You people are sick...

Really? I happened to glance at the rating for this movie earlier this week, it was around 7 ish... now, it's at around 4 something... wouldn't you know it, about 50 people who probably hadn't even seen the movie give it a 1...

So what the hell do you people care that the CHRISTIANS made a CHRISTIAN movie for CHRISTIANS??? No one is making you watch it. Hell, I haven't even seen any commercials on TV for it, so we're certainly not annoying you by shoving it in your face... SO WHAT IS IT??? What's your excuse now?

People worked hard on this film, and you vote it as low as possible just because you're not religious?


You're just making baseless assumptions here. You have no way of knowing why people gave it bad ratings, if they saw it or even if they are Christians. People don't like the movie, deal with it.


People worked hard on this film, and you vote it as low as possible just because you're not religious?

Not religious but heartless to boot. They either don't think or are so filled with hate that it doesn't matter.

It's so obvious that those who lash out here fear life and fear their own meaningless existence even more. They want to make others as miserable as they are because they think that maybe misery loves company. Why would they lash out so hard otherwise? If others find peace, why are they so keen on taking away that peace? If a ten year old can find peace facing horror and his family the same, why would they mock that or hope to hurt that kid's dying message? If in their limited minds they can't comprehend God, then why do they need to try and hurt those of us who can? Why battle so hard to take away anyone's hope??????

Their own actions expose them for what they are... weak minded and hate filled people. Vote "1" all you ant but it really doesn't matter. We know the truth.


Good points. Yes, Christians know the truth.


Ignore the haters.


"Good points. Yes, Christians know the truth."

Nobody knows all and every truth!


Good points. Yes, Christians know the truth.

Christians, always so humble.


And yet you deliberately ignore the poster above who said they like other Christian films and yet saw this and thought it was crap.

So, really, you are selectively and willfully looking for a reason to be indignant and judgmental or, we could say, hateful. You could read the posts that make the point that this film, as a film (Christian or otherwise), is just a bad one but that wouldn't let you get on your hateful soapbox.

There's an enemy out there, you're sure of it, and you're better than them and liking/disliking Letters To God is the demarcation which runs through those who "know the truth" and those who are weak minded and hate filled who, pitifully, don't know the truth.

Feel free to ignore this post as well and pull your cozy blanket of self-righteous hypocritical and condescending moral snobbery up around your holy shoulders.


Well said, oneleggedkangaroo.


You are the hater here. Calling people "weak minded" just because they don't like some movie?


I'd have to seriously agree with your statement. =)

The majority of "church going" folks I personally know (regardless of what faith) are selfish, dishonest, self-centered, "under the bus" throwing, uncaring hypocrits who think as long as they attend services once a week salvation awaits.

Who are those people anyway who claim to KNOW THE TRUTH? Both believers and atheists, how can you be sure you're right? Those that think they have it all figured out are the ones we need to be most weary of. =)

I haven't watched this movie and will admit the title is a bit of a negative for me. Why? Because people die all around us, from disease, the hands of others, or just because their time is up. We all have an expiration date. I refuseto believe that someone or something is actually in charge of calling your number because I simply refuse to believe that an all-loving being would wreak such havoc and cause the deepest dispair and suffering to anyone, especially those who are "innocent". A true "devine force" does not have to seek constant prove of faith and love from us by subjecting us to what can best be described as evil.

Why are humans so afraid of the concept that even though we are all part of an energy source and can feel it inside us, maybe nobody is in charge and nobody knows what will happen after we're done here?

Be HOPEFUL, be POSITIVE. Be good, kind, caring. Go assemble if it makes you feel better. Understand the laws of the universe and practice what you preach.


I don't think there is any reason to make this into a religious debate. How do you know that the people who watched it just didn't like it? Maybe they were CHRISTIANS. Religions are a joke, they do much more harm then good. That being said I am not an Atheist, and I'm not trying to slam people who believe in God, but just because this movie was "CHRISTIAN" doesn't mean that people who didn't like this movie was some sort of "anti-christians". All that being said I haven't seen this movie, but this sort of topic really makes gives CHRISTIANS a bad name. You started a religious debate over a MOVIE, seriously? As if religion hasn't already created enough isolation, diversity, and some times ignorance.


very well said


I do remember all the Christians getting up in arms about The Golden Compass, voting that down as well, despite not seeing that one either.

Just saying.

Please let me keep this memory, just this one.


I agree that it's silly to rate down a movie you haven't seen, if this is indeed what has happened. However, I can understand the sentiment. The movie celebrates a religion that, for many, remains barbarous - specifically the notion that all who do not subscribe to it are damned to hell. I'm currently working on the DVD for the movie, and speaking for myself, I'm finding it extremely heavy-handed and transparent, which is, I suppose, illustrative of Christian proselytizing. This won't make me vote the movie down, but it does make me immensely grateful to find myself comfortably outside this system of belief.



Respectfully, you don't know me, and therefore don't know "people like me". Islam and Christianity are the same in that they insist non-believers are damned. Christianity went through its period of slaughtering non-believers and has thankfully come out of it, but unfortunately the crazy end of Islam is still alive and kicking. Nevertheless, the ideology of damnation is still there in Christianity, and I believe that it is inhumane and barbaric. I am certainly not angry, and I certainly do not hate Christians - in fact, several of my oldest friends are evangelicals and we often spar on these issues without detriment to our friendship. So you are correct in your final statement - it is not individual Christians that I have a problem with, it is the idea of Christendom in general - that my sins are somehow someone else's responsibility... and that as a Jew, as a non-believing Jew no less, I am destined to burn in hell.


Most people I know, and I know a lot, Christian or not, prefer to see movies to which they can relate. Movies about realistic people in the real world. Fantasy, SciFi, etc. have their place, but most people like a good show about people in Hometown USA.

The popularity of Halloween, Saw, AntiChrist, etc. has to be an abberation. It appeals to the wicked side of people's curiosity when it pushes the envelope completely into inhumanity. I will not say that slasher films create slasher people, but they definitely have the effect of dehumanizing the souls of men and women. Completely unrealistic and I would suggest twisted to the average citizen.

Movies like Letters to God are a refreshing reminder of the day to day lives we all live without idealizing. Cancer, alcoholism, and single parent families are part of life, and how we cope makes all the difference. We Christians know that God has the answers and this young man chose to seek him. He could have sought another means to help deal with his situation, but he chose the God of the Bible. We all have the same choices. Whether viewers seek God or some other means to cope with life is their choice. This movie said to me that there is a way and these people found it. The road you choose is your business and nobody can tell you what to do.

"Every man dies; not every man really lives." - William Wallace


man that is deep.

but the reality of being a christian ( or muslim) is, of course, much sadder: Believing in a god is in fact very egoistic: you basically want to live forever. If you cut away all the lovey dovey BS, there is just one thing that really matters to these people: the need for an eternal life in the heavens of their precious god. HALLELUJA!


"God has the answers" always seems indistinguishable from "stuff just happens". Why is that?


It is entirely a matter of perspective - people's or God's. God has all the answers but most times He just isn't telling. When you're God you can choose to do that.

"Every man dies; not every man really lives." - William Wallace


so we should just take your word for it then? or rather the sheepherders who wrote the bible? (no offense to sheepherders)



And you know this how? Stop being such and ass and grow up!!!!


So Christians want to whine and bitch when atheists troll their movie ratings, but Christians don't seem to have a problem going about and annoying the flying *beep* out of people with pamphlets and false threats of hellfire.

Oh shut up. It goes both ways.
