. noooo, they're gonna fry.
I have absolutely nothing against atheists. I am a Christian myself but I certainly don't like to alienate people for their spiritual beliefs or lack thereof. I'm just disappointed that many people today only claim to be atheists for the distinction of not "belonging" to a religion. It's pitiful. This movie was mediocre, but to write it off just because you're an atheist is *beep*
I'm not an "ignorant sheep" and people who use that term are pricks, by the way.
To the world you may just be somebody, but to somebody you may just be the world.
I agree that dismissing it simply on those grounds is ridiculous. But saying that you are a Christian but don't like to alienate people needs a little clarification. The Christian belief that non-believers go to hell IS alienating, it is in fact the very definition of alienation - for the 5 billion+ people in the world who are of a different faith or of no faith at all. That is why, when watching this movie (I worked on it, I did not watch it for fun) I was constantly reminded -- whenever the characters would cite scripture, break into prayer, invoke the name of the Savior -- that they are alienating themselves from me because I do not accept the New Covenant, they are reminding me that I am not worthy of sharing "paradise" with them because I don't wish to dump my earthly transgressions onto the shoulders of a long-dead illiterate Palestinian carpenter. The love for fellow man, the charity for the sick and the poor, these are things I can easily get behind. The threat of damnation I cannot.
I don't bash anyone for beLIEving in anything if it makes them better people. I went to a catholic school for a year to try it out & see things from a different perspective, and had grandparents & family who were Jehovah Witnesses, among other spiritual/religious beliefs, but what it boils down to is facts.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't god supposed to be the creator of Earth & the people on it? What about the billions & billions upon billions of other planets in this vast universe, a small percentage of which ALMOST certainly harbor life? Will they go to heaven too? There are facts that every element that makes up everything we know were & are created from supernovae. Stars that live out their lives fusing Hydrogen into helium & so on so forth, and blow up re-seeding the universe with the elements that they created, and when the conditions are right, being in the correct distance(the habitable zone)like with our Earth, over millions & billions of years, life can evolve.
Now I, nor anyone else cannot say for sure that some higher, supreme being, like a someone/something with a name like god or whatever you want to call it/them didn't snap their fingers and create this or any other universe, whether it was for a purpose, for fun,, or just some crazy experiment, cause we don't possess that type of technology yet. What we can do is look through the telescopes and other instruments that we created & look up. We have found hundreds of planets around other stars, though we are far from being able to detect an earth like terrestrial planet as small as the Earth, but we can see up to around 300,000-some years after the "big bang" that happened 13.7ish billion years ago, which expanded to allow everything that is to date.
After learning quite a bit about religion & then science/astronomy/cosmology, I have to go with the cliche of seeing is believing. Just the facts ma'am. I have not seen this movie yet, but if a movie is good, then its good, regardless if it has a Christian theme, Muslim theme, a fantasy theme, a sci-fi theme or whatever theme it is. Movies are for entertainment(for the most part), enjoy!
I don't recommend it. It was almost painful to watch but the only reason I chimed in was because I'm sick of people calling us ignorant because of our idealogy.
To the world you may just be somebody, but to somebody you may just be the world.