I'd have to seriously agree with your statement. =)
The majority of "church going" folks I personally know (regardless of what faith) are selfish, dishonest, self-centered, "under the bus" throwing, uncaring hypocrits who think as long as they attend services once a week salvation awaits.
Who are those people anyway who claim to KNOW THE TRUTH? Both believers and atheists, how can you be sure you're right? Those that think they have it all figured out are the ones we need to be most weary of. =)
I haven't watched this movie and will admit the title is a bit of a negative for me. Why? Because people die all around us, from disease, the hands of others, or just because their time is up. We all have an expiration date. I refuseto believe that someone or something is actually in charge of calling your number because I simply refuse to believe that an all-loving being would wreak such havoc and cause the deepest dispair and suffering to anyone, especially those who are "innocent". A true "devine force" does not have to seek constant prove of faith and love from us by subjecting us to what can best be described as evil.
Why are humans so afraid of the concept that even though we are all part of an energy source and can feel it inside us, maybe nobody is in charge and nobody knows what will happen after we're done here?
Be HOPEFUL, be POSITIVE. Be good, kind, caring. Go assemble if it makes you feel better. Understand the laws of the universe and practice what you preach.