Not as bad as they claim...
and this is coming from a harsh critic of the past slew of stinkers Marvel's put out. I firmly believe that the hidden truth is people are extremely butthurt on Chris Evans not reprising his role as Captain America. While I never found his character to be that stellar amongst the Avengers ensemble, there wasn't any point in watching this film where I missed him.
- Never any drawn out dull moments that stall the plot
- Aside from a few quips from Mackey's new sidekick in the beginning, there isn't much forced humor in this
- No PC overtones. The movie seemed to stick to the in-universe issues at hand which was a huge plus
- The CGI in these MCU movies continues to get worse. The intro scene made me question whether or not to give this movie a shot
- Though I mentioned no PC overtones, you still won't escape the 5ft female single-handedly taking down a handful of 250lb+ trained soldiers
- The combat seemed hella lethargic.
- Ford couldn't come close to filling the void of William Hurt's Thunderbolt Ross. Instead he came across as an MCU Joe Biden; very slow/very out of it.
- The end-credit scene could've either been omitted or included with the last scene of the movie as they seem to take place one after the other. The message was vague and ambiguous to what will lead up to Secret Wars. It was almost as if they weren't confident in what the lead up would be.
- Liv Tyler being in this movie was pointless and probably the easiest check she's received ever in her acting career
Conclusion: All in all this is nowhere near as bad as they're making it out to be. I'd recommend seeing it and at the very least be entertained but not blown away.